
Pursuit of Wealth

In the bustling city of Bangalore,India, Sanjay, a regular programmer, faces challenges caused by Chatgpt and an economic slump. As he questions the value of conventional success in a world dominated by social media, a mysterious encounter grants him the extraordinary power of NZT-48. With this newfound ability, he navigates the complexities of the tech industry, surpassing his peers and wrestling with the moral implications of his actions. 'Pursuit of Wealth' unravels a compelling tale of Sanjay's journey as he grapples with the balance between ambition and integrity, leaving an unforgettable mark on the tech landscape.

Super_Knight · Urban
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10 Chs

Visit to Toronto

Throughout the flight, Sanjay revisited the numerous discussions he had exchanged with Hinton via email. Their correspondence had ranged from technical aspects of AI development to broader philosophical debates about the future of the industry. Sanjay often found himself challenged and inspired by Hinton's insights, which fueled his own ambitions to leave an indelible mark on the world of artificial intelligence.

Upon arrival in Toronto, Sanjay could sense the energy of the vibrant city. The bustling streets and diverse culture captivated his senses, reminding him of the thriving urban centers he had encountered in the future. After checking into his hotel, he made his way to the scheduled meeting with Geoffrey Hinton at the University of Toronto, where Hinton was a faculty member.

As Sanjay stepped into the university's premises, he felt a surge of excitement and anticipation. The meeting was scheduled to take place in Hinton's office, located in the heart of the campus. The corridors were adorned with accolades and achievements attributed to Hinton, emphasizing his profound impact on the world of artificial intelligence.

Finally, Sanjay arrived at Hinton's office, and as the door swung open, he was greeted by the warm smile of the esteemed professor. Hinton's demeanor was amiable and inviting, instantly putting Sanjay at ease. The office itself was a reflection of Hinton's brilliance, adorned with shelves of books, research papers related to AI.

"Sanjay, it's a pleasure to finally meet you in person," Hinton greeted him, extending his hand for a firm shake. "I've been looking forward to our conversation."

"The pleasure is all mine, Professor Hinton," Sanjay replied, his voice tinged with respect and admiration. "I've been eagerly anticipating this opportunity as well."

"Please have a seat. Would you like some coffee?" Professor Hinton suggested.

"Coffee, please," Sanjay replied as Professor Hinton started making coffee at his machine.

"Professor Hinton, I've been exploring some groundbreaking ideas in the realm of deep learning that could potentially revolutionize the way we approach neural networks," Sanjay began, his voice brimming with enthusiasm. "I believe that implementing adaptive learning mechanisms could significantly enhance the efficiency of data processing within neural networks."

Hinton's eyes sparkled with intrigue as he absorbed Sanjay's proposal. "Adaptive learning mechanisms, you say? That's a fascinating concept. Tell me more about the specific applications and the potential implications of such a system."

Sanjay launched into a detailed explanation, outlining the intricacies of his proposed adaptive learning model and its potential to optimize pattern recognition and data analysis. He expounded on the intricacies of the algorithm, emphasizing its capacity to dynamically adjust its learning parameters based on the complexity of the data input. Hinton listened intently, interjecting with insightful queries and nuanced observations that further enriched the dialogue.

Their conversation meandered into the realms of unsupervised learning and the nuances of anomaly detection within deep learning systems. Sanjay outlined his vision for incorporating probabilistic models and generative adversarial networks to enhance the predictive capabilities of the neural networks, fostering an environment of self-improvement and adaptive cognition.

Hinton nodded thoughtfully, acknowledging the intricacies and implications of Sanjay's proposals. "Your ideas exhibit remarkable foresight and innovation, Sanjay. I believe that integrating these adaptive learning mechanisms could indeed pave the way for a new era of artificial intelligence, transcending the limitations of traditional neural networks and ushering in a paradigm shift in the field of deep learning."

