

The year is 1885, when the great Kingdom of Guerral collapsed. Rael Vonzuir fought on the front lines as the duchess of the kingdom. Following her defeat, she awoke 15 years in the past, into the body of her 15-year-old self. However, her body still has the consciousness of her past self! Can she cooperate with her former self in the same body and challenge her predestined fate?

yakiqx · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Chapter 9 – Rael and Lydia

With a quick twist and pull, Rael opens the door.

The room was spacious. It had a stove, some cabinets, a table with chairs, and a bed. Rael walked to the table and sat down on the chair.

Young Rael: "So, what's next?"

Rael: "Hmm, how about we re-introduce ourselves? We haven't had much time to talk since we split up with Calius."

Young Rael: "All right. Well, you should be familiar with me. I'm Rael, but younger. I've only been a slave up to this point in my life, so I'm still unexperienced and naive. Please take care of me!"

Rael: "I will take care of you, of course. After all, I am you. Though it seems strange to say, I am also Rael, just fifteen years older."

Young Rael: "Good to see you again, hehe. I would like to know, though, how you ended up back here. Why am I still here if you have returned to this point in time?

Rael: "To be completely honest, I have no idea why the two of us are on the same timeline. However, I can share with you the memories I had prior to being sent back in time. Furthermore, a while back, I met a creature who claimed to be the Witch of the World."

Young Rael: "What is that, the Witch of the World? I am curious to learn more."

Oh no, I forgot that she has not really interacted with the outside world at all yet.

Rael: "The Witch of the World is one of the witches who precedes the land of Nald. Witches are entities with their own hierarchies and are frequently too powerful to be concerned with worldly matters. Celestial affairs pique their interest far more. The Witch of the World is the direct culprit that caused my regression."

Young Rael: "Are there such beings with this much power? Why aren't they using it for good deeds and saving lives?"

Rael: "Well, as I said, they're not concerned with us at all. Furthermore, heavenly principles exist, prohibiting the Witches from directly interfering with mortal conventions. With the exception of this Witch of the World, though, she managed to find a way to challenge Kadial by using me."

Young Rael: "Uwah, I am getting confused. Even though they are powerful entities incapable of meddling in our affairs, this witch managed to send you back in time to confront this Kadial guy?"

Rael: "Yeah. Kadial's the demon lord. He has plans to corrupt the witches of Nald."

Young Rael: "Bleh, so he is the source of the world's trouble right now?"

Rael: "To put it bluntly, yeah."

Young Rael: "Now, what are your plans? Do you plan to follow the path that the Witch of the World laid out?"

Rael: "It was her who called me back in time, so I will have to eventually. But for now, I have made the decision to go slower and gradually gather more strength for the final act."

Young Rael: "That makes sense. I fully support you!"

Rael: "Hehe, thanks for that. To begin with, what other name would you like to give me besides 'Rael'? It confuses me when we call each other Rael."

Young Rael: "Oh, so I wasn't the only one getting confused? Ugh, but it wouldn't be fair to change your name when you've been Rael for far longer than me. How about we change my name instead?"

Rael: "You don't mind?"

Young Rael: "Yup! Not if you choose a name for me."

Rael: "Thank you. Hmm, let's see... do you mind the name Lydia?"

Lydia: "Lydia? It sounds so old-fashioned."

Rael: "Eh?"

Lydia: "Just kidding! I like it; it warms my heart when I hear you say it."

Rael: "Haha, you got me there. Well, I'm glad you're fond of it!"

Lydia: "Lydia, Lydia. Hehe, thank you, Rael!"

I smile back at her in my heart.

Rael: "Oh, I was going to tell you about what happened to me before I regressed, but the witches distracted me. In summary, I ascended to the rank of Duchess of Guerral and fought on the front lines until my close friend Claire betrayed me. I have been here ever since she killed me."

Lydia: "Whoa, I could one day be a duchess in Guerral? That is definitely unexpected. However, who is Claire? Why did she decide to betray you in such a cruel way?"

Rael: "It is alright. I think I am almost over it now. Although she did say some weird things before I died, something about 'being too late', and to 'look for her when I wake up'... huh?!"

Wait, how on earth did I miss such crucial clues? Claire did tell me to seek her out when I wake up. Was the witch not the only one involved in my regression? In what way is Claire involved in this story?

Lydia: "What? It seemed as though she was aware that you would travel back in time."

Rael: "You are right. Things seem to be a lot more complicated than I had anticipated.

There were minutes of silence as I tried to reflect on what Claire said while Lydia tried her best to absorb the exposition I'd thrown at her.

Rael: "Ugh, no point pondering over it any more. It's been a long day; let's leave the thinking for tomorrow and head to rest."

Lydia: "Yeah, I'm feeling quite tired. I guess it's time to sleep."

Lydia goes over to the bed and settles in. The world goes completely dark as she closes her eyes.

It is going to be a busy day tomorrow.