
Quick Transmigration: The Villain Saving System

Yin Mei is, or was, just an ordinary girl. An actual ordinary girl - not just those girls that claimed to be ordinary, but had hidden powers or identities. But, upon her death, she was bound to the villain saving system. It's fine and all reading about transmigration, but actually experiencing it? Having to deal with those brain dead male leads, those immoral female leads, and those pitiful cannon fodders, all while helping out the thoroughly blackened villains... Yin Mei: I wanna go home already! Male Lead: Request denied. ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for all the support! Current status: indefinite hiatus

littlemist · Fantasie
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117 Chs

Zombie Queen has the Biggest Thigh of All (10)

In the end, Lei Han left the lab dissatisfied, while Yin Mei also went back home.

The next day, Yin Mei lay on some sort of operating table, her hands folded in front of her stomach as she stared at the bright ceiling, the light casting shadows across her face.

What she was doing was thinking. She lay there, thinking.

Right now, she was really tempted to just smash open the zombie emperor's glass container with a chair or something, but of course that wouldn't work. Anyways, she knew that the zombie emperor was so close to achieving intelligence, so she needed a plan.

Qin Shuang's parents had been killed by zombies, so he naturally didn't have any good feelings toward them. Yin Mei still needed him to be on their side, so she needed to do something about that. As for the Ri twins, she didn't really know what they thought. They hadn't seemed to have lost anyone to zombies yet, but of course, any human wouldn't really be keen on joining up with zombies anyways.

Yin Mei closed her eyes, a twisted expression of exaggerated deep thought and agony on her face.

Everything was so complicated all the time.

Ahhhh, she wished that everything could just be solved by brute force, then she wouldn't have to think so hard!

But she calmed herself down and continued to think.

She didn't know how the zombie emperor would feel with her help, but she could only think that the system wouldn't screw her over that much... okay, she had no trust in the system's decisions. But, she still needed to break him out, so she could only hope he felt grateful to her. After all, in the original storyline, the experimenting done on him in this lab seemed to be the zombie emperor's source of hatred toward humans. Man, they must've done some messed up stuff to him in the lab. Though, Yin Mei had never seen it. Actually, all she had seen was him floating in that glass cylinder in the middle of the lab all day.

She was really curious, what were they actually doing with him? Because by all appearances, he was just kept there inside that golden liquid.

She thought that she should ask Ming Wei, but this wasn't really important.

For all she new, they were using some prototype ability enhancing liquid on him or something and monitoring his results. But such a tame experiment??

Actually, now that she thought about it, she had yet to see the "torture"-like experiments that Lei Han had gone through and described in the information.


Wasn't that a little weird?

She wasn't quite sure why such a thing was the case...

Could it be that he didn't resort to such means until later on in the apocalypse? Or perhaps he had a change of heart as a result of some butterfly effect or something?

No, no, no, she couldn't have that happening. Ming Wei needed to be the evil scientist! After all, she still needed him to inflict much suffering on Ming Yu for her.

Though, that was another thought...

This world was already different from the two timelines described in the original storyline.

In her previous world, the changes in the timeline never really mattered. Her actions didn't seem to have much of an effect. Okay, aside from killing off those important leads, it didn't seem to have much of an effect, at least, not in any way that pertained to her. Well, okay, okay, except she ended up dying at the hands of the female lead. But, Feng Hua had been destined to die as cannon fodder against the male lead, it had just switched over to the female lead in the end. But really, Yin Mei didn't think that the changes in storyline were so big as to particularly make her feel it was a concern.

But this time, she was growing slightly concerned.

Now that she thought about it, Ming Wei was never really described much in the second timeline of the information. It was all from the previous timeline. Maybe that was why he was "different"? But how different was he?

How different was this timeline in general? Because of the changes that Lei Han had made, many formerly strong characters of the previous timeline had faded into obscurity, while other unimportant people who had probably never surprised ended up rising to power alongside Lei Han.

The zombie emperor was, in the end, never actually properly defeated by Lei Han.

In the previous timeline, he was the first zombie to gather up an army (different from a zombie horde) and create what was known as the traveling zombie empire.

In the next timeline, he also did so, mostly unimpeded by Lei Han's actions.

Though, many of his former powerful aides did die by Lei Han's hands, it was as if it had no effect on him, and he always had new and powerful zombies to replace them. Hell, wasn't the zombie emperor a little bit too strong of a last boss? Wouldn't the readers be angered if the big villain was never defeated in the end?

