
Queen of the Purple Flame

"hold your head up high, smile and laugh the loudest, the more I hurt the loudest I laugh" - Queen Lucille's motto. "Will the Queen rise or will she fall" In the Kingdom of Oakencrest a young mysterious girl struggles to control her powers, destined to be a Queen. She overcomes heartache and pain in a bid to struggle with the darkness that lurks in her heart, her only light in the darkness is her closet confidant the High King of Oakencrest, but her if she loses that will she fall prey to the darkness or will she stay true to the light.

Rich_L_Wolf · Fantasie
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I The Mysterious Girl

It was a hot breezy night in July, the end of the fifteenth century, when the sound of a crying baby could be heard down the cobbled streets of Villamorte the southern part of La Royaume, as a young woman opened the door to the chalet she saw a glimpse of a shadowy figure scurry away, then she looked down on the doorstep and there she saw a baby girl in a cot crying her eyes out.

"Christophe, come here promptly mon chéri!" she called to her husband speaking in the French tongue, "What is it Angeline ma femme chérie?" her husband called as he slowly walked beside her. "See for yourself mon chéri." As she showed him the baby on their doorstep, she flung her beautiful blonde wavy hair to the side as her husband looked over the baby.

"Come we better bring her inside until we know what's to be done with her, she could catch a death out here." So they brought her into their cosy little chalet and placed the cot on the oak polish table where they normally ate. They examined the baby girl, Angeline smiled mon chéri, look her she's so beautiful and look she's stopped crying maybe we are meant to find her." Christophe laughed "We didn't find her she found us." They both smiled as they embraced as a new family.

They couldn't have children of their own, so when Angeline saw the baby on their doorstep, she thought this was her little miracle. Her husband only just stood over the sweet baby girl mesmerized by her, when he noticed that she had gleaming purple eyes, which made him stop in his tracks, as it was abnormal in Oakencrest to have eyes of a different shade, though Oakencrest was a kingdom of mysticism and magic.

"Oh mon Dieu, she has purple eyes!" Angeline ignored her husband "So what, these are strange times we live in so why not live with them." Her husband tried to wrap his mind around all of this, when suddenly there was a white flash and their appeared a beautiful Queen dressed in white, she had long silver hair and wore a crown of diamonds, she held a clear quartz crystal wand in her right hand.

Angeline screamed and Christophe took out his hunting knife stashed in his left boot for emergencies. The Queen waved her wand "Refrigeo" Christophe's knife threw out his hand and buried itself in the kitchen wall. The Queen smiled "Now are we going to conduct ourselves or shall I eradicate you where you stand!" Christophe grumbled to himself, "What do you want?"

"The child you found will grow into a magnificent mage, when she is older you will bring her to me, she has a great prophecy about her, if she is the one I think." They looked at her as if she was bonkers, "She isn't a mage she is just a normal girl."

"She is now but when she is old enough she will demonstrate signs of magic and when that day comes you must send for me, just summon me by calling The White Queen and I be there." Christophe wanted to hit her but he knew what would happen if he did so he just asked her. "And what if we don't want to give her away to the likes of you." He growled.

She laughed but it came so cold and wicked, it petrified them both, "Then there will be dire consequences for the both of you." Angeline got a bit unsteady in the knees "Is that a threat?" she asked "Ha-ha no it's a promise and you better well keep that in mind." She smiled and she was gone in a blink of an eye before they could get a chance to ask her more.

They both just stood there in disbelief, till Christophe broke the silence "who the hell was that eccentric women." As if she was off her broom stick and didn't believe a word that came out her mouth. "I think she is the White Radiant Queen. Who founded Wizitch?" "Toujours come again the what?" "Wizitch I've read about in mythology books, but it was supposed to be a myth, but looks like it could be true." He couldn't get his head around it so he just nodded.

"Wait look at this ma femme chérie, I think I've found something!" Christophe had dug into the inside of the cot and took out envelopes with gold hand writing one had the name of the child "Look her name is Lucille, how beautiful." Smiled his wife "And look this is addressed to us." Replied her husband at the top in bold gold writing said OPEN ME FIRST. So they sat down and read Christophe broke the seal and opened it with his hunting knife, which he retrieved from the wall, he began read aloud whilst his wife played with young Lucille:

To whom it may concern

I write this letter in the state of grief for the death of my wife, by time you read this you will have ma loving fille with you I leave her in your capable hands. For I can't take care of her without seeing the face of ma femme chérie, this is not a decision I took lightly, but you must keep her true identity a secret, for she is the heir to La Royaume throne, you must keep her safe until her eighteenth name day on which you will hand her my letter and all will be revealed


Hénri le Duc la Beauamont

So together they brought up the little witch girl as their own to their new addition of the Maylis family. At the time they didn't know what she was and what would befall. They ignored the White Queen's advice and raised her as if she were a ordinary girl and ignored people when they made remarks about her purple eyes for they knew in their hearts she was a special girl that was destined for great things what, things they did not know but they could only hope would be good.

