
Who are you?

In a forest not too far from Ora kingdom, some men and children were busy picking herbs, some were learning how to pluck herbs without damaging or reducing the quality, while others held locally made baskets in which the herbs are kept. But they all had smiles on their faces. "Haha!!! It rained "cats and dogs" two days ago so the herbs are very fresh, we can sell each for three silver coins said mr uzo the leader of the group.

Kome.! a ten year old boy with an average look was the happiest of them all. ever since he could talk he had been learning how to treat all kinds of illness from his mom who is a healer. he came here today for two reasons: one was to identify those herbs he had been seeing in the books he read daily. Two was to make money.

This is my first time here, i am so lucky! i wonder how much i will receive from uncle uzo, maybe a hundred coins? he thought happily.

While he was lost in his thought, he didn't realize that the place was strangely quiet and three well dressed kids were talking to him.

Pah"!! one of the kids slapped him, forcing him to fall sideways and immediately snapping out of his thought with blood in his mouth.

Kome has never felt so much pain before, no one has ever slapped him before in his life. "Who are you? he shouted angrily!!!