
Queen Of Heart's: Revisied

"Some people love with passion like a blazing fire in their hearts whereas some keep the ocean of compassion inside theirs. The loss or defeat of one leads to another's destruction." For they had the best and worst of each other. In the nick of time, Lu Jianjun was puzzled looking at her. Is she for real? The bundle of a burden he owned was not the same anymore. It was as if her internal color and form were completely altered. Whenever he saw her she seemed different! Like a mystery for the brain but an answer from his heart. What will happen...Whether he can or cannot solve this mystery? This is a tale is about their separate path branching from ending towards the delightful beginning of fated love...

Surviving_17 · Fantasie
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16 Chs

My territory

"Lu Jianjun, Its an honor to meet you!" Mr. Blanc greeted the person sitting on the head chair of the long table.

In response, Lu Jianjun have a nod before signing the document.

" Take a seat." Lu Jun-hui offered the seat.

Louis smiled at him and said, "Looks like, only you're happy to see your cousin." Lu Jun-hui gave a pleasing smile whereas Lu Jianjun shot a glance at him and resumed his work without bothering.

Noticing something, Louis knitted his brows, "Does he always work on sunday?"

"Most of them,"Lu Jun-hui pouted and nodded.

Lu Jianjun closed the file and said, "Come straight to the business."

A known smirk appeared on Louis' face, "You haven't changed! Explicit as always and straight to the point. I thought you'll be happy to see me and ask about your mother" Louis then turned to Lu Jun-hui. "Don't you?" and Lu Jun-hui's eyes shone in anticipation.

Ethan gave another file to Lu Jianjun before leaving to arrange for refreshments.

On the boss chair, Lu Jianjun leaned back holding a black pen, and lifted his eyes to meet Louis's. "If there's something I should know, I wouldn't need that from you."

Louis chuckled lightly. "...Obviously. You don't need me but we do need you."

"Just spit it out, "Lu Jianjun said faintly as his chair swirled slightly towards glass wall and he began to play with pen between his fingers.

"Don't be harsh, I personally came to congratulate you." hearing the change in topic Lu Jun-hui was disappointed. He sighed. Now, they are back to the business!

A thought appeared in his mind as Lu Jun-hui smirked at Louis, "You continue your business. I have mine...", a dream project to work on. "See you later," And he left.

Louis applauded Lu Jianjun, " With revenue this year, you surpassed the Zhang Corporation. Congratulation! Lu Corporation entered the list of the top five richest empires in the world.. You're Mother's very proud of you."

Thinking about something, Lu Jianjun looked out the glass wall with a slightly absent-minded expression and said, "That's just mid-year estimation, not an annual revenue."

Louis was surprised. "Wow... you strived for more. Man, you gotta be kidding me. If you want to surpass the Warren Empire. That's impossible to achieve for another one or two decades."

"Besides...I heard and you're well aware, the Heir of Zhang Corporation, Zhang Han got married yesterday. They didn't publically announce it, but rumored said that his wife is the daughter of Warren Smith."

Just then, the swirling pen between Lu Jianjun's fingers came to halt.

Louis continues, "And if that's right I don't think you'll be able to outbreak their collaboration. Warren Empire was the leading company for many decades. People say Warren Smith's both daughters are extremely talented, although their identities were concealed. And if Zhang Han married anyone of his daughter then he'll be the next President of the Warren and the Zhang Empire. He'll be invincible! I'm sure you know more than me, after all, I'm an outsider." Smirking, Louise scanned Lu Jianjun's face with void expression but he couldn't decode him.

What's in his mind?

Suddenly, Louis chuckled. " That lucky bastard, Zhang Han enjoying his honeymoon and here you're working on holidays. You should get married too. Maybe you'll meet your lady luck just like him."

Uninterested, Lu Jianjun began to play with his pen. And changed the topic. "You made a close visit last month this city. What for?"

Louis was shocked. His expressions turned frosty as if the mask he was wearing were taken off. "Straight to the point!"

Turning his head toward Louis, Lu Jianjun caught him off guard, his cold and sharp eyes glaring at him. "Don't assume you can invade my territory and I won't know it."

Just in time, Ethan enters with a maid. She pushed a refreshments trolley behind him.

The wooden trolley was racked with all kinds of drinks.

Lu Jianjun closed the file and got up. He walked to the resting lounge attached to the conference room and Louise followed.