Few years went by Lucille was now a toddler and she was shewing signs that she could do magic, that was at the age of two, but they ignored the White Queen advice and carried on with their lives.

The first signs that Christophe and Angeline knew that Lucille could use magic was when she could make objects move when she got in a tantrum, it was rather frightening for Christophe and Angeline, they had to attempt to calm her down when she got like this and at times there were a few close calls that Lucille almost harmed both her parents, but it never came to that fortunately.

Christophe worked as a forester cutting down trees to make wood to keep houses warm in the winter months and to use it to construct maisons and meubles. He received a reasonable stipend. Angeline remained at home minding Lucille and taking care that the chalet was immaculate and getting dîner set for when her husband got home.

One fine day on Lucille's third name day, they had a pique-nique down by the Rivière Bane it was such a pretty view, the sun was out, the birds were singing harmonizing melodies, where you could take a glance at the immense Grey Mountains, Banelopes Mountain where the Dwarves dwelled. Lucille was giggling to the sound of the singing birds "Awww you're a little belle thing aren't you." said her mother with a very warm smile.

"Maman Birds!" "Awww your so intelligente, however did we come across a précieuse fille like you." said her father with a charming smile. The little girl was having an enjoyable moment chasing the animals' away "bébés! bébés! bébés!" the girl giggled. "Play pleasantly Lucille!" her mother instructed the little girl "Oui Maman." the girl smiled then ran towards the river, her parents got concerned for their daughter's safety but they need not to be, for the girl was truly bright for her age.

The girl's parents were busy laying out the refreshments when there was an abrupt scream; it was the girl's scream she rushed towards her parents. She had been afraid by something she saw in the water. Now her parents got really concerned for their daughter. "Awww what is it chère?" asked her mother in a gentle voice "Water!" is all she replied in a fearful faltering voice, she then dragged them towards the water.

"What is there something in the water chère?" asked her father she just nodded. So they followed their daughter towards the river and they looked in the water but they saw nothing other than their own reflections "There is nothing in the water chère, it must have been your reflexion." said her mother in a concerned tone.

So the child looked into the water and she saw her own reflection, but it was much more than that, she didn't see herself as the child she is now but as a young woman in her early twenties. She looked beautiful she had long beautiful black hair, purple dark eyes and on her head she wore a crown. She had foresaw what she would thrive in the imminent future, she had discovered the art of Divination the power to see things before they happen, but her parents saw nothing but the girl's reflection as she is now.

So they went back to the pique-nique "Come on Lucille let's have some le déjeuner." said her mother, so the girl ran to the pique-nique. They all sat down on a beautiful red velvet blanket and ate and drank. There were all kinds of food, fruits, meats, bread and cheese. For to drink fresh clean water and Red Wine which they had made themselves. They stayed near the river most of the day and then they went back home when they felt wearied.

One day when Lucille was about ten years old she went on an adventure in the wilds with her best friend Alessandro they were always going on little adventures together. Alessandro was two years her senior, had short brown cropped hair and brown eyes and wasn't too intelligent concerning things, but he had an aptitude in getting into trouble and sometimes he got Lucille into trouble too, but she had a flair at getting themselves out of it. She had the power to manipulate people, but she didn't know why folk continually obeyed her without argument but they did.

That day Lucille challenged Alessandro to a running match, so they chased each other across the prairie until Alessandro bumped into a wooden fence, Lucille swerved to his side getting her dress all muddy, when she saw a beautiful magical tree with purple apples the likes of which have never been seen in Oakencrest.

They both looked like they just seen buried treasure their eyes were all light up like thunder bolts "Oh mon Sandro have you seen such magical apples we must try one," Alessandro got to his feet he had twisted his ankle but he grinned and beared it as he limped "I thought you were the sensible one, when did we swap places, but we shouldn't this is someone's Accueil." Lucille laughed it off undoubtedly in a reverie the enticement of the apples obtaining her. "Tais- toi!" answered back to Alessandro and he just went silent.

