
Queen Of Heart's: Revisied

"Some people love with passion like a blazing fire in their hearts whereas some keep the ocean of compassion inside theirs. The loss or defeat of one leads to another's destruction." For they had the best and worst of each other. In the nick of time, Lu Jianjun was puzzled looking at her. Is she for real? The bundle of a burden he owned was not the same anymore. It was as if her internal color and form were completely altered. Whenever he saw her she seemed different! Like a mystery for the brain but an answer from his heart. What will happen...Whether he can or cannot solve this mystery? This is a tale is about their separate path branching from ending towards the delightful beginning of fated love...

Surviving_17 · Fantasie
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16 Chs

09: Held with Love Or Illusion

Located at a high altitude, Versailles Manor had a wonderful landscape garden. The Eastside garden ends at a cliff with a breathtaking view of the lake and mountains in the far distance. And on most days, the morning star reflects as if it bathes in the lake before rising up to lit the globe. It was a sight to capture in camcorders.

Lu Jianjun moved a step and stopped by the end of the cliff and took a long breath.

Behind him in the garden, the fountain rippling and the garden sprinkler spraying the water on the moist grass and Lu Jianjun stood leisurely, breathing the fresh air while the cool breeze coherently, tousled his hairs and the black-tie he wore. He wondered when was the last time he had visited the Eastside garden. Remembering the past, he clung to the delightful morning spent with his mother in nature.

He looked up, slightly disappointed with the clouded sky.

The heavy dark clouds slowly moved towards the west before pouring a few drops. He stared at the darkness and soon the showering became dense. He stepped back and just turned to leave when he froze on his spot like a statue.

The rain poured wildly drenching him from head to toe. Still, he didn't move an inch as his eyes followed every twirl of the girl at a distance before him. She too has been fully soaked in rain like him just the difference is she was enjoying the rain while twirling with lose arms and he was held there like a stone. He doesn't know why but he can't look away?

Was he...startled or perplexed!? Anyone familiar with Li Na would be shocked because she doesn't look like a depressed or pessimistic person who tried to commit suicide before waking up in a hospital bed. And now, here, she was enjoying the rain like a little kid. Full of life and enthusiasm.

Surprisingly, he was not held by a shock but with a hearty illusion!

After the check-up, the nurse told Li Na about today's scheduled session with the somatic therapist and the psychiatrist which was at 10 in the morning. As Li Na woke up too early she walked around in her bedroom's balcony to lose the numbness of legs.

From the balcony, she saw a few gardeners cleaning the garden and watering the plants. Of the large balcony, there were stairs at the left corner leading directly towards the garden. One thing is for sure the person who owned the manor is definitely a nature lover.

Roaming for a while and when exhausted, she sat under one of the shades in the garden, wishing for the rain to pour. But clouds were just growling and moving forward west.

Yet, the ambiance under the shelter was much more relaxing and soothing than enclosed decorated walls.

She closed her eyes for a while to meditate. Her long wavy hair tied in a clean ponytail messed up as little strands flicker on her face. But she wasn't bothered for a concise.

Soon it started to pour, gradually, she opened her eyes and was filled with excitement. She got up stretching her palms out in the rain. She looked at the bursting clouds and felt the upsurge of excitement tickling her skin.

Too engrossed she didn't notice the man standing to her right near the cliff.

She stepped down on the stair just to touch and feel the dampness of rain on her skin. The powerful and evocative scent of fresh earth and garden flowers filled her spirit with joy.

A tiny droplet fell on her bare face. Her lips stretched into a wide smile. And slowly both arms uplifted to embrace nature's shower. She twirls slowly, enjoying the allure and grace of the creator.

Entirely lost in circling, Li Na didn't realize that she was slowly pivoting to the right whereas Lu Jianjun couldn't move and watched her feet move towards him of their own accord. Just as her fingers would merely brush upon Lu Jianjun's shirt he forced himself to take a step back.

Shunning her touch completely, except for the next moment, his hand reached out quickly and clutched her left wrist as he pulled her to him. Caught off guard, she turned her attention was shaken by the rough grip on the wrist when she vaguely noted that strong arms were sliding around her waist, drawing her close until she was warmly ensconced against the rough strength of his frame.

Previously lost her balance, Li Na grasped and frantically opened her eyes when she twirled before bumping into the firm chest. Her gaze travel up and meet with a pair of cold yet dazed eyes looking at her in utter stillness, then his gaze flickered. She was stunned to witness the anger and disbelief in his gaze.