Sitting in the lounge, Ethan served Louis the drink of his choice. And served Lu Jianjun his usual cocktail.

Coming back to the topic, Louis said slightly hesitated. "It was nothing secret! I was in a rush."

Lu Jianjun said patiently, " Then clarify! If you don't want me to use my ways to look into it."

"Sigh~, I know, you're too smart for your profession. Actually, I came for a hunt." said Louis with an expression regarding as 'you know.

Came for a hunt?

Of course, real businessmen don't disclose their business deals details but they talk in deciphered words. Which always has a hidden meaning to be understood. And Lu Jianjun is an extraordinary businessman.

Slowly swirling the glass in his hand, Lu Jianjun said, "For what?"

Louis took a slow sip before saying, "Since you rejected our collaboration. I have to look for another investor. And it scheduled spontaneously." he didn't mark any indifference in Lu Jianjun's expression. " I assure you that I didn't break any of your protocols."

His statement was served by a cold silence.

Loius knew this explanation won't satisfy the distinctive Lu Jianjun. He had to make him believe or provide a reasonable answer to his suspicious actions. Because if Lu Jianjun found any nooks he'll be finished. He can't afford Lu Jianjun delving deep into this matter.

He knows how much capable a man is Lu Jianjun.

Besides, the reason Lu Jianjun didn't invest in the deal is because of the surrounding controversies at an international level. Being a sharp and business-minded man, Lu Jianjun knows very well the value of profit and loss. He was certain to make the profit out of any deal he signed but this deal can finish or make Louis's dropping business. And if Lu Corporation became an investor in the deal then to reach the estimated profit Lu Jianjun will be forced to take the extreme majors and it will be just an overhead task.

Useless and extra work!

Moreover, with the same amount of investment, he can make a double profit by investing in YJL Corporation. The world's youngest and rapidly growing Empire.

This way he can hit two targets, first double profit and increase the annual revenue and the allies to stand against the strongest collaboration of top two enterprises: Warren Corp. and Zhang Corporation.

Lu Jianjun also knew Louis's desperation to close his controversial deal but he was slightly interested in this newly arrived investor in the market, with whom Louis made the deal, and on what terms.

With a serious expression, Louis said, "For a month, I have been waiting for my target to take the bait. Unlike you, an opportunist, I had to wait for an opportunity. Luckily, we succeeded. It wasn't easy but you know how we did that," He chuckled." A Love trap. haha...It's funny, right! Let me tell you, what's funnier! An ingenious person became foolish in love and their mind indiscriminately follows the heart. And one came running towards deathbed."

Lu Jianjun's expression darkened.

Louis corrected. "Don't worry, it has nothing to do with you or your business. And No Harm to any of your people."

Lu Jianjun said calmly, "You know the consequences if I ever find any blunder. You'll be the one rushing to the grave."

Louis knows it very well. The game he's playing is deadly and dangerous. One mistake and he'll be dragged into dust. From both sides. But he rests assured knowing that the potential danger was already taken down. Because this time stakes were too high for a few people.

And the reason he came to visit Lu Jianjun, is cause if he didn't personally come to simplify the confidential visit then Lu Jianjun might know the error. He was testing the depth of the ocean. Cause Lu Jianjun is completely an unpredictable man to mess with. He can be the darkest among the dark.

To be clear, Lu Jianjun is equally dangerous! And What he did five years ago was enough to know his potential which doesn't leave room for any doubt.

Emptying his glass, Louis said, " We have to satisfy each and every demand of the investor. In our world nobody is untainted. Just methods are different."

In a monotone, Lu Jianjun said positively, "Don't offend me, I don't use families to attack or to do business."

Louis laughed at himself for assessing him wrongly, "No offense, boss. We're not as good as you. Only you can do justice, I should really learn from you. How to do lewd work fairly!"

"It's not about being good it's all about knowing what's right or wrong for all!" Lu Jianjun replies coolly.

Sustaining the protocols, Lu Jianjun and Louis talked business.

Meanwhile, inside the H-room, Li Na had finished the first session of her somatic therapy.

It's a form of psychotherapy, combined with talk and mind-body exercise in a holistic approach to treating PTSD attacks and mental and physical health issues.

And she's definitely not liking this, that the other person trying to map her mental strength on the basis of an awkward and depressing health issue-related history.

She has a weak body and nervous system but she's absolutely fine intellectually. They don't need to tell her why she needs or seek therapy. She agrees knowing the serverity of detoring health.