
Queen Of Heart's: Revisied

"Some people love with passion like a blazing fire in their hearts whereas some keep the ocean of compassion inside theirs. The loss or defeat of one leads to another's destruction." For they had the best and worst of each other. In the nick of time, Lu Jianjun was puzzled looking at her. Is she for real? The bundle of a burden he owned was not the same anymore. It was as if her internal color and form were completely altered. Whenever he saw her she seemed different! Like a mystery for the brain but an answer from his heart. What will happen...Whether he can or cannot solve this mystery? This is a tale is about their separate path branching from ending towards the delightful beginning of fated love...

Surviving_17 · Fantasie
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16 Chs

So Attuned

Everything became life-threatening when she suffered from depression. It's natural to feel depressed when it becomes a daily routine and sole purpose of life. The person doesn't feel worthy to live without drugs. The urge to take stimulant drugs and not wanting to interact or speak, thus it created a self-struggle within her.

Later on, she was referred to a psychiatrist for depression but again left the sessions in the middle. Till that time, the anti-depressants took over a troll on her body and brain. By that time, Li Na's body relied so much upon drugs that whenever her nervous system becomes fully conscious she will lose her self-control and awareness in a mere 8 to 10 hours after the last dosage.

Causing the instant shut down of her brain activities, headaches with heavy dizziness, muscle aches, and pains. And the excessive use of certain kind of medication causes her nose to bleed.

But there's a big releif of knowing Li Na's self healing ability. She survived the brain damage which was almost like a dead brain. Perhaps that's why she wasn't able to recall her past memories. As time progress, maybe she can recollect everything slowly. Doctors were convinced she didn't enitrely lost her memories if she did then she would have questioned about the present year or the last event or the person she remembered. She would have behaved frenetically.

But she didn't!

Her brain has a remarkable ability to adapt or repair the formation of those damaged cells. Thus, it will take time to fully make it functional. Her brainpower is actually a medical miracle for them after thoroughly reviewing her weak cerebral conditioning and self-drug abuse.

"Assure me you won't cheat," Lu Jun-hui demaned in return.

"Promise. Right after you finish I'll finsih mine." she glared with a plain lie. Both unwilling to trust the other first. No one was ready to back down.

"Li Na, I warn you for the last time. Don't force me -t-to..." Lu Jun-hui shuttered at the end on the verge of an explosion.

"What t-to? Huh! You want to see me healthy more than myself," Li Na said shrugging coldly.

She was fed up with him. He's not letting her go.

"Don't go back on your words! You said you'll eat if someone is eating with you willingly. Now let's do it together, and it's always ladies first..." He bargained as he looked down to his close friend, Ethan whom he chose to scarifice.

"Nope. Children first is my policy," she shook her head. Glaring at Ethan and Li Jun-hui, In the pit of anger he'd accepted the challenge and after realizing that he couldn't eat it himself Lu Jun-hui called Ethan to have lunch with her.

Ethan's boss, Lu Jianjun is still busy with the guest so he had some spare time. Ethan is like an efficient mechanical human. He serves every request with an expressionless face. He was so trained and a perfectionist that Li Na couldn't tell if he was willing or unwilling.

No wonder Ethan is able to work for that 180-degree turner. He's inhuman!

Li Na shook her head furiously, "Either way! I'm eating this, if you change the meal or accpet my "first you" policy."

Where do you get this robot?

Frustrated, Lu Jun-hui rubbed his face. 'I can't handle this woman! She's so stubborn.'

He dismissed Ethan.

Getting out Ethan sighed in relief. He acted so well but still, he's a human and won't lie that he was scared to taste the awful food. He felt pity and a little concern for Li Na that no matter what Second Master Lu won't let her go until she ate it. He looks damn serious. Like in the past, Lu Jun-hui won't bother Lu Jianjun at any cost. Worst, he'll agree to eat with her. Both are stubborn. It was a deadlock situation.

Nobody can save them except for...

' I should inform the boss. He should know What's happening down here!'

When Ethan informed Lu Jianjun of the battle transpiring inside the Dining hall.

Surprise flashed Lu Jianjun's eyes and the more he listens, the further his brows furrows.

What should he call them? Childish? or Two grown-up Idiots!

Louis was stunned knowing Li Na is living in the Versailles Manor but then dissolved into laughter hearing the war-like situation.

A little confused, Louis asked Lu Jianjun, " What did I miss? You're with Li Na now...for real? Or just sleeping....?" Lu Jianjun shot him a warning glare.


The whole Lu family and their relatives know how reserved Lu Jianjun is. He doesn't like others meddling into his personal life including his family. They never heard of him talking about personal or anything related to his love interest. Nor he has openly shown any concern.