She tried to go over the fence but she was just too little and she couldn't use her magic even if she wanted to her parents forbade it, they made it precisely apparent not use magic in front of anyone and she didn't want her only friend thinking she was bizarre.

"Are you coming or what I can't get over without your help," he nodded and held out his hand for her to create a sort of footstep for her and she leaped aloft the fence, she gasped in awe when she observed an old lady with a walking stick asleep on a rocking chair.

Lucille treaded carefully towards the tree and tried her uppermost to grasp an apple, she leaped to get a grip of a branch and all she could grab was a leaf or two, Lucille looked to the old lady then to Alessandro he had just sat down to rest with his back to her so she took advantage of the situation.

She didn't know any proper spells yet she was still young so she closed her eyes and cleared her mind of all emotions and the wind blew two apples right into her palm and chucked the other one to Alessandro which dealt a blow to his head. "Ouch that hurt merci," "Votre bienvenue," replied Lucille.

The old crone stirred from her slumber, "Alessandro run for it the old crone is awake," the old lady saw that the two kids had stolen her magic apples and started to chase after them and threatened them with her walking stick, so they ran for it all way back home.

When they saw that they had eluded her, Lucille took a bite of her apple it tasted like black grapes, "mmmm so scrumptious, go Sandro take a bite," He wasn't so sure if he should, I don't know if I should aren't they magic and magic is forbidden in Oakencrest, my maman said so." "It's okay Sandro we're not doing the magic, so he took one chunk out of his apple.

"I don't feel any different do you Lucille, she shook her head in answer, but then she felt nauseous, she suddenly she trembled, "Luce are you okay?" "I will be just need to rest," then all of a sudden a surge of purple light pulsed through her body like a bolt of lightning right up into the clouds, then she collapsed into Alessandro arms and her eyes glowed purple.

"Luce, what happened? She groaned in agony "don't know we better get home! She carried as normal as nothing had happened, but he nodded and helped her up. "Did anything strange happen to you?" asked Lucille "No and I ate the apple too, maybe it don't affect me like you," she agreed and they went home where Lucille's parents will give her a lecture about using her magic in front of a mortal.

In Lucille's Eleventh year her powers starting getting out of control, she did things that wasn't in her control. In her sleep she started have nightmares and woke up to find she had started a fire and her parents had started to agonize, so that they were forced to heed the White Queen's warning.

Angeline was up early one morning, as she couldn't sleep without distressing that her daughter may set the chalet ablaze or else kill them in their sleep. So she went to make up a fresh pot of herbal tea, her husband came down the stairs in his night gown. "Ma chérie why are you up so early? She smiled half-heartedly, "I couldn't sleep I am fretting over the thought of our daughter killing us in our sleep," she took the rusty old teapot from the fireplace and poured two steaming hot cups for them both and set them on kitchen table as they began sipping, it tasted of lilacs and honey.

He was about to reassure her when there was a flash of white light and there stood the White Queen, she hadn't aged a day since the day they met her eleven years ago and here now she stood in her grace and glory. "What do you want?" Christophe got up and put his fists up ready to fight her, but she didn't bother to use her magic.

"I discern that you haven't lost your charm good you may need that for what is to come, I am not here to fight you but there may be a fight so be prepared. I can't seem to find your daughter, I scried into my magic mirror and I couldn't see her, is she here? "Ou-"began Angeline "Non she not in her bed chambres, I checked on her when I got up," said Christophe. Angeline turned to her husband "She must gone out to play with Alessandro."

Angeline offered the White Queen a cup of tea but she waved it away as her concerned expression showed on her face, "There's no time for tea your daughter is missing and she could be in danger," they both they looked worried "What do you mean?" asked Angeline The queen walked in a circle in anxiety, "I think your daughter is being hunted by a Magi Venandi or Chasseur de mages in your language, it is vital we find her before they do, they will do anything to wipe out all mages in Oakencrest."

They started to panic "How did they find her here?" asked Christophe, "Her power is growing the longer she stays here the worse it gets, you will all be in danger as long as she stays here." Angeline started to cry "What so we got send her away," the Queen nodded in answer "I am afraid so, but now is not the time to confer this further I will answer all your questions once Lucille is safe." They concurred and informed her where they think she might of gone.

"Let's make haste." Said the White Queen, so the couple gathered what provisions they may need to make the journey, Christophe took his exceptional hunting knife and Angeline just took her hunting bow even though she was a bit out of practise. Then they re-joined the Queen and the grabbed hands and with a flash of her wand they disappeared