They simply stood looking at each other for a few moments, and for that period they seemed to be falling into a bewitched trance. It lasted long for Li Na than Lu Jianjun as his eyes widened in awareness whereas Li Na frowned mildly at his shift of expression she was sure he was to say something...when rain stopped and a sudden breeze came and brought heartless chilling goosebumps. She shriveled, and his grip tightened on her. She couldn't form any words as their noses were an inch apart. It was only then she realizes he had twisted her left hand behind her waist and to balance, she had grabbed his loose tie unknowingly both tugging each other for support. The applied force could have restraint a little if not for her ankle twisting and legs going limp.

Li Na shivered on the spot and it was only then that another realization of their proximity hit her with a jolt and her beautiful big eyes widened same as Lu Jianjun when he had felt there was barely an inch between them.

And flashes of moments of what exactly happened rushed through their minds Li Na was looking upon a face that belonged to a stranger and yet was very familiar to her, uncared she said, "Woah...that was close!" If not for the sudden pull she would have landed flat on her butt. She released his tie and he pulled back a little.

"Thanks for the timely help..." she looked up and met with a pair of dark eyes, gazing sharply like a knife. His wet strands fell on his forehead, rainwater dripping down their faces along with his cold stare made another shiver run down her spine.

She felt like floating. No, she was literally floating in his arms, only her toes touching the grass.

Just as he loosened his grip to let her stand on the ground she lost the balance and began to sank down as if gravity is pulling her strongly. He immediately hardens the grip, to secure her tightly.

"What were you doing? Is it a new idea of suicide?" He said taxing her, without leaving scope to defend herself.

Of course, with her current physical condition bathing in rain would only be considered as coveting an inevitable death.

"No, I was enjoying...the nature's shower."

Nature's shower? that too in cold water? Mind explaining, Why?

He doesn't need to ask her, she was smart enough to evaluate the forthcoming allegations.

"Do you know, showering in cold water has health benefits..." she looked at him timidly. Direct eye contact is too risky. "B-Benefits as-as it helps to strengthen the immune system."

"You think it helps a weak body." his brows furrowed slightly.

He is absolutely right! A weak body needs rest and nourishment, not cold showers. And exclusively not in an open space, cold shower.

She cleared her throat, buying some time to make an excuse, "I-It's... not everybody's cup of tea!"

I can handle him! Can I?

Lu Jianjun raised his eyebrow surprised with her confident tone, "And It's..." his eyes glaring meaningfully, with humor rippling in them, "...your cup of tea?"

Her cup...oh, her body is not able to bear any tea.Her face flamed red.

"Ya, I-" noticing his eyes getting dark as she was trying to make another excuse, she dropped the idea.

There was an endless silence between them that's how she felt until the sun appeared to save her for the day.

The clouds were blown away, there were a few of them trying to hide the bright star. But the reddish light shone slashing through them. Falling on the drenched couple in the garden.

"Amazing!" Li Na whispered eyeing the dazzling sunrise, her dark brown eyes widened in reverence seeing the beautiful rainbow formed around the sun. "My God, this is the most beautiful sunrise I've seen. Truly amazing!"

As for the handsome man, he got caught while eyeing the sunrise in her big brown eyes. Like the whole sky was summoned in those pair of clear eyes he had never witnessed a sunrise like that ever. Her skin glowing under the golden rays, a few wet strands stuck on her cheeks as if caressing them. Suddenly his fingertips itched to move them.


It's wasn't a strange feeling! he was very well familiar with it.

Where Li Na's eyes held the artistic sky as his eyes had captured her splendid expression.

He wondered could it be...this might be the new sunrise after enduring a long and dark night it felt worth it. A new beginning. For both of them.. The night was really the toughest night Lu Jianjun had suffered although he kept himself knowingly busy.

But still... a few things can't be controlled.

Turning his head towards the sun, Lu Jianjun asked her calmly, "Can you walk?"

"I can... just lend your hand for support," she said turning back to him.

With a short sigh, he scooped up her in his arms. Her left hand remained twisted on behind the lower back and her right one clutched his shirt. As he began to walk towards the manor.

He didn't have that much time to waste on supporting to walk with tortoise steps. Nor he can leave her there to catch a cold. She's a patient. Very weak one!

As for Li Na, it was less comfortable but he doesn't look like he cared for it. Anyways, whatever kind of help is a help!

While Li Na was smiling on her own. Lu Jianjun swiftly climbed the stairs as if carrying nothing, her weight was negligible in his arms. Striding towards the bedroom, he turned to the right side.

"Hey, Handsome. The left one." he halted and was shocked by the way she addressed him 'Handsome' someone had really grown some nerves to flirt with him. He looked at her as she gestures with her thumb towards the door with her most stunning smile.