
Fly Off

Agitated, Li Na continued to walk down the street towards the bus stand. That was enough of absurdity she had endured for today. She swears if who so tries to provoke or disturb her she'll rip them apart. For now, to cool her temperament, she wishes to go home and be with Little Tiger. She's too pissed to entertain anyone's proximity. Only her little kid's thoughtfulness somehow composed her and repeatedly reminds her not to be too uncontrolled. 

Race-walking up to the school gate, Bai Tian hastily and in an irked tone called out Li Na's name from behind. Bai Tian jogged and moved a little closer while trying to talk in his usual tone as the girl continued to ignore akin to the trash buckets in an alley she just passed by. 

Ina last attempt, Bai Tian grabbed her elbow to stop her. The moment he touched her as a reflex Li Na jerked it out of his grip while scowling at him.