
Repercussions after Night of Pleasure

It was the darkness that told Remy and Lou that something was wrong.

The men did not know how they got to wherever they were. But ut the last thing they remembered was double teaming a hot chick that can swallow and take both of their dicks at the same time.

"Looks like they are awake, Prez," a voice said. It was Ven, the Vice President of the RagTag MC. He would usually communicate with them via phone call or text. Hearing his voice was a bit disorienting. The next voice they heard, however, gave them a foreboding sense of dread.

"That they are, Ven." Pyr's voice sounded deep and graveled. It was like he had been smoking for a long time. "You ready to do some damage?"

The question sent chills running down their spine. Their fears were realized when they heard a sharp crack on the ground, a whoosh, and then an excruciating pain on their backs as the whip made contact with their bare skin.


The sudden contact of the whip made them curse and scream like little girls. Ven, who was holding two whips, grinned, as flicked his wrist, slashing their backs once more.

"How many for the first round?" he asked Pyr who stood in the middle of a warehouse looking at the two men who were chained to the ceiling, and their feet were also bound on a chain that was connected to the ground.

"Twenty this round, then add ten per round," he told his vice president.

"How many rounds are we talking about here?" Ven asked.

"For today? Five," he replied.

"How long are we going to discipline them?"

"Give or take five days or ten days. The same number of hours The President was unconscious on that hospital bed," Pyr coldly replied. "Or until they understand why they are being punished."

Another crack sounded then a grunt as the whip connected to their backs. "Don't you think that it is a bit too much? They are younger than you and me Prez," Ven said as he whipped their back two more times.

"Young or old, Ven, they have given me their word to adhere to my law. I gave them a task. That task is to protect this country's President, if they cannot even do a simple bodyguard duty, how can they handle the missions that we do?" He paused and looked at the two men in front of him. It was difficult not to see the irritated look on his face. "They are shifters, and you are using a normal whip. It is not like you are using 100% of your strength to use that thing," he added with a grin.

Ven grinned back, "Oh, yeah. We cannot have that." He gave two more lashes and looked at Pyr again. "Want to try it?" the other man offered.

Pyr shook his head. "I need to get back to the hospital. Knowing that man, he would likely forget he is supposed to stay at the hospital for two weeks." He took out his phone and looked at it.

There were at least seventeen missed calls from several people who had tried to call him for the last two hours. He sighed. The President's two sons were en route back to the Philippines. Both were diplomats and the minute they found out about their father's incident, the prospects with them instantly booked their flights.

"Give me an update," he gave Ven a wave and then walked out of the warehouse. By the time the door closed behind him, he could hear the tenth lash being delivered.

The punishment he was giving these prospects was light, compared to what he and Ven have experienced. After all, even shifters could be killed... especially with the right kind of torture.

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He could hear Dominic's angry voice the second he stepped out of the elevator leading to the private room of the hospital wing. But it was Lara's soft reply that made him wince and walk to the garden located in the same wing. They were in a heated argument, and he wants nothing to be part of it.

Cool night air greeted his overheated skin. The distance between the warehouse and the hospital was an hour's walk. It gave him ample time to send or talk to whoever needed his attention. It also gave him time to reign in his anger. Unleashing it to two young shifters was not right. What he needed to know was who ordered the assassination. Was it a human or a shifter order?

"Dad is doing much better," said Luke. He was Dom and Lara's firstborn. He inherited his father's height and his mother's dark grey eyes.

"Yeah, we had to run out of the room," Joe said. He was the second born of the Presidential couple. While Luke inherited his mom's eyes, Joe however got his blue eyes from his grandmother. "Witnessing mom and dad…" he did not dare to finish his sentences. The shudder he gave made Pyr laughed out loud. The boys grinned.

"Give your father a break, boys. He needs to reassure your mom he is alive and well. Doing that was the only way to pacify her," he told them.

They suddenly looked somber. They were shifters or Weres, they carry a virus that can have the potential to change another human into their kind. The mate bond between two fated mates could be too intense at times. It was no wonder that their father gave them their wing in their house.

"Do we have any updates as to who ordered the hit?" Luke asked.

"As of now, all lines in every possible human suspect are being monitored. From his VP to the lowest Cabinet Members," Pyr replied. Mocha found some interesting money trail on one of the employees at the Legislative Branch. It might not be connected. Then again, that was their job.

Monitor all government movements and report them back to the leaders of the world. RagTag had been the "Go-to" when it comes to international extractions, regardless of what status they were.

"Do you think The Were Nation has something to do with it?" Joe mussed. "Dad said something about a Female Alpha." He rubbed the back of his neck before adding, "He said, if ever any of the people from the Were Nation approached me, I would say, 'My allegiance has always been to the Daires.' This is true. Damn, I felt that resonance. There has been no formal announcement though."

Pyr gave the man a dry look before replying, "You can always ask your dad about it…" He laughed when a horrified expression appeared on his face. The mere thought of intruding with their parents' time was enough to make him lose interest in whatever Joe was thinking.

"Luke, Joe," Pyr said, "Your father is okay. There are people I trust who are connected to the Were Nation. They will tell me or rather, they will the one to deal with whoever ordered the hit. I will be dealing with the human end." He looked at the two full-grown men beside him. His bi-colored eyes looked cold and unforgiving. "As for the two prospects who I have assigned to him, my Vice is giving them their punishment as we speak."

Both nodded in acknowledgment. They once wanted to be part of his crew. It was a good thing Dominic stopped them. If they stayed on the path they wanted, Luke and Joe would never become diplomats.

The things that his crew saw had tainted their souls. There was no going back. Either you move forward, or die.