

A group of travelers make their way around outer realms, escaping enemies and making tales with no set goal. But what if their journey opens new mysteries of their pasts? it may not be just fun adventures and dramatic combat.

YoungByrd · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
49 Chs

A Night of Rest

The sun is ready to set behind the horizon as everyone finally makes it into the city streets. lights were dimming, most shops were closed, and the roads were nearly quiet with whispers and soft chatter as the group passed by with their battle prize and make their way to the hunters guild.


"It'll be good to get a hot bath."

LENDRAL:(to sarale)

"Sarale, sen va kar ausa tel'quiet?"

[translation](What will you do with me?)


"Teshuel va nae tel' aer. I do not hold rank enough to pass judgment. Sardan and Elyria shall have you."

[translation](Take you to the order.)


"The fact you call her Elyria throws me off. She's the high priestess."


"would you rather I call her the high priestess, instead?"


"no… that would be weirder."


"I thought so. So what will you three do now that we're in town?"


"I'm with you, lass. Once tha beast is sold, I go where you lot do."

KARMA:(to Sarale)

"Well, we obviously need to go to the hunters guild first."


"Bed... I'm done with everything today."

Sarale eyes him and the ichor that still coats parts of his clothes and skin.


"If you and Vajor want to go sell the beast, I'll head to the inn and get our rooms in order. Would you like me to have a bath sent to your room, Aktlass?"

She glances at Vajor and picks at a bit of flaking blood off his fur.


"I'm not even asking you."

VAJOR:*shifts beast on shoulder*

"aye, is always fun in tha moment. The feelin after though…. *grimace*"


"don't you have the head? Let me go get the rooms, you take this since you have a Bag of Holding."

Karma hands Sarale the tendril they had around their neck, Then holds out their hand for the money.


"Hopefully there are enough rooms for everyone."

SARALE:*gives coins to Karma*

"I'm still going with you. I'd rather you not wander around alone. I know you can handle your own, but I don't trust people. (takes tendril) I have faith they can handle it."

Sarale takes the tentacle and puts it in the bag before tying it to Vajor's hip. Karma takes the coins and shrugs.


"Yeah, I know. people are assholes and so are we."


"all we gotta do is be bigger ones, am I right?"

AKTLASS:*glares at Lendral*

"I think we had enough trouble for one day."

Lendral shifts uncomfortably and sidles up next to Sarale. Vajor looks back at Aktlass and lifts a brow before looking back at the building.


"seems like a nice place."


"Yes, well, be happy we're not in a bigger city. they're much worse."

Aktlass steps forward first.



They walk inside to find the inside just as decrepit and worn as the outside. Dim magic lamps flicker as if losing their source of power. the floor boards creaking under their footsteps as they approach the counter at the other end of the small space they had entered. An old dwarf, covered in scars and gashes with an empty eye socket and a chunk of his beard missing, steps out of a back room cleaning his hands when he sees the two giants carrying a displacer beast corpse in with them.


"'E~ll now. wut 'ab we 'ere? ya don' 's'ee a beas' o' dat 's'ize offen, aye, boun'y houn'er?" the dwarfs say smiling, revealing a few missing teeth under his mess of a beard. "ya go' ya's'elf a big frien' dere. what be ya name, 's'tranga's'?"

VAJOR:(business smile)

"Vajor Eirrondronnol, an' who am I speakin' too?"


"teheh! good on'ya, Eirrondronnol! Name's' Bertolindar Smoggs! An' you dere, Boun'y hun'er?"


"Aktlass... What can you give us for this, old Bert?"

Aktlass and Vajor move to set the corpse down in the center platform that was sunk beneath the floorboard.


"HAHAHA! Oh so much! for that, ma'Friend, you can hab' ahund'ed! I'll eben add an extra... eh-twente-fibe' if ya got the other tendril n' head. dese pussy cats are rare a catch nowadays."

The dwarf makes his way to them from the counter and starts examining the corpse, noticing the clean cuts on the missing tendril and head.

VAJOR:(head tilt)

"even with tha damage ta is hide, is worth at least one seventy-five. We 'ave tha head and missing tentacle as well. Whatcha say friend?"

He pulls them from the bag and sets them on the floor next to the body. The dwarf looks at Vajor with a curious gaze and smiles wildly as he goes to examine the head and tendril.


"... 'ell, that depends on the cond's'ion on the missin' pea's'ez, now don' it? if dey be in perfect shape, I'll gibe ya' da full two-hund'ed for the bastard."

The dwarf looks at the tendril first, seeing the cut was clean and smooth with no damage to the skin. the tendril itself was untouched before wrapping it around his neck the same way Karma did with it. He then looked at the head of the cat, thoroughly checking for any missing teeth, tongue damage, head trauma, and vision condition before it's death. it was missing a few back teeth from a old rot that coated a portion of the gums. the tongue had a large purple bruise that oozed green.


