
CH. 19 Yami vs Juvia

Yami has blasted away from Juvia just because of her magic. Yami is considered as one of the strongest mages in the Clover Kingdom, but now he was pushed back. "What's wronged boy?" "Scare?" asked Juvia smiling at Yami.

'This is bad, my attack won't reach her at all' thought Yami, but he coated his sword one more time and rushed in. "He's brave," said Juvia knowing that Yami won't be able to win against her. There a huge gap between their power. "Dark Magic: Dark Cloaked Avidya Slash" and he swings his sword toward her. "Water Magic: Shield" and water gathered to form a blue shield and blocked Yami attack. "Water Magic: Aqua Punch" hitting Yami back and crashed into the ground.

At Black Bull HQ

Asta and everyone was shocked that Yami was pushed back. The ones who came before Asta like Vanessa, Magna, Finral and Luck knew how strong Yami is. Suddenly they feel that there was someone by their side. Asta turned and screamed in surprise as he sees all the Magic Squad Captain and the Magic Emperor by his side. "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE!" shouted Asta as the others member screamed in surprise as well.

The Magic Squad Captain and Magic Emperor came the moment that Yami was trying to attack, but was sent into the ground. "What a strong Magic Power!" said Julius as the other Captain nodded and look intense at the battle in front.

At the Battle

Juvia walked over to Yami "How are you?" "Giving up so soon?" asked Juvia. There was no response, Juvia then walked back heading to the Black Bull HQ. "Wait! I haven't given up yet!" and there was Yami slowly getting into his battle stance.

Juvia was surprised at Yami. "Good!" said Juvia. Yami is then gotten into one of his fighting stance, which was recognized by Julius "Everyone dodged!". Everyone was confused at what Julius has said.

Yami concentrated a huge amount of dark magic to his sword and aimed at Juvia. "Dark Magic: Dark Cloaked Dimension Slash!" and swing his sword down. The moment he swings his sword a sharp blade of Dark Magic, the power that can cut through space was release to Juvia

"Water Magic: Deep Sea Iron Shield!" and water gathered into a huge shield and blocked the attack, but the shield suddenly breaks into pieces. This surprised Juvia as she knew that the attack was strong, but it shouldn't be able to break her shield. Juvia turned to Yami but founded that he has lost fainted due to using to much power. She smiled and went to help Yami. "Water-Make: Water Tiger" and a blue tiger appear and carried Yami and follow Juvia back to Black Bull HQ.