
QT: Grace To Grass Counterattack System

He Yuan had accidentally caused his own death. He had no idea he was even dead until he suddenly woke up on the hard floor of an empty room. What had killed him? Well... for future reference, it's a terrible idea to install a chandelier over your bed. As he tried to get his bearings right, a strange guy suddenly popped out of thin air and he was offered a job. The job offer granted him eternal life with the alternative being reincarnation. Most would hastily choose to be reincarnated so they can start a new life but not He Yuan. He was skeptical, why would anyone want reincarnation? Once you reincarnated 'you' cease to exist. He didn't care about what people said about starting afresh, gaining new memories and all that. All he knew was that once a person reincarnated, they get thrown into a different environment, different family, meet new people and in short became a different person entirely. What scared He Yuan the most was losing his own thoughts and hence, awareness of his current self and so, he chose to accept the job. What did the job entail? He carried out tasks given to him by people who were called 'leasers.' They were called this because they leased out their bodies to 'taskers' for a period of time to help set their crooked lives straight. What the leasers didn't know was that the taskers got into realms and helped them so they( taskers) could focus on their own main tasks which was world/realm balance. These realms had 'special ones' who siphoned the luck out of it. Luck was the binding force of these realms so without it, the realms would begin to break apart and deteriorate into unlivable hells. So in essence, leasers gave put their bodies and 'payment' in the form of soul energy, taskers helped out the leasers while balancing the realms and the realms become stable once more. Pretty straightforward right? Yes. But can someone tell He Yuan why these world was so full of hypocrites, Mary sue and Gary stu characters who thought it was excusable to do horrible things just because they were in love? He Yuan grit his teeth. If you want to be in love, then be in love, was there any need to use others as stepping stones?! He rolled up his sleeves and bounced forward. Just you wait as I teach you all a valuable lesson! #Gongmc UPDATES: Twice daily ORIGINAL STORY. Author here: Again, I can't design shit so I snatched the photo from pinterest, credits to the original artist. If the artist demands I take it down, I would do so without hesitation as I only have my lack of talent to blame.

Melted_Ore · LGBT+
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326 Chs

The CEO's Runaway Omega And Three Little Buns 2.0

Li Yexi was beyond heartbroken and yet he was still in love with Zhang Jun so he made an effort to get closer to the kids but whenever the children were alone with Li Yexi, they would cry and wail as if he was abusing them.

And then Li Shiyu would come over to beg Li Yexi to be merciful. The children were all he had and if Li Yexi felt uncomfortable with them here, he would gladly leave with his children and never return.

This would cause Zhang Jun to explode and everyone would look at Li Yexi with weird expressions. You can't bear a child but you go about abusing other people's children.

Zhang Jun soon found out about the Li family taking away everything that belonged to Li Shiyu and he was livid. How dare they?! He decided to carry out justice on Li Shiyu's behalf alongside his unreasonably overpowered children.

Zhang Di created financial pit upon pit for the Li family to jump into and Zhang Ye hacked into the Li corporation system and planted all sorts of fake tax evasion evidence against them.

Zhang Jun was the cherry on top as he pressured them socially and made sure no one cooperated with them, even though he already had shares in the Li corporation.

In the end, the Li corporation fell and Li Yexi's omega father quickly took the false accusations and went to prison on behalf of his alpha son, Li Shu.

On the other hand, Zhang Jun bought the dregs of the Li corporation, refurbished it and handed it over to Li Shiyu on a platter of love. Li Shiyu was shocked, he never asked for this. And then they went;

[Li Shiyu with tears in his eyes: "Oh Zhang Jun you shouldn't do things like this, you're a married man. You're only going to make me fall in love with you."

Zhang Jun wipes Li Shiyu's tears and says arrogantly: "That is exactly what I want, do you dare refuse me? And I'm married? Please tell me when we had our wedding? How could I forget such a wonderful day?!"