"Mmnn~... one-si's'te'. the big beasty's missin' a few chompers from toof decay. an it ate somethin' that busted it'z tongue."

Vajor kneels next to Bert and examines the beast's teeth.


"Tha skin is tha real prize, though. An' wit' tha size o' this one it would make a mighty fine cloak of displacement. Everyt'in' else is yours ta keep. We only want what tha hide is worth. We'll tha' an' tha' tentacles."


"Beh… I'm tellin ye take the price fer the head an extra ten, cuz some crazy collector wan'ed dat alone wid'out the hide! dumb bastard..."

The dwarf makes his way to the counter and to a second room that seemed to lead to a basement. He returns moments later with a large bag and starts counting it out on the counter, then puts the money back in the back and goes to the men to set the bag on the ground next to the beast.


"God damn stubid… here ya are. one-sebente'-fibe… (Whispers) and some extra for the fun. Kehehehe!"

The dwarf takes the head and tendril and puts them in the basement room he came from. then returns with a bag of holding, cuts the beast's legs off the wood they carried it with and puts the corpse away.


"Pleasure doin' ya' badness! Hehehehe!"

The dwarf walks away with his bag and goes back to the office room he first came from.


"Well tha' was easier 'an I thought it would be. Should we be goin'?"


"Let's. I can't wait to wash and sleep."

Aktlass grabs the bag of gold and hands it to Vajor. Vajor places it in the bag of holding and makes his way towards the door.


"I 'ave ta agree. An' somethin' ta eat. I'm starved."


"No kidding."

Aktlass and Vajor leave the guild and head down the road to the inn Sarale and karma headed to, unaware that they were being watched from the shadows.

SARALE: (Huffs *folds arms*)

"They only have two rooms. Karma you wanna bunk with Aktlass or would you rather stay with Lendral and I? Vajor could take the other bed with Aktlass."

She flushes at the thought of him sharing a room with her and Lendral quirks his brow.


"Telsilem, asa'ma'lin?"

[translation](Worried sister?)

SARALE: (hiss & glare)



Aktlass and Vajor enter the inn as soon as they hear her speak in elven. They approach the others.

AKTLASS:(to Sarale)

"I hear frustration in your voice."


"Tel din a av, Lendral."

[translation](Not a word.)


"Did this cumberworld do somethin' ta upset ya, dove?"


"No, they only have two rooms available. We were just trying to figure out the sleeping arrangements."

Lendral snickers, but keeps his mouth shut. Aktlass tilts his head. Karma leans to their side and puts their hands on their hips in annoyance. Their tail sweeps side to side.


"girl, quit lyin'. Lendy here said something to her and she's mad at him now."

Sarale glares at Karma.


"wha' he say, anyway?"


"He said nothing of importance, he's just.. frustrating."


"if he's giving you trouble, then I can already tell no one is going to sleep well with you two in one room. (*grabs Lendral by the collar and pulls him close.*) He's staying with me and Vajor. I don't want to deal with any more problems because of this weakling."


"That won't be necessary, Aktlass. Lendral is my responsibility. As my oath brother it's my duty to make sure he returns to the temple for judgment… unharmed. (glares at Lendral) He's a little shit, but he means no ill will to any of us any longer, isn't that right, Lendral?"

LENDRAL: (stutter)

"y-yeah, I don't want any t-trouble."


"That is not my concern. I simply don't want him near Karma."


"Afraid they'll kill him?"


"Oh don't worry about that. I won't be killing him since he's not my problem anymore."(Yawn)


"go to bed, Karma. You'll be resting with Sarale at your side tonight."


"... mn~... m'kay. night everyone."

Karma heads to their room. Aktlass waits for them to shut the door before answering Sarale.


"... I'm not worried about his death more so than his inability to walk tomorrow."

SARALE:(head tilt)

"His… why wouldn't he be able to walk tomorro- (blush) OH!"


"I'm going to have food delivered to the room, Aktlass. I'll meet you there."


"I uh, took the liberty of having baths sent to your room. One for each of you, minus Lendral. Food as well… yeah, yeah I think he should room with you guys. What do you say, Lendral?"

The half-elf just stares at her, matching her expression.


"Yeah, I think that's a better plan. (looks down the hall Karma went to) I like that plan a lot better."


"thanks for takin' care o' us, dove. Then I'll see ya in tha room, Aktlass. (grabs Lendral) I'll take 'im with me."

SARALE:(dazed & rosy)

"yeah, don't mention it."

Vajor drags Lendral away as they head to the room they would share with Aktlass. Aktlass watches them leave before looking back to Sarale.


"... It's best if you find a way to bind them as well to keep the night quiet. Karma has a habit of sleepwalking after all."


