
Queens Not Only For Kingdom But Also For Lives

Twin sisters who were born on a full moon day to bring happiness, wealth and prosperity to the Jasmine kingdom. But fate prepared another plan and got separated on the same day when they were born. Maira who is living in the enemy kingdom without any fear and has mastered many skills under the nose of the same king who separated them. She is eagerly waiting to meet her twin sister who is widely famous with her beauty and skills. On her way to meet her sister she met a creature and got a boon from it. Will that boon help her in getting back her kingdom and parents? Ashmita who is living along with her grandfather the king of a great Lotus Kingdom. From her childhood she desperately waited for her sister's arrival and mastered many techniques and became famous for her great ability in assassination. She is widely known and “Devil Beauty ''. On her mission along with her team she meets a group of different creatures and provides shelter to them in the kingdom. Will those creatures be friends or foes? Abhijit who is a doctor's son and childhood friend of Maira loves her from his childhood but is not able to express his feelings to her. But suddenly an unexpected truth brings a lot of changes in his life. Will this affect his love life? Rishi Prasad who is a prince of the Great IRIS kingdom falls for Ashmita on their first meeting. Rishi didn’t fancy any girl in his life but Ashmita changes everything but will he accept his feelings and propose ashmita? Will his love at first sight become success?? There are so many questions and so many twists and turns of events going to happen. Are you ready to ride this roller coaster? Then why are you waiting? Come and join me to know their beautiful and colourful journey.

AarnaReddy · Fantasie
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123 Chs


Karthik and Vijay landed in the forest like they came out from a room. It is still shocking for them to know that they are already near the Lotus Kingdom. It is already dusk and everything is dark.

But without further delay they both travelled towards Palace to find that culprit. They need to complete this mission without fail.

When they reach the border the soldiers are present and they are thoroughly checking each and everyone without leaving an inch.

When they saw Karthik and Vijay they seemed shocked but instantly felt relieved by seeing them. They reported the update about the search to them.

After listening to their words, Vijay and Karthik deduced that Indrajit did not escape from their grasp. He is nearby and will be caught soon.

Indrajit's pace is reducing drastically and he is getting tired easily. He didn't travel much and he is looking for a way to escape.

But it is already too late that every place is tightened with security. He spent most of his time resting on the trees.

He understood that he was injected with poison and he didn't have much time left. But he didn't waste a single opportunity to escape from these grounds and move to the Rose Kingdom.

He wants to send a message to the Rose Army to come for him when he safely leaves this place. With this thought he estimated the approximate time to leave this kingdom and prepared to send a message.

When time comes he will send a message to his people to save him.

Meanwhile, doctor elf Leo shivered when he heard his master called him by his name. It is ages he heard his name from his master. He never called him with his name.

But his concern is not this. Apart from elves no one knows his name, except two people. Leo's eyes widened when realization hit him.

"Master, you mean that he is Maira master? The one who trained Elsa" Leo asked with bewilderment.

"Smart as always," Oak commented.

"Apart from that old man no one teaches these techniques in this world. I am now sure he is the master for Maira and Abhijit as well" Oak stated.

"What about abhijit? Did you find something about him?" Oak inquired.

"Hoo Yes master. I tried to dig about him but there is nothing special about him. His single mother raised him and she is the doctor. After that he became friends with Maira. Like you said they both got trained under one master" Leo informed.

"If there is nothing special about him, that old man never took him under his wings. What about his mother? Anything special about her?" Oak asked.

"No master. I didn't search about her in detail. I just started the investigation. I need more time to get all the details" Leo stated.

"Okay. Take your time. But I want all the information needed. Abhijit and Miara are our final threads to save our clan." Oak said firmly.

"Understood master." Leo informed and immersed himself in the work.

When Maira opened her eyes it was already dawn and morning sun rays kissed maira fair skin. Maira opened her eyes groggily and looked up when she felt an arm around her waist.

Maira's eyes felt on the handsome face. Abhi is sleeping peacefully on the ground with her in his arms. Maira smiled seeing Abhi's face early in the morning and all her worries disappeared into thin air. Maira felt like she was in the safest place in the world.

Maira shifted comfortably in his arms and started touching his eyebrows, eyeballs, eyelids, nose and his lips.

Her hand stopped on his Adam apple and suddenly she felt the moving of that. She took her fingers instantly and closed her eyes pretending to sleep.

"Good Morning Beautiful" a husky and lazy voice greeted maira and abhi kissed her hair.

Maira did not respond and pretended to sleep. Abhi chuckled at her antics and hugged her tightly.

"I know you are awake. If you are not awake then i will kiss you till you wake" Abhi stated.

Maira's eyes widened and woke up suddenly and looked at Abhi angrily.

"How can you do that in broad daylight?" Maira asked while folding her hands in front of her chest.

Abhi didn't wake up but he turned to maira's side by supporting his head with his hand and asked "Why not?"

"Because we are outside," Maira informed.

Abhi pretended to be in thought and asked "So it is fine if I do it inside right?"

"Huh.. No No" Maira's eyes widened further and shook her hands in denial.

"That's not what I mean?" Maira tried to explain but Abhi burst into laughter. His laugh is like a melody to maira ears.

Maira looked at Abhi stunningly. Maira caressed his cheek with her fingers and looked at Abhi gently.

"Abhi, You know one thing. This is the first time I am seeing you laugh like this after I came here. I really missed your laugh" Maira said.

Abhi was stunned for a second and smiled warmly. He kissed maira's hands and sat up.

"With you around I will always like this maira. So never leave my side" Abhi stated.

Maira looked at abhi for sometime and smiled "Never Abhi"

"Thanks Maira. You don't know how much that means to me" Abhi stated.

"Maira. What happened? Why did you use teleportation skill? You are against me using that skill. So why did you use it now?" Abhi asked, recalling yesterday's events.

Upon hearing Abhi's question, Maira's facial expression changed. The calm face is replaced with coldness. Abhi observed the sudden change of expressions.

"What happened maira? Anything serious?" Abhi asked.

Maira closed her eyes to suppress her anger and replied "Indrajit escaped"

Abhi didn't show anything on his face but his happy face is gone and his stoic face remains.

"Don't worry Maira. They will find him" Abhi reassured her.

Maira smiled and nodded her head. "Abhi, I need your help," Maira asked.

"Anything for you Beautiful" Abhi replied with a gentle voice.

Maira blushed and said ""Thank you. Let's go. Before someone find us out".

Abhi nodded and helped maira to stand up and they both left to their rooms to freshen up.

Hello My Dear Readers. It’s been a year since I started writing this novel.

What?? Got shocked right? Well me too. LoL. It’s really unbelievable. I learned a lot in this time period and there is still a lot to learn. Well, it is never ending you know ;)

I started this novel by dedicating it to my niece. Today is her birthday and it is really memorable for me. Thanks for your continuous support and love for my novel. Please support it till the very end like this and spread this to everyone.

My Heartfelt Thanks to each and everyone who read, voted and commented on this novel. This is just the beginning of my journey there is still a lot more to discover. Please shower your love on my novels.

Happy Reading!!

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