Li Shiyu smacks Zhang Jun's hard chest: "Don't joke around like that." Notices Li Yexi. "And you shouldn't say things like that, you might hurt Yexi. I never asked you to take down the Li corporation anyways. Now that uncle is in prison, what are my cousins going to do?"

Zhang Jun who only felt as if a little kitten had smacked his chest instead: "Why do you care? If they didn't want to be caught why did they commit crimes? Shiyu you're too softhearted. After everything they did to you, you're still so worried about them. With you like this, how could I let you go? What if you're bullied outside hmm?"]

Li Yexi observing all this from the bottom of the staircase with tears in his eyes: '...'

Zhang Jun and Li Shiyu carried on with their act for months but Li Yexi adamantly refused to divorce Zhang Jun. He was very much heartbroken but what else could he do? This marriage was all he had left.

The pressure continued to increase and everyone looked at him like he was some mistress tearing other people's marriage when they all clearly knew who the real homewrecker was!

He finally gave in but on the condition that Zhang Jun got his father out of prison, helped his family to become established once more and let them be.

How could Zhang Jun agree? He'd taken down the Li corporation in order to impress the beauty so how could he lose face by helping them back up? Li Yexi dared to give him such a condition? He'll see!

Zhang Jun arranged for Li Yexi to be drugged and raped whilst making it look like he was having an affair and then turned around to divorce him on the grounds of cheating.

He didn't stop there, he also got Li shu, Li Yexi's elder brother, addicted to drugs and imprisoned just like his omega father. Li Yexi who had been a pampered omega all his life, was suddenly out on the streets without a single penny to his name.

This was because he'd pooled the last of his saving in order to start a business and make money to save his father and brother but, without a talent for business, he was scammed and this had everything to do with Zhang Di and Zhang Ye.

Li Yexi was devastated and depressed, all he did was marry the man he loved, what exactly did him and his family do to deserve this? Out of anguish, he made up his mind to go to every media outlet he knew to tell his story and bring the Zhang family down however but how could he easily succeed?

The Zhang family quickly suppressed the news and Zhang Jun directly had Li Yexi trafficked and sold off to a whore house to spend the rest of his days.

Li Shiyu was 'innocent and naive' and had no idea all these was happening as his husband and children sheltered him from the harsh realities of the world and made sure he remained pure.

He married Zhang Jun and became a true winner in life, basking in the envy and admiration of every omega out there for the rest of his life.

When He Yuan opened his eyes: '...' He was dumbfounded. What did he just receive in his brain? 888 was also quite speechless.

Wow. Just wow. First of all, the matter with the Li corporation. That Li Shiyu was truly a certified white lotus. He could've easily had the will analyzed to verify if it was a fake but he didn't.

Li Yexi's family were clearly innocent! The only reason Li Shiyu's father was in charge of the Li corporation was because his elder brother, Li Yexi's father, had handed it over to him in the first place!

Li Yexi's father, Li Anjing, was an omega who never really had much talent for business in the first place but as tradition demanded, he had to inherit the family business whether he wanted to or not.

His younger brother was much more talented than him and so in order to make everyone happy, Li Anjing made an agreement with his brother, Li Fuyi, that Li Fuyi would take over the Li corporation but would hand it over to his(Li Anjing) own son once his son turned twenty three.

Their father was a bit dissatisfied but as Li Anjing was about to get married at that time, he agreed. He didn't want the Li corporation to end up in the hands of another family, even though Li Anjing's husband was an orphan.

Li Anjing's husband had died whilst he was pregnant with Li Yexi so he decided to return to the Li family and never remarried. His sons also took on his family name. Right from childhood, Li Shu was groomed to be the next heir.

He Yuan rubbed his face and sighed. This tradition was total bullshit and was one of the major causes of this drama but Li Anjing and his sons were not the ones who made the rules so why were they punished?

That Li Shiyu truly had a hole the size of a meteor crater in his brain.