
Pursuit Of The Origin

Rishi Arya was a genius scientist and a lover of novel and comics. His life long Pursuit was to find the origin of life and decode the code of reality. He died at the peak of his career due to getting sucked in a wormhole he created due to accident in in his project. But is it really the end for Rishi? Find the journey of Rishi to find the origin of life, universe, etc. High School DxD AU ( Alternate Universe )

Primodial_Chaos · Anime und Comics
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65 Chs

New Race - 2

Rizevim even encoded the DNA with Zeo and his bloodline negation power, making it impossible for anyone without near-omnipotent level power to decode it. This prevented any scientific research or attempts at cloning.

Rizevim also ensured that Tier 6 (Star Level) is the highest potential achievable naturally by the Aryan Race. Only Royals can ascend to Tier 6, Servants can reach Tier 7 (World/Planet Level), and Generals are limited to Tier 8 (Continent Level).

The power source Rizevim selected for the Aryan Race was neither demonic nor holy power, nor any other existing power source in the world. He devised his own, which he dubbed the Aryan Power Source. This energy is directly generated by the bloodline and encoded within it. It comprises a blend of various power types, including dragon power, demonic energy, holy power, and lesser versions of Aether and Nether, devoid of their divine elements, along with Chi or Ki.

Aryan Power Source enhances all aspects of energy, body (physical strength), and soul (mind) as individuals progress through the cultivation stages.

Rizevim further classified the powers that one would acquire as they advance through cultivation stages