"Thank you, Professor. What do you think about us working together on this journey? I am building a research lab back in India to research and develop AI. Why don't you join me? Your work would be of great intelligence to me," Sanjay suggested to Hinton, hoping to collaborate and benefit from his expertise.

Hinton considered Sanjay's proposal for a moment. "Sanjay, I would very much like to work with you. However, will the infrastructure in India support it? You should know that the cost of researching AI is very high, and it's not possible for a single entity to support it."

"I understand, Professor, but I have already started multiple startups, so I would be needing AI researchers anyway. In the meantime, I would also be an investor for your company, DNNresearch Inc.," Sanjay explained, outlining his plans and intentions.

Though Hinton wasn't immediately convinced, he was impressed by Sanjay's determination. "Your venture is only a small startup, but I can see your determination. How about this: when your startup revenue reaches 100 million, I will think about joining you," Hinton proposed, setting a condition that would test Sanjay's entrepreneurial prowess.

Sanjay knew that proving the infrastructure capabilities in India would be a challenge, but he remained determined to succeed. "Thank you, Professor, for your consideration," he replied graciously, discussing a few more topics before bidding farewell and leaving Hinton's office.

This initial setback only fueled Sanjay's determination. He realized the importance of establishing a proper company with a dedicated office space. Utilizing the same company name, NOVA Technologies, an acronym for "Neuro-Optimized Virtual Applications," he planned to make significant strides in the field of AI.

Furthermore, Sanjay considered setting up a brokerage firm in the USA to expedite his path to financial success. In original movie "Limitless" Eddie Morra the main character also got rich in a similar way. Also, knowing that stocks were typically held in an account managed by the brokerage firm on behalf of the investor, he didn't want to rely on external entities as his wealth grew.

His urgent focus was to accomplish these goals before Hinton's groundbreaking paper release in 2012, which he knew would trigger a race in the field of AI.

With a return flight to New York, Sanjay immediately sought the assistance of a job consultancy service, eager to swiftly establish his investment firm and accelerate his path to success, even if it meant paying a substantial fee for expedited results.

After a series of meetings, Sanjay finalized three investment bankers, fully entrusting them to follow his lead, considering that the bulk of the investments would be initiated by him. While they might not have been the most astute in their field, they possessed a thorough understanding of the sector and its operations, which was sufficient for Sanjay's purposes.

Granting them complete authority to establish the firm, the team secured a small office space in the illustrious Wall Street of New York, despite the exorbitant rental costs. Sanjay also hired two additional staff members to provide support in their day-to-day operations.

One of the newly employed staff members was a young blond woman in her twenties. Initially Sanjay was hesitant to hire her due to her incomplete graduation, but her satisfying service under the table of the restaurant worked like a charm. Anyway she would not be involved in any major task, her responsibilities primarily included photocopying and providing assistance with minor arrangements.

With the groundwork for establishing the firm already in progress, Sanjay anticipated receiving the necessary license within the next two to three days. Usually it takes between five to six weeks but remarkably, few bundles of dollars, was the most productive thing in all parts of the world. Once the license was secured, Sanjay could manage the operations of the firm from anywhere using just his phone, eliminating the need for his physical presence at all times.

It had been an exhausting day, and Sanjay decided to retreat to a suite at the Hilton Hotel in New York.

An intense session with the newly hired blond staff member ensued, with the sounds of pleasure echoing through the room. With the aid of NZT, Sanjay found himself catching up to satisfying women, previously when he met Jiji he had no prior experience regarding that part , but that's the power of NZT the more knowledge he gains, the more he could utilize and be the best at it.


Hello, it's the author here. I wanted to inform you that I have made a change to the company name previously established as BlackSalt in chapter 4 to NOVA Technologies. This modification was necessary as the company BlackRock exists, and it is unlikely that they would have permitted the establishment of a company with a similar name due to trademark infringement issue in Sanjay's world. Thank you for your understanding. For new readers, the changes have already been made in chapter 4.

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