
Ragnarok Online Gamer System

A man appears in a room, without many memories and without a name due to a system error and to compensate a little for the problems that caused him, he receives an "old" version of the gamer system. Little by little he recovers his memories and begins to discover that the small error of which he was the victim is nothing more than the beginning of a disaster. - The system is based on the game Ragnarok Online, a small part of the story takes place in the game but it will focus more on the worlds where the MC will enter. _____________________________________ This is my first story, also English is not my first language so any problem that exists I will appreciate if you mention it. Disclaimer: *I don't own the novels, games, mangas, animes, and movies.

KKLRS · Anime und Comics
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104 Chs

Chapter 73


After hearing an explosion, you can see a person flying out of it, however, he does not advance much for another person to attack him, stopping him before he flies away, although it must be emphasized that the first figure was able to defend himself from the attack only to be launched again when another figure came to attack him.

'Hello everyone, I'm Leonhard, you may be wondering how I ended up in this situation...' Behind Leonhard appears a blonde black winged woman who attacks him with a black flaming sword. He quickly turns to defend himself using the sword on his left arm and then uses his sword on his right and attacks in the opposite direction...

From this direction another blonde woman with dark skin appears, stopping the attack and clashing their swords for a few seconds, all so that a man appears in front of Leonhard trying to stab him with his sword, so Leonhard uses [Back Slide (Moves you backwards 5m)] to escape only to end up in front a another brown-haired woman, who attacks him with her sword-spear...

'Damn, how the hell did I end up being passed around like I was a lowly bitch?' He dodges the attack and try to counterattack but without giving him much time as he sees some papers-talismans floating around him, using [Body Relocation] to escape from the place where he was standing.


"What the hell was posing as Madara worth to me if with a fucking [Dispel] they took away all the buffs I had used!!" In truth, Leonhard did not know what to say, the Chinese are really wise, you cannot fight against 8 arms with only 2, much less against MVPs whose specialty is treating the players like rag dolls.

Even so, Leonhard is actually defending himself quite well, during the last 60 minutes he had killed all 65 Gigantes while defending himself from the 3 Valkyries and Sakray... they heal and cover each other constantly, so it was really difficult to kill all the Gigantes, It was only because Leonhard has attacks that can eliminate them in one hit that he managed to do it.

'To tell the truth, the only really dangerous one in the group is Sakray, that sword is really dangerous.' Leonhard thinks as he continues to avoid Sakray's attacks, something that the others learned to take advantage of. It's really strange to see how real NPC monsters are so creative.

*Ding!* At that moment Leonhard hears a sound and unconsciously opens the chat room...

[Fairy of Frozen Beauty: #Leonhard are you there, answer me quickly!]

That small distraction caused him to fully receive a punch from Randgris in the face, luckily she did only use the [Bash] skill so the damage was not that great, even so it really broke the rhythm of the fight momentarily.

Causing him to receive several attacks from those present and Leonhard has to endure the punishment while watching for Sakray, only dodging his blows while he once again puts things under control and makes everyone retreat with a [Magnum Break].

The fight continues for a little longer and now that he has gotten the desired rhythm again he watches the chat again, seeing that the conversation continued, although clearly he is now more prepared and the MVPs cannot take advantage of his distraction.

[Cha Hae-In: What's going on Yuechan? Right now we are fighting and from what I can see from the city, Leonhard is really having a big fight in that fortress in the sky.

Nightingale: ??? Why does it sound like both of you are in the same place?

Cha Hae-In: We are in the same place! I found Leonhard's shop in the morning and he helped me upgrade my weapons and armor, after that I went to help him save a city in another world.

Yoruichi: Really? How strong is Leonhard? What are they facing? Do you need help?

Nightingale: If you need help I am willing, my specialty is infiltrations, I can kill enemy leaders quickly.

Cha Hae-In: It would be good to have help, although I really don't know who the leaders of these monsters are, we are fighting zombies and skeletons, and I'm currently helping to evacuate people from the city, at the moment we are practically in a zombie apocalypse.]

I quickly tear my eyes away from the chat when I feel an increase in magical power, raising a dome of earth around me, watching as an enormous amount of lightning from a [Lord of Vermillion] hits the area I'm standing on. The bad thing is that these guys must be in a party because their attacks don't hurt them, so I have to escape electrocuted from the place if I don't want to look like a pirate barrel.