And this time, a couple of researchers wheeled a zombie corpse into the operating room, nearly having a heart attack when they saw Yin Mei on the table, who looked like a still corpse for a minute there.

"Miss Yin Mei, could you get off the operating table please? It isn't for you to sleep on." A researcher said in a slightly complaining and exasperated tone, and Yin Mei lazily looked over to him.

"I'm not sleeping, I'm thinking. Laying on an operating table really makes one focus you know." But Yin Mei didn't make things difficult for the man, and got off, leaving for the day. She had actually already finished work, but since Ming Wei didn't say she had to leave, then she would shamelessly use the operation room for her thinking, thanks very much.

As she walked back home, she thought that she actually had a decent amount of free time these days, so she should use it to find one of Lei Han's allies.

It should be about time for him to come to B City now, right?

Aside from him, there was still the mysterious Ice Emperor, who was thought to be a member of the special forces team of B City... The odd thing was that Yin Mei had checked a little while ago, and B City's special forces actually didn't have anyone with an ice ability yet.

She thought that surely the Ice Emperor would already be a member of the special forces from the beginning, but was she mistaken? The information on him was just too little.

Yin Mei shook her head, the priority was Lei Han's ally that would be arriving soon.

The ally's name was Wen Jing. He was a clumsy professor-type of person. It could be assumed that he had died before being able to do anything in the previous timeline, but in this one, he had been taken under Lei Han's wing and so was able to flourish.

Wen Jing was a botanical professor, and so under Lei Han, he began researching how to evolve plants in all different ways, mostly for the benefit of humans so that they wouldn't have such a shortage of fresh crops. He was a very useful person that would solve any of B City's potential future food shortages. In the previous timeline, B City had somehow solved them using other more drastic measures, but with Wen Jing, they hadn't need to take those measures and became even more flourishing than before.

As Yin Mei served Ming Wei his dinner a week after, she brought the matter up as Wen Jing's arrival was quickly approaching. "Doctor, can you help me see if anyone called Wen Jing enters the city in the next week or so?" She said, sitting in the seat across from him.

Ming Wei didn't like being interrupted during his meal, but he was unable to bring up a complaint toward the person who was in charge of his food. He put his spoon down with a clink, nodding in agreement. "Are there any other details about this person that I should know? I'll talk to the guards in charge of the gate later."

"He's a professor who specializes in the genetic modification of plants. I think you should take him into the lab," Yin Mei recommended.

Ming Wei gently tapped his spoon at the edge of his bowl in thought. He would have to look up any articles about this "Wen Jing" person, as he didn't recall the name at first thought. But, someone who specialized in plant modification would certainly be useful - it was true that they didn't have anyone like that currently in their lab. Ming Wei resolved to bring him in for now and do a skill check later. He nodded to placate Yin Mei and then returned to concentrate on his food.

Yin Mei rolled her eyes at his indifference, but didn't say anything. As long as he kept his stomach pleased, she knew that he would acquiesce to most of her requests, as long as what she asked wasn't a big deal. After all, hmph, if he didn't, she would definitely dump a mountain of his most hated chili pepper flakes onto all of her dishes from now on.

In the end, a Wen Jing was useless to her, as zombies didn't need to eat. Dammit, she couldn't win over the zombie emperor with food like she did with Ming Wei. Curse those abominations that would only eat raw flesh, even after ranking up. Since she thought like that, she decided she might as well give this guy to Ming Wei so that he would only feel more impressed with her.

When Yin Mei followed Ming Wei back into the lab, she shot a sharp blaming glare toward the zombie emperor, but to her shock, he seemed to have the faintest of cold smiles on his face as he blinked, looking at nothing.


Did she just imagine that...?

"Doctor," Yin Mei said in an empty voice, her body feeling cold, but excited at the same time, as if even it couldn't decide what to think.

Ming Wei turned paused his steps, turning his head around. He could see that Yin Mei was looking at the zombie emperor, like she often did. He sometimes wondered what relationship she had with the person that looked exactly like that zombie, that she would react so controversially when it came to that thing.

But it wasn't his business.

"Yes?" He replied, going to sit down at his normal spot as he arranged his research notes, about to pull out his experiment tools.

"What rank is this zombie currently at?" Yin Mei asked, her voice soft.

Ming Wei looked up, and then raised an eyebrow. "He was still at rank 4, earlier, like he has been for the last few months."