"I'm not tying Karma down, Aktlass. Though I don't need sleep. If I notice anything off I'll wake them up, before they find any unwilling holes to fill,"(shutter)

Aktlass nods and heads upstairs to the room with the boys. Sarale sighs as she watches him leave and heads up to her shared room with Karma.

Vajor awakens to the sound of the doorknob being messed with and quiet cursing as a lock pick breaks. He slips off the bed quietly, his ears twitching, and his tail whipping about his legs.

Lendral watches him and eyes the door, having woken from his own slumber. He locks eyes with Vajor and jerks his head towards Aktlass.

Vajor nods, already on his way to the Yuan-ti hybrid. He shakes Aktlass' shoulder trying to wake the man from his slumber. Aktlass groans and rumbles in his throat before rolling his head over, still sleeping, his tongue flicks out and licks Vajor's hand. Vajor yanks his hand back and grimaces before he places the same large hand over Aktlass' mouth and pops him on the forehead with a quick smack.


"wake tha fuck up. There's someone tryin' ta break in."

Lendral's shoulders shake as he tries to keep himself from laughing at Vajor's actions. Aktlass limbs flail before he sits up and with a muffled grunt and curse when he realized Vajor was holding him. Vajor places his free hand over his lips and removes his hand from Aktlass' face.


"shh, be quiet an' be ready, someone's tryin' ta break in."

Vajor steps away, his ears twitching as he grabs his battleax and makes his way to the door. Vajor glances back, startled slightly at the sight of Aktlass already in place. His tail twitching as he contemplates the Aktlass' barbaric nature. Lendral stares in awe and mild fear as the thought of Aktlass sneaking up on him crosses his mind.

Vajor grips the handle and nods at Aktlass, as the door lock clicks from the lock pick. He yanks the door open with a heave and readies his ax to bring down on the intruder. Aktlass reaches for the intruder's head with his claws and grabs them by the head, covering their mouth, to yank them into the room.Vajor swings his ax down onto the man's flailing form wedging his greataxe into the man's shoulder and wrenching his blade free, blood splattering across Aktlass and Vajor both. Aktlass keeps hold of the man's face as he struggles to break free.

The intruder makes eye contact with Aktlass and feels his blood run cold as if Aktlass had told him he was forever a prisoner to his will. Aktlass sees the intruder trying to break free of him and decides to take advantage of their struggle only to have them slip from his grasp. The assassin breaks free and falls to the ground darting out of the way. His back to Lendral, who brings his foot up and kicks the man in the back making him stumble forward and catch himself. The assassin's eyes dart around the room as his snake-like tongue darts out with a hiss and his pupils become thin slits.

Vajor arcs his ax through the air towards the assassin, who brings his shortswords up to protect himself. The force of Vajor's attack catches him off guard as his ax knocks the swords away and slices through the leather studded armor protecting the assassin's chest, leaving a deep gash in its wake.

Vajor readies for another attack following the momentum of his swing and spins slicing towards the man's arm, cutting deeply as the assassin hisses and swipes at Vajor's stomach twice in quick succession. Vajor jumps back, dodging the blows by a narrow margin.

Aktlass takes a quiet step forward as a tail slides from his lower back, making its way under the bed, and wrapping around the intruder's ankle, trying to make him fall. the intruder takes a tumble and falls into a back roll and lands on their feet into a corner. The intruder notices Aktlass tail slither back into his back and cringes in disbelief.


"Hiisssss~.... the imitation..."

Lendral swings his arms forward and punches the yuan-ti across the face making him bite his tongue.


"Given the choice between looking at your ugly mug or Medusa, I'd take my chances with her. (spit) you're the imitation here, although you would make a fine pair of boots."

The assassin hisses at him and swipes at him with his shortsword, enraged by Lendral's words when Vajor brings the flat side of his battleaxe down across his head knocking the man unconscious. He slumps to the ground in an undignified heap. Vajor huffs and looks back at Aktlass.


"we should tie 'im up. I don' imagine eel be too 'appy when 'e wakes."


"... I actually find your defense surprising. Nicely done."

Vajor binds the assassin tightly before clapping a hand on Lendral's shoulder,


"very well done."

Lendral stumbles and looks up at Vajor then to Aktlass.


"I'm the only one that gets to be a bitch here. He's stepping on my turf."

Vajor's shoulders shake with laughter, his eyes crinkling at the corners,


"Pffft!! I mean you're not wrong, though."


"yer not so bad after all are ya?"


"That depends. I've come to respect your party's strength. That and Sarale is my only chance at not being excommunicated."


"again you're not wrong. (yawns) wake me when he wakes. I'll take a nap."


"Right. You get yer beauty rest. Lendral take tha bed. I'll keep watch."

Lendral nods and sits on the bed, swinging his legs up, and falling on his back. He crosses his ankles, sighs, and he closes his eyes to sleep.