From what I see I'm really adapting to my current situation, really the best way to improve is by fighting, they throw me from one side to the other less and less, and I can dodge more and more of their blows, I still have problems with magic but things are getting better

At first I could barely keep up with them, now I see all theirs attacks and sometimes counterattack, the only problem is that I can't really use high impact skills so I don't really cause them much damage, and even if I do the bastards heal it....

I see how Sakray comes to attack me and I use Death Guidance, striking downwards to parry the sword, using Dawnbreaker to counterattack, it is a pity that it is stopped by Sarah, even so I turn both swords around, using Death to make Sarah retreat and with Dawn continue my attack to Sakray, at the same time I turn around quickly, using the force from the attack to defend myself from Randgris's, so I end up turning around in my position, defending and attacking the three attackers at the same time

In the end I use both swords to attack the front, hitting Himmelmez squarely and creating a cross-shaped cut on her chest, however I can't stay still as Sakray lunges towards me and I go back on the defensive, advancing towards him and defending myself from the attack of Randgris who comes behind him, only to end up having to jump over Sarah who attacked me from behind, even so I also manage to cut her shoulder with Death.

'They don't really let me rest, defending myself, counterattacking, no matter what I'm doing there's always more than one attack coming at me, so I really can't stop turning around to defend myself, I wish they really only used physical attacks against me.'

I see how Randgris hits the ground with her weapon and I make a small jump around to attack Sarah who is in front of me. On the ground I see how cracks begin to create after the [Earthquake] skill attack, which was used by Randgris, although thanks to this I have to get a kick from Sarah in the face, but thanks to that kick I can avoid Sakray's blow from behind.

Although I really don't have much time to breathe using my knowledge of martial arts I quickly turned on the ground with my back and  using my legs to kick Himmelmez and Randgris who came to attack me, quickly getting up kneeling to stop Sakray's sword that came to cut me.

I quickly get up and kicked his foot and then his face and turned to stop Randgris' sword and attacked Sarah who defended herself with her sword in front of her face, a great mistake, as I quickly changed Dawn's grip from upwards to downwards and pushed it up, stabbing her into her shoulder and stopping her sword with the hilt of the mine, apparently cutting something as she loses strength in her arm holding the sword.

It's a shame I can't take advantage of this, with the incessant attacks that keep coming, although something that I'm noticing, the attacks with Dawnbreaker deal much more damage than Death Guidance , doing what would be 'real damage'. If I cut tendons, arteries. , nerves, and I can clearly see that I do that kind of damage to them, and they cannot be healed so easily

With Death Guidance, I hurt them but I don't really see it leaving any marks on their body, since even the attack I gave Himmelmez with my sword recently has healed, but Dawnbraker's cut just stopped bleeding but it continues present....  it's a shame that I can't really analyze what's happening.

While I think about what to do I see an opportunity so I let go of Dawn that is on Sarah's shoulder and turn to receive Sakray's attack, taking his arm and making him lose his balance throwing him towards Randgris, and using Death to receive Himmelmez's attack and jumping a little.

I used the attack from Himmelmez to push down Dawn into Sarah when stepping on it, managing to insert my sword deeper into her, then getting ready to take Sakray's arm that comes attacking, pulling it towards me to stab Death in his neck, it is a shame that Randgris defend him, for what I have no choice but to kick her in the face, propelling myself backwards, taking Dawn again from Sarah's shoulder with telekinesis and turning to face Himmelmez.

But not before using a pair of knives to throw them at Sarah, who really seems too hurt to continue fighting, since one of the knives stuck in her back and the other was stopped by Sakray. I only see how Sarah sits on the ground without moving, although she clearly has a lot of HP so she is not dead yet and take Dawn in my hand again.

Now I was finally able to get out of their incessant attacks, before we were tied, now with one less attacker I clearly have the advantage so I quickly concentrate on checking the chat a little and finishing off Sakray who is the most dangerous of all those present.

[Yoruichi: How strong are the zombies and skeletons so that you haven't finished them off?

Cha Hae-In: Not much, but you know well that in these cases it is not the strength they have, it is the quantity, in addition to the fact that they transform anyone they bite so the infection continues to spread, it is fortunate that in this world there are many people who know how to use holy power, so if you haven't transformed they can heal you.

Serana: That sounds more like the power of a Necromancer, so it would be best to finish him off.

Pyrrha: What did Leonhard do to you Yuechan?

Fairy of Frozen beauty: You can talk about that attack later, now I want to know what that guy is really planning to do with my sister!!

Kuroka: I would like to help but... I really don't think I can present myself in front of Leonhard... your sister?

