

The story of hero who got into the trouble of supernatural. Many antagonist and one main hero. Battle of war. War to decide the fate of universe.

Soda_Kun · Aktion
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11 Chs

Giant man with hot Sister

Hello, my name is Seig. I am seventeen years old, a highschool student. I was living a quite great normal life. Life was going great until something changed in my life. Now, my life is thrown into the abyss by these monsters.

In front of me is the man who I always thought was a creepy pervert priest but now I find that he is acting as the commander of some sort of supernatural monster group called Aesir. They want to summon their lord. I don't know who the hell he is. So, they can start a Nordic war that they dubbed as Ragnarok.

We are currently in the church for no reason. I mean there is a reason but still not an important one.

"You are chosen for great destiny, Seig. You should go on before you miss the great entertainment!" He smiles in his usual sweet creepy one.

He is technically saying that we should go to hell rather than be in his church.

"Annoying" I say in a low voice that no one can hear.

"I maybe annoying to you but I hold plans beyond what your mind can comprehend"

I am shocked. How the heck did he read my mind?!

"Let's go, Seig," Sakura said.

Even though I want to punch this guy's face, I know that currently I am far weaker than him.

I started to leave the place but suddenly a voice stopped me, "Seig, can I ask a question before you leave this place?"

I look towards the priest. "I am the one who wants answers from you but here you want answers!"

Priest can only smile at my outburst, "Tell me, Seig. Why does the protagonist always win in the end?" He smiled at me with a serious cold face.

"Because they are heroes and heroes are good. So, the bad guys lost?" This is not how the world works, I know that. I can't help but give a childish answer.

"If that's true then why can't the protagonist be the villain and the antagonist be the hero? My main concern is related to the term good vs evil. I don't understand these childish concepts. Why would you hate a villain? Living beings are divided into two groups—good and evil. Both sides are against each other. An eternal struggle for no reason. Isn't the righteous side more villain than actual evil? They devour each other to become the center of the script of the god? Whereas Evil is more beautiful. They do everything they love without any shame and rules. They would do everything to achieve something that they desire. I just want to free those righteous from their role, I want to take away their pain" he finished his speech. I can't say what this guy even thinks but he is psychologically disturbed.

We leave the church behind. We were going in the same direction from where we come from.

"I know a shortcut" I told her.

She didn't say anything but I know that she agreed to follow me.

There is a shortcut that can lead us to Toki town main streets, my house district easily without worrying about encountering those monsters in our way.

We cross the park which doesn't have any visitors. Of course, it is already too late to even walk outside from your house at this time, only street dogs do that.

In the end no time, we reached the town street. None of the house is lightning up. I can't see a single light from any of the houses.

We are walking in silence. I don't know how to strike up a conversation with someone who I don't even know anything about. I am worrying about Tora. Even though she was healed by Sakura, it was still too much for me. I was useless there. I wasn't even able to do a shit against that bastard!

Sakura's hand held my hand. I don't know…what is happening.

"Don't worry, she is okay. Nobody would attack her under my protection. Also, I sent Kinjo for her safety. So, think about yourself"

"Thanks for the support. Umm…who is this Kinjo guy? Is he also from Aesir?"

"No. He is a normal human like you and somehow got into this war with powers" she said.

So, he is like me but more experienced, "So, why did you let him join you? I mean you are literally betraying your lord!"

"Well, I am not a crazy blood killer like them. I joined this group due to a wizard…who forced us to follow the script that he always weaves. Everyone hates him except our lord"

I am confused. What the heck is going on?!

Sakura stopped her steps. I don't know why she stopped.

"What happened?" I ask her.

She didn't reply but instead looked in the front. I look in the same direction as hers.

I saw Sister Lisa!

"Sister Lisa, are you okay?!" Before I could rush in happiness to ask about Rei senpai, but the scene had stopped me. Something is fully wrong in the picture of my vision.

Behind her stood a giant whose height reached above than 300cm. How tall is that thing?! It is not a thing in the first place but a person. He has a very thick build but his face is filled with depressed cold with no emotion. He was only wearing a toga in the name of clothes.

"Lisa, you are here and son of sin too" Sakura looks at Lisa and that giant guy with cold eyes.

"You too, Sister Lisa?!" I am surprised.

"O sorry, Seig. I was sent here to kill a traitor and you are here too. Rei would be sad to find that her lovely junior is dead"

She snapped her finger and said whatever thing was…jump at us, so fast, my whole body got frozen in fear. But before his attack can land on me. Sakura got in front of me and blocked the attack. Now, she is holding a European sword…it looks like it.

That monster jumped again in the air.

"He is at the peak of our current member team" She cursed herself.

Before That thing is able to make contact with the ground, Sakura rushes towards that place of landing and attacks him. But it was all useless against that guy. He is holding an iron club in his hand. He swung his weapon in every direction at Sakura. Sakura is barely able to dodge the attacks. Even a single miss attack air pressure is powerful enough to blow away the whole mansion.

I have to do something! I try to think about my emotions! Why is that not happening again?! Why can't I generate that power?! What is happening at all?!

"You can't defeat him. He is invincible. He is the son of Adam! He is the one cursed by the god. His name is Cain!" she says this with a blood on her face.

Cain, son of Adam. The one who practices the sin. He committed the sin by killing his brother, Abel. He was jealous of him. Jealousy comes from anger. Anger is Wrath. Sin of Wrath.

Before Cain can deliver the final blow to Sakura. My hand emanates blue flames between them. It burns and erases everything in its path.

Cain looked surprised at my flames.

"Flame… of… Satan…" Cain mutters these words.

"So, he has the magic to use different types of flame from single magic. I am jealous now. He is truly the chosen one. Kill the girl and leave that boy" sister Lisa smirks at us.

Cain raised his weapon again to deliver a finishing attack to kill Sakura. But this time, I will save my friend! I rushed between them.

"Take this!" I yell at him as the blue flames take up the demonic shape to devour Cain. But something happened, Cain is alive and well and he redirects my flames at me. I become the shield of Sakura, protecting her from flames with my body! Will I die?!

As flames disappeared. My body is all fine and the thing is that even my clothes are fine!

"I am alive!" Before I can even celebrate my living. Cain delivers his attack at me.

I looked down and saw half of my stomach was gone.

Glossary Time!


Lisa Huren: She is a nun, a sister basically in the Shambhala city's one and only church. Weird enough there is only one church in the whole city. She is also a member of Aesir.

A/N: They are Japanese! Shrines!

Cain: Yes, he is the same Cain as from the bible. Son of Adam. The one who practices the sin. He is the first mortal who committed the sin against anyone.

A/N: He is handsome if he cut off his long hair and weird beard that covers his face and wears good clothes.


Flame of Satan: Blue flames. They belong to the pit of hell. It is one of the flames of Seig. Blue flame is most dangerous to the point it can burn the physical and spiritual existence of somebody.

Mark of Cain: I don't think anybody needs an explanation on this. Cursed by God to be immortal and whoever tried to attack him would get his attack back. Basically he redirects your attack to you.


Aesir: It is a group that collects many ancient people from history. The group is created by a wizard. They are waiting for their lord to come back and bring Ragnarok with him. In Norse myth, Aesir is a category of gods who were descendants of Bor. There are Aesir gods in Norse, like Thor and Odin, the most popular one.