
Question? Am I An NPC? So Cringe!

Join the Adventures of Giann living inside a Game where he reincarnated as A NPC in a Virtual Living Game on Earth. "Seriously? A NPC?". an Assasin sneered looking at the NPC title on the cloaked figure standing on a dark alley, as he was about to use his skill Stealth and Backstab. A dazzling thunder flash passed through him. "How-". the Assassin didn't even finish his question of how the hell did he die. The instant the Assassin died his body was reduced to white particles. "I am a NPC. So what?". Giann grinned.

GIDICAsan · Fantasie
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25 Chs

Chapter 6

Somewhere in a vast peaceful city..

Small particles of light formed a human shape and another human shape was also forming at a fast rate like a disease spreading.

Soon the whole city was filled with those human shapes.


"So this is Divine Domain!" a mage class player shouted in excitement as he saw his surroundings as he jumped around like a little child receiving a candy.

"This game too real! Feels like I'm in a different world. Did I get "eskaied"?!" another player, who was a berserker class, asked himself while pinching his cheeks hoping he got reincarnated.

"Jackass! Go touch some grass nerd!" another player who was near the berserker player smacked him in the head.

"Quick! Let's round up players and recruit them to our Guild!" a sword class player was telling his another player near him to gather new players.

Somewhere in a Lvl 10 forest.

Giann was currently hunting Level 8 Haste Rabbits.

"These Haste Rabbits are a fucking pain in the ass! I can't believe some of them didn't get caught in one of my great traps." Giann was cursing this little cunts as they were fast like a cheetah while he was laying on the ground itching his butt as his super disguised suit was super tight.

The reason why Giann was hunting these Rabbits who were 3 levels above him was the Haste Rab

"This suit is killing me! I can't believe this thing is Smoky's size. He small as f!" Giann complained non stop.


"Shit! My deduction was right!" Giann cursed.

"Fuck! Shit! This pressure is overwhelming me! COULD THIS GET ANY WORSE?!" Giann cursed again while he felt like a fucking mountain was on his shoulder.

This pressure of course was his responsibility.

[Most the players now are Lvl 1 but we're talking about Earth's players here! A lot of players are fucking geniuses. I bet those geniuses who will join later in the game will start grinding non-stop! Fucking cunts! Wait that also includes me haha!] Giann laughed in his mind as he was one of the players who were game addicts.

"Though my skills are kinda meh." Giann admitted his weakness.

Giann was worried not that because players were here. It's because if someone defeats the Divine Demon earlier than him. Who knows?! Maybe he'll be stuck here not knowing what's happening to his sister in the outside world.

[Calm Down! Calm Down!] Giann sighed as he inhaled the cold air.

As Giann released a relaxed sigh.

[It took me 16 years to get to Lvl 5, due to living in a low EXP(experience points or just experience) area, grinding levels was tiring as fuck. More importantly, my family eliminates every living monster in there area leaving me being a low leveled player.] Giann thought as he felt disappointment of his current level.

As Giann wondered in the forest. Giann saw a 6 feet snake with jade like scales.

As Giann scanned its attributes, he smiled with tears.

"I'm gonna die today I see. Huhuhu." Giann wiped his tears as he continued giggling.

*Author: Weird using giggling.

[Jade Python, Lvl 10, Tier 0, Elite Monster]

[HP/ 1,000]

Elite Monster!

The only creatures that Giann's family left for him to be his punching bags were Common monsters.

Elite monsters were much tougher and the loot they drop are 3 times more better than common monsters' loot.

As Giann saw his equipment he sighed helplessly, Giann's entire equipment constisted mostly lvl 4 and 5 items and as he saw his rusty sword, Giann lost hope second by second.

"Wait I think I could escape this cunt! DASHING LINK!!" Giann shouted unintentionally as realized he had an escaping skill.

As Giann shouted, the Jade Python locked its gaze to Giann.

[This day could really get worse!] Giann thought.

The Jade Python instantly approached Giann, as Giann saw this he instantly ran. Duh!


"No way I'm giving up that easily!" Giann shouted as he ran as fast as he could.

The Jade Python only hissed back as its speed was increasing.

"Oh shit!" Giann cursed as he saw. this as he used his Dashing Link as he teleported on top of a very tall tree.

"Shit! I'm out of options! I still have 9 minutes until the Dashing Link cooldown recharges." Giann said as he racked his brains to escape this cunt.

The Jade Python was still on the ground smelling Giann's scent as it continued to go in circles around the tree.

"I need to escape! But how? Wait! The Summon Wheel! The skill didn't metion how far the summon could go far away from its summoner. I could use this to escape." Giann said.

He waved his hand and a large portion of fog appeared and a shadow appeared in it.

As the fog dissipate, a huge bull like creature appeared.

A Ox with red fur and black skin appeared from the fog and before Giann could scan its stats.


The branch Giann was sitting broke, Giann and the Ox fell down on a fast pace.

"Oh Shhiieeeeee.." Giann shouted as he continued to fall.

The Jade Python instantly noticed the disturbance but instead of moving afar the Jade Python just hissed as it opened its mouth, ready to receive its meal.

But instead of a happy meal the horns of the OX pierced the Jade Python!

-890 HP

- 30 Additional Fall Damage

The Jade Python shrieked as it wriggled its giant body in a crazy state but the weight of the bull was very sturdy due to its metallic skin.

[Jade Python, Lvl 10, Tier 0, Elite Monster]

[HP/ 80]

Seeing the python's weakened state, Giann grabbed his sword and continuously stabbed the snake.








After a few minutes, Giann ended the miserable state of the python as the Jade Python's body dissipate into white particles then a bunch of items appeared.

"Thank you Red Ox!" Giann bowed to the already disappeared Ox due to its cooldown.

"I smell treasure. Mmmm-mmm." Giann giggled as he licked his lips as he did the "SWAG!"