
Queen Of Heart's: Revisied

"Some people love with passion like a blazing fire in their hearts whereas some keep the ocean of compassion inside theirs. The loss or defeat of one leads to another's destruction." For they had the best and worst of each other. In the nick of time, Lu Jianjun was puzzled looking at her. Is she for real? The bundle of a burden he owned was not the same anymore. It was as if her internal color and form were completely altered. Whenever he saw her she seemed different! Like a mystery for the brain but an answer from his heart. What will happen...Whether he can or cannot solve this mystery? This is a tale is about their separate path branching from ending towards the delightful beginning of fated love...

Surviving_17 · Fantasie
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16 Chs

Are You Trying To Threaten Me?

Grandma Li entered the guest room with a disheartened expression.

From the conversation, she understood on whom Master Lu was shouting at and why was that so, hence she didn't bother to ask anything.

Like a gentleman, Master Lu politely greeted the old lady as she nodded in weak response.

A shackled saddness cover the old man's face. Master Lu never objected as he wanted Li Na to be his daughter-in-law. He liked the quiet and modest girl a lot but Lu Jianjun was not interested in marrying her.

Never giving the attention Li Na needed.

So, Master Lu always felt guilty, sad and speechless while facing Li Na's grandmother.

"When will Li Na woke up again?" Uptight, Elder Li asked the Doctor.

The Doctor replied: "Last night, Li Na had a PTSD attack. Hopefully, she'll be awake in a day or two. It depends on how she takes that and how strong... she is mentally..." instantly Elder Li's expressions darkened as she was bothered about Li Na's mental health.

The Doctor understood the old lady's concern and assured her. "Not to worry her brain functions were recovering. And her wounds were mostly healed, she'll be completely fine. But..." the Doctor went into thoughts.

"But, What?" Master Lu asked with a frown.

"She's slightly mentally unstable. Li Na had been on antidepressants for a long period and now she's nearly addicted to them. After waking up, I think it'll be necessary to keep her under examination or worst in the rehab center for a while. It's strange how her body is dependents, and stimulated by drugs. And once she became fully conscious her nervous system will be demanding drugs. It can't be easily controlled or cured through just medications."

Elder Li asked: "Can't you suppress it or...?"

"Madam Li, there are ways to do that, but it can be dangerous to use them under Li Na's weak condition. I can only suggest to keep her away from drugs and try to keep her happy. We'll conduct a cerebral exam to understand her mental state but we don't know about the drugs she takes. It completely depends on Li Na's response. What if she tries to attempt suicide again?" the words stunned Elder Li.

The Doctor continued: " ...And the next time it could be more disastrous than this. It's all because she is mentally weak and suffers from the same past again and again. she seems to be avoiding and not wanting to get over her parents' death."

Elder Li seemed to be aware of the happenings altogether she was hesitant to make a decision that could solve the problem without being fatal. Besides that, every therapy was ineffective. The discussion continued for nearly an hour talking over mental issues.

"Doctor, I heard that memories can be erased?" Elder Li asked in general.

"Yes, with advanced science it is possible to erase or cut out the person's memories permanently. The most popular method is Electro-Convulsive Therapy in which small electric currents are passed through the brain, intentionally triggering a brief seizure. It's used for mentally ill patients in asylums but it could be risky." replied the doctor.

After considering everything, Elder Li looked like she had taken the decision then without hesitating she said, " Then erase Li Na's memories."

Everyone was shocked.

Elder Li knew her granddaughter was suffering from psychotic depression, symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions false believing, and paranoia; Li Na often wrongly believed that others are trying to harm her. Sometimes Li Na's mood episodes range from extremes of high energy with an 'up' mood to very low 'depressive' mood periods. That Li Na used to lock herself for several weeks and then suddenly goes out partying fiercely. It was difficult to suspect her mental state.

She looked fine yet completely broken.

Everyone knew this was the result of her constant heartbreak from an early age. And Li Na also knows that she is exactly the person who knows what's wrong with themselves but doesn't want to be fixed. They drag their broken heart endlessly until it became unbearable and lastly commit suicide.

Looking at the shock and hesitant faces, Elder Li said, "She's my granddaughter and I can make decisions for her. I'm her only family."

"Sorry to interrupt but she is my responsibility now." Just then Lu Jianjun's cold voice seized the moment of the decision he walked into the guest room freezing the atmosphere and faces of everyone.

Master Lu was shocked to see his elder son.

He was on a Business trip? How did he arrive so shortly?

Lu Jianjun glanced at his father and instantly choose to ignore his expected presence. He had been attending business meetings. In-between his tight schedule, he returned to the country when got reported about Li Na's condition.

Due to the time constraint, Lu Jianjun barely had any time to rest from the long flight. Right after landing, he went straight to the company.

After the board meeting, he delayed his schedule to have a short visit to the hospital. The moment Lu Jianjun arrived he heard Elder Li's resolution.

Elder Li frowns to see Lu Jianjun's seriously grave expression as he looked at her decisively.

Seeing this, Master Lu raised his voice to scold his son, " Lu Jianjun, now you feel responsible for Li Na? You didn't come to see her for once, so how could you claim her to be your responsibility. This is how you took care of her when she almost died there..."

Lu Jainjun stood in front of Elder Li staring with firm eyes.

He only spoke to the old lady, " You know Li Na is not your responsibility anymore but my burden. After all, I paid for her"


Paid for her?

Everyone was stunned apart from the three people conversing with each other.

'What?' Stunned, Doctors glance at each other's faces.

"Shameless! Lu Jianjun, How dare you to say that?" Master Lu fumed up.

Gravely disrespectful!

Master Lu was raged by Lu Jianjun cold words. Elder Li is a renowned and respectable lawyer of her time. She had fought many cases for charity in the past to help poor people. And today his son was accusing her of selling her granddaughter to him.

Such a cheap...cheap mentality?

"Lu Jianjun, this is how you talk to Elders? Where are your manners?" Lu Jianjun's father bristled through gritted teeth.

While Elder Li looked tongue-tied, that was too straight forward. But somehow she couldn't deny the fact.

Lu Jianjun didn't bother to look at his father no matter what he does or says. Only his fist balled up in restraint anger. He was the same father that didn't say a word when this old lady accused him of misleading her juvenile granddaughter with money in the wrong way. And condemned saying Lu Jianjun has ulterior motives toward Li Na.

Where was there manners then? To hell with it...

After a while, Elder Li responded: "Yes, Li Na might have taken your money but you do not have any legal authority over her."

Lu Jianjun's eyes darkened like a warning as if saying. 'Don't make me do this!' He never wanted to hold any authority over anybody but sometimes that's the only way you can deal with people's mindset.

The next second, Lu Jianjun glanced at his assistant, Ethan.

When Ethan understood his glance he immediately pulled out the settlement papers. After which he told the Doctor to leave and they left hurriedly.

Stunned, Elder Li looked over the file and asked: "Lu Jianjun, are you trying to threaten me?"

Elder Li didn't take the file offered by Ethan, instead, she kept her gaze steady over the young man who is the most arrogant human she had ever met. Nobody is as egoistic as he is...how could someone stay in love with this kind of man...especially her grand-daughter.

However, Lu Jianjun replied indifferently, "Since, you don't believe it. I'm just backing my authority and not exactly threatening. You can read these papers and decide."

Feeling humiliated being his father and witnessing Lu Jianjun's rude behavior with an older woman, Master Lu exploded: "Enough! Lu Jianjun, stop it. And apologize to Elder Li, Now!"

Lu Jianjun over his shoulder and said coldly: "I will. If she accepts that fact and won't interfere in my matter again."