Cha Hae-In: You were being controlled, you don't have to worry, Leonhard already took care of it and I really don't blame you for anything. Your sister? x2

Pyrrha: That doesn't change the fact that we said a lot of mean things about him, I really don't know how to apologize...

Yoruichi: I'm sure he'll forgive you, from the little we know about Leonhard he doesn't really come across someone petty. Your sister? x3.

Fairy of Frozen Beauty: Yes, I don't know how he managed to enter my world and he met one of our disciples and my sister! He clearly wants to seduce them! He even include his dowry for both of them!

Leonhard: {Sound Message} I only gave her a gift! Your disciple is a little girl, I just gave her a gif- Fuck! *Boom! [Jupitel Thunder] PANG! [Magnum Break]!

Kuroka: Are you fighting?

Leonhard: {Sound Message}  YES! Everything is okay, so now I can talk m-, fuck *Clang!* [Cross Impact], what else- [Back Sliding] *Woosh* do you want to know? *Clang!* [Parry][Sonic Wave] *Swish*.

Yoruichi: You really can't tell that you're fighting a simple fight...

Kurumi: Surely he's just bragging, if it were really difficult he wouldn't bother looking at his phone..

Cha Hae-In: I don't think so, for a while we have noticed how that fortress does not stop shaking.... besides he's don't really like to brag, he is just another old pervert.

Leonhard: {Sound Message}  visible facepalm.jp-, *Crash!* Fuck! *Whack!* [Body Recolocation] [Jack Frost]

Yoruichi: Hmmmm~? How do you know that Hae-In? Are you betraying your Jin-woo oppa~?

Cha Hae-In: ......

Kuroka: I want to know the details too, if this is how he can forgive us I don't think it will be much of a problem.

Nightingale: I am more surprised by the fact that all of you can ignore all the fighting sounds in Leonhard's messages

Yoruichi: Leonhard really works fast, we must take care from him~. 

Yoruichi: If Leonhard can answer us it means that he has no major problems


Leonhard: [Grand Cross] Do you need want some of me Yorui- Hmmm? Jesus!]

Seeing the direction the messages are going to, I prefer to intervene first, clearly Cha Hae-In doesn't know how to lie, and thanks to Sarah being out of action I'm really more relaxed, so I send voice messages. Even so, they really continue to attack me incessantly, but they are already showing many more openings.

However, my enemies don't really want to let me rest, since I feel like Himmelmez is gathering power to do the attack he attacked me with the first time, so I try to stop her even though the other two get in my way. So she manages to throw it at me, slowing me a little although it's lucky that it doesn't compare at all to the first time she use it.

I dodge an attack from Himmelmez by jumping a little and stepping on her spear, stabbing it into the ground, however before I can attack her, she continues to use her skill and throws the spear with me on top. Although there is something important that I notice, the wound I made on her chest... the cut I made using Dawnbreaker has opened again...

Although that little distraction cost me again, Randgris appears at my side and this time she puts aside any type of defense and manages to stick one of her wings into my shoulder, unbalancing me with the blow, barely managing to avoid Sakray, but now I'm under a spell of Sarah who is just recovering....

[Leonhard: {Sound Message}  Gugh!! [Meteor Assault] *BOOOOOOOMMMM!!*  Cough , Cough [Sonic Wave] [Jupitel Thund-] *BOOOOOOOMMMM!!*.

Cha Hae-In: Hey Leonhard, are you okay!? What is happening?

Nightingale: ??

Leonhard: {Sound Message}  *BOOOOOOOMMMM!!* Don't worry! Fighting, *THUNDER* intense... [Fatal Menace].

Cha Hae-In: Are you really okay? The fortress is shaking incessantly now, I can even see lightning coming out of the ceiling!, if you need help I can come and help you immediately.

Leonhard: {Sound Message}  [Rage Burst] *Swish* [Wind Cutter] *Schwing*.

Cha Hae-In: Leonhard what the hell is happening!? The fortress was split in half!!]

I finally was able to catch Sakray, after using [Fatal Menace] which practically causes my enemies to be teleported randomly around me and managing to make Sakray appear in front of me I hit him with [Rage Burst] finally finishing him off without him being able to do anything to defend himself, although the attack was a little more... damaging  that I was expecting.

[Fatal Menace, Lv : 20/20, Skill Form: Active/Damage. 