"But what about now?" Yin Mei asked, her voice still soft and patient.

Ming Wei didn't know what had gotten into the girl, but he still stood up and went to check the monitor and control screen at the glass cylinder, tapping something on it a few times. "Rank 5? So quickly? I had expected it to take another few years..." Ming Wei said in amazement.

"Rank five? Really rank five? Haha..." Yin Mei closed her eyes, her body seeming to visibly relaxed.

Yin Mei grabbed Ming Wei's hand, turning him around and switching their positions so that she was now the one in front of the glass cylinder.

"What are you-"

"Sorry doctor," Yin Mei said, but her expression was one of satisfaction.

"What are you talking about?" Ming Wei was immediately suspicious, narrowing his eyes at Yin Mei. Unease began to grow in his chest as he looked at her expression.

"Recently, I was able to obtain a rank 3 zombie core. Because of the cores that you gave me, I was able to level up the ability of my companion so that he could steal a rank 3 core from one of Lei Han's hunts. Haha, that guy's expression at that time was great. But, we were successfully able to rank up as a result." Yin Mei took out a blood red glove, slipping it onto her right hand. With Qin Shuang's ability, he could even change the fundamental characteristics of blood at this point in time, making something like this glove, that was flexible, but also hard, almost like thin chainmail.

"My companion's ability is really interesting. But with this rank up, his ability now has a radius that encompasses about half the city. So, he can reach this lab from anywhere in the city,"Yin Mei raised her hand with the glove on it as she called out, "Plan K2," and grabbed a handful of invisible something - string, that shined a red light when she slightly tugged on it. "This was sooner than I thought it would be, but I'm glad I started making my preparations early."

"Did you know that the glass used for this guy's container can only withstand up to a rank 3 zombie's force?" She pulled hard, and the threads wrapped around the cylinder tightened, the glass breaking as the liquid flooded out, drenching Yin Mei in it.

"Damn, that was not expected." She muttered, looking a bit like a drowned cat. She pushed her hair back. The only problem with Qin Shuang's ability right now was that although his strings could reach here, he was still lacking a little in the department of fine control and so needed a bit of Yin Mei's aid in moving the strings.

Only through the two cooperating could the strings move with a finesse that was impossible for either one of them normally. But, well, this had taken so long to practice. It was like trying to master string puppets in a very short time.

"What have you done," Ming Wei said, his eyes almost bulging out of their sockets as he stared at Yin Mei. She had just released a rank 5 zombie in the lab. A rank 5 city! Even if they gathered all of their special forces, they still wouldn't be able to stand up to it.

"Sorry, doctor," Yin Mei apologized again, looking truly apologetic. "I truly wanted to stay around and see you create the cure, but it seems like I'll have to stop here. As a bonus for your help so far, I'll tell you the key ingredient that you could never obtain last time though - it's the core of the zombie that will be known as the Dark Saint, once it has been upgraded to rank 10."

Ming Wei couldn't understand what she meant by "last time", and though he knew he couldn't trust her, but he still committed these words to memory, like a bad habit.

"Don't worry, I won't destroy the lab to badly." With those words, Yin Mei grabbed a wrapped in sticky threads of blood zombie emperor like a sandbag, and ran off to the entrance, the doors cut open by the threads as she went.

The alarms had long been disabled, and nothing sounded as she ran out of the lab. It was already dark outside, and because electricity had to be saved, there were only a few lights that kept Yin Mei from becoming totally blind in the darkness.

"Running at the speed of light, zoom~" Yin Mei said, laughing in the dimly lit darkness as she ran toward the gate. The stars were bright, and the moon was out. If there was one benefit of the apocalypse, it was that the natural starry sky could finally shine through, no longer blocked by bright city lights. "It's a good night to commit a crime, isn't it?"

A/N: Don't worry guys, I'll try and release as many bonus chapters I can for Trending/Top 50 celebration. So for the days I'm in trending, I'll write as much as I can, just don't want to get burnt out though so it won't be anything crazy.

Song of the Day: Wonderland by Taylor Swift (I went to Taylor Swift's Reputation tour the other day, and she sang this song and it was great. We got floor seats for cheap and were literally so close, I fangirled so hard when she looked in my direction lol. Although I didn't like the Reputation songs that much in the beginning, going to the concert was a whole different experience and made me see the songs in a new light. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9f0k63E1uAo)

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