But since childhood, Lu Jianjun was always been like this when it comes to his sentimental character, couldn't express his feelings yet his actions say it all. His family is used to his demeanor which could be called his inbuild nature.

Louis zipped his mouth, not to ask further but couldn't help to ponder on this piece of hot news.

Five years ago, a girl named Li Na became the first female name linked with Lu Jianjun. The gossip spread like a fire, growing faster at the rate of oxidation. Thus, in their family circle, everybody had heard and wondered about Li Na but their relationship status is still ambiguous.

She was called many names...Secret-Wife? Fiance? Girlfriend? Mistress? Of course, with Lu Jianjun's status, he won't marry Li Na!

The fact that Lu Jianjun had actually bought a woman in his Versailles Manor was shocking. It was during his recent visit that he'd agreeed to marry infront of his mother and on other hand he'd brought Li Na to Versailles Manor.

Unbelievable! Unless and until he's serious about her. Serious about keeping her as a mistress. But with his character, there's a negligible amount of surety that he'll have two women at the same time. And would lie to his mother.

Hell! Don't tell me...

"...you plan to marry Li Na?" Louis said with a disbelieving face, shocked by his own assessment.

"Am I right? No, tell me I'm wrong! You won't do that."

Lu Jianjun looked coldly at him not denying his conclusion. "So you do have a brain that works, it will be more beneficial to use it for business related work."

"Oh my,! you know that or you have forgotten... you can't marry her, Lu Jianjun." Louis was right, apart from Lu Jianjun's father, Master Lu, no one in the Lu family wanted Lu Jianjun to marry Li Na. Not even Lu Jianjun himself. But in particular two members, his mother, Madam Lu, and Lu Jun-hui.

However, Li Na is the sole reason for the cold war between the mother and son duo.

"Lu Jianjun, If you're want to have fun with her that's acceptable but marriage, not at all. She doesn't have equal social standing as you. Nor she's a fitted match."

Lu Jianjun frowned at him for using such words, "None of this really matters." he replied with a firm and stoic face.

It's really disgusting to know the double standards of the human societies. Even in his business circle, most of the men want a pure and virgin girl to be wedded where a man's virginity doesn't infer.

He won't do that injustice with his going-to-bed wife. Although some men argue over this, it's valid when they kept their chastity and expect the same. That's not equality or fairness it's called trading. Some people are real traders in person or profession. Moreover, Lu Jianjun's not a virgin himself, thus, the debate becomes invalid itself.

By the time, Lu Jianjun and Louis came near the diner. The inside atmosphere was still heated and the food was cooled down.

To summarize the battle so far, Lu Jun-hui once sat at the dining table to eat. Both of them took the first bite and spit it out simultaneously. Yak!

They frowned at each other.

Li Na: 'If he wants to choke me, I'm not dying alone. Nah...not this time. Chicken-head you'll die with me.'

Tasting the food, Lu Jun-hui became more determined to feed Li Na.

Lu Jun-hui: ' I won't step back.'

Li Na: 'Bring it on!'

Louis has a lunch meeting with his investors so he was leaving instantly. Then he remembered something and stopped Lu Jianjun.

It's been more than half an hour they are fighting. While roaring at Lu Jun-hui from the corner of her eyes, Li Na saw the two men standing near the door. From her position, she can see Lu Jianjun's half profile and side face of a person in a white suit standing in front of him.

Her frown deepens when her eyes fell on the diamond platinum ring in his ear. His height was less a few inches compared to Lu Jianjun but accurately levels with Zhang Han.

Still amiss?

"Ah, almost forgot! Auntie agreed to meet Bai Tian and his girlfriend," said Louis while grinning widely.

"She did?" Lu Jianjun asked coolly with a little surprise.

Louis laughed apprehending that only Lu Jianjun's mother can surprise him and vice versa, he nodded before asking, " I think his girlfriend, whatever her name is? has a satisfactory family background. Why didn't Auntie agree to their relationship?"

"Her profession!" replied Lu Jianjun as Louis responded with a hummed in understanding before nodding again.

"If that's the case...Li Na doesn't have a single reason to be with you...nor family or profession..." he continued his talk.

Suddenly, Lu Jianjun's sixth sense alerts his mind of a strong and accusing glare towards them, slightly stiffening his body. A slight but unnotable frown befell on his handsome face at this strange feeling caused by someone's stare. Intuitively, his head turns left ways. Eyes locked on a pair of big and beautiful brown eyes glaring towards them.

What's with this awareness? He never felt so attuned like this cause of anyone's unknown presence. His senses became wakefully active and alerting him of her proximity which never happened before. Li Na? This girl... she makes him feel strange yet her aura is somewhat familiar.