Description: Strikes a target and all foes in a area around the target and immediately warp all foes hit and caster to a random location on the same map. Deals melee physical damage to a target and enemies around it. Damage increases based on BaseLv and AGI. When using knife, deals damage twice.

  [Level 20] : ATK 2400%/HIT+70/Area of Effect 9x9]

[Rage Burst] - 12,181,327,500 HP.

At the moment of hitting him, the entire fortress trembles, and a part of it is damaged. It seems that this shit will not last long, but I was finally able to get rid of the most annoying enemy, however this enraged the 3 Valkyries or the thing controlling them, since their eyes turn completely red now.

Now the Valkyries abandon any type of defense, Sarah with a open wound on her left shoulder almost to her heart and Himmelmez attack me incessantly even though their wounds continue to bleed and open more and more and this time Randgris begins to use magic indiscriminately, so I attack her with [Pressure] and prevent her from using her MP.

[Pressure, Lv : 10/10, Skill Form: Magic. 1 Target.

Description: Calls forth a massive crucifix to crush a single target, inflicting fixed damage and draining a portion of the target's Max MP. This skill ignores the accuracy check, the damage has no elemental property and is neither physical nor magic.

  [Level 10] : Damage 4,000, MP draining 80%, MP cost: 500]

Randgris screams and quickly lunges towards me and begins a new round of dodging and hitting, however this time I have the advantage again I manage to stab Dawn into Sarah's stomach, dropping my swords and quickly turning around to receive a blow from Randgris hitting her back with my skill [Twin Dragon].

[Twin Dragon, Lv : 20/20, Skill Form: Active/Damage 1 Target.

Description: Twin Dragon rapidly strikes a single target with two blows. inflicts Melee Physical Damage to a single target. Can be used as a combo.

  [Level 20] : ATK 1800% / Chance to stun 22%]

I quickly activate the combo [Fallen Empire] [Tiger Cannon] and [Sky Blow] and begin to unleash blows after blows on Randgris who defends herself as best he can, but I still easily manage to get past her defenses... ending with a skill [Gates of Hell] with which finally I manages to finish off Randgris...

[Gates of Hell, Lv : 20/20, Skill Form: Active/Damage 1 Target.

Description: Inflicts Neutral property ranged Physical Damage to a single target. The less remaining HP the user has, the more damage is inflicted..

  [Level 20] : ATK Normal 10,000% Combo 16,000% Bonus Damage * 6]

Gates of Hell  -140,312,258 HP.

Now if there are only Himmelmez and Sarah left, of which Sarah is already seriously injured and impaled in the ground, she has not yet been able to get out Dawnbraker of her stomach yet, nut they both attack me, Sarah with magic and Himmelmez with her sword-spear and I simply dodge them, having completely lost their advantage over me, It's time they know what it feels like to be treated like a Rag doll.

I throw Himmelmez to the ground quickly I feel Himmelmez trying to use some extremely dangerous skill, so I quickly use the [Jack Frost] skill completely on her freezing half of her body under ice and use [Body Recolation] to move on top of Sarah, whom I use [Lux Aeterna] and put my hand on Dawn using [Soul Breaker] inside her body, finally finishing her off too...

Soul Breaker - 276,824,840 HP Critical Internal Damage.

'So can I cause more damage if I can attack them from the inside? More things to experience, it's a shame that with my stats all the monsters will die from anything I do... wait can I make them swallow explosives? All that remains is to investigate it, for science!'

Now only Himmelmez is missing, who finally shows a terrified face, although it is really disturbing to see that red aura around her that forces her to stay here, and I can see how she is fighting against the control of this energy. 

Even so, I don't give it the opportunity, although once again I earn a part of my money and I can't stop experimenting,  so I pierce Dawnbreaker through her heart. And what I suspected happens despite doing only 12,500 damage Himmelmez can only collapse to the ground and I can see how her HP is slowly dropping with the red light finally fading away...

"It's dark... so very dark... Is this... is this what they call death?" As I get more close to her I can hear the voice of Himmelmez who apparently regained her sanity... maybe is the same thing going to happen as with Moonlight Flower?

"Hummph! How pathetic... I the great Himmelmez dying... hahahaha!"  Apparently not, well she really is a tough  woman with her goals well set, so unlike Moonlight Flower she doesn't really regret what she did...  "My body... so cold... I can't move..." Or at least that I through.

"If you have your last words tell them, I will think about it and see if they can be fulfilled." I really don't know why I told her that, since she brought a lot of suffering to this world, but when I look at her eyes I don't see hate or contempt, I only see melancholy...

