

[Host. There are precisely 500 hours left before the end of the mission.]

Yu Qingyu flinched, startled by 520's sudden announcement.

"Mr. Virran, is there something wrong?"

Yu Qingyu turned his eyes to the photographer, who was staring at him from above the camera. "I'm sorry. I just felt a bit dizzy all of a sudden."

"Is that so? Do you need a break?"

"No, it's fine. We're almost done, right? Let's wrap it up first."

"Alright. Then, can you turn a bit to the left? Raise your hand a bit higher… Lift your hair a bit… Yes, like that!" The photographer snapped a few photos. "Next, brush your hair back… Raise your chin… Give me a soft smile…"

Yu Qingyu listened to the instructions, adjusting his pose. It was hard to maintain his focus, as he was distracted by what 520 had just said, but he managed to complete the photo shoot somehow.