"Bijou... my poor Bijou... my one and only friend... I... I'm sorry... do you think... she can forgive me?" So in the end she also saw what's really more important... although she's really lucky....

"Yes, she already has forgiven you... now go together and rest in peace." With just my words she is crying, although she doesn't really believe what I say, although as I said she is really lucky, there is 'someone' here who is waiting for her...

So I change my Job to Shura, and in a way that I can't fully understand I blame the warp for it, I help a soul of a young and beautiful white haired woman in a black robe with a halo on her head to be seen in the physical world, and I can see how Himmelmez opens her eyes in surprise, and then show a smile, a true smile from the bottom of her soul.

"You... forgive me? We can.... go together?" After her question, Bijou who is floating a little above the ground smiles and leans down, touching Himmelmez's bloody face, taking her hands and putting each other on, after her soul leaves her body.

Although before leaving Bijou turns around and gives me something, a pair of glass eggs with a black and white fireball inside. Once I receive it she smiles and taking Himmelmez's hand again, Himmelmez turns to look one last time. Both now with halos over their heads and white wings on their backs.

"Thank you" I can see how they both even bow down to me... should they really act like this before the person who ended their lives?

"Sigh... why the hell do I always have to deal with the emotional problems... and now what do I do with this thing you gave me..." I complain as I look at both eggs, and I look at the  other 'people' that are in this place still standing next to me at each side of these eggs.

[Valkyrie's Soul Fragment: It contains some of the Valkyrie's soul and power. Price: ????]

I look in front of me, there are two girls standing, in the egg with black energy is white winged Sarah, crossing her arms and looking to the side without really seeing me, the other egg is Randgris this time with white wings without wounds with white armor and now I can see that her left eye is red and her right eye that was previously covered by a bandage is actually gold looking at me with a smile on her face, as she looks with attention to all the little movements I make... 

*Ding!* I hear the sound of the chat.

'Why do I feel that something worse is going to happen... '

[Yuruichi: I really think you would be a good Shinigami #Leonhard.

Pyrrha: I'm happy for them, despite everything they went through in the end they will be together!

Nightingale: Everything that ends well is good, you did a good job #Leonhard

Kurumi: ...

Kuroka: You really did the right thing #Leonhard, it doesn't matter that she was your enemy, you really are honorable and compassionate to allow her eternal rest.

Fairy of Frozen Beauty: Despite being a man you really respected them until the end, many of those monsters would not have missed the opportunity to take advantage of such beautiful women. So I promise to listen to the explanation you have before killing you.

Leonhard: ......]

'Whaaa!? What the hell are they saying!? Don't say those things to me... although the real question here is, why the hell is it affecting me so much that they say good things about me!?' I hope I'm not blushing... my poker face is already dead.

"You are truly someone worthy of your strength Leonhard, you are truly powerful, but your greatest strength is your heart." Cha Hae-In tells me while holding her phone apparently recording what happened here...

'Heart? I remember that, you can eat that in tacos? The meat is a little tough but really good... great now I'm escaping reality... why the hell I cannot accept compliments?' I can see how Cha Hae-In apparently stops recording as she puts down her cell phone...


[QUEST Battle of Prontera completed!]

'More than seeing what I win in the quest, I want to see what rewards the MVPs, I hope that my thousands of luck points are useful for something...'

[You have obtained 19,670,420 Exp.]

[Bonus for killing the Boss Monster, EXP x 32 to the Boss's killer]

[You have obtained 629,453,440 Exp.]

'I really got a shit experience not even a level up... and the items are the same... in fact I think that almost no monster gave experience and ite..... HOLY SHIT.'

  [The enemy has dropped: 105,488 x Skull,  47,988 x Will Master, 10,648 x Gun Powder 9,663 x Black Powder, 34 Elemental Sword [3], 3 x Sarah's Battle Robe [1], 2 x Fragments of Valkyrie Power, 1 x Powerful Dimensional Essence, 1 x Valhalla's Flower, 1 x Valkyrian Armor [1], 1 x Valkyrian Manteau [1], 1 x Valkyrian Shoes [1], 1 x Helm [1], 1 x Bloody Edge, 1 x Phantom of Himmelmez Card. ]

'I got a Valkyrie set but the important thing is the card... my second MVP card!! It seems my good deeds really paid off!'

[Phantom of Himmelmez Card. Class: Card, Compound on: Garment. Increases holy and neutral property magical damage by 200%. Increases damage taken from all property by 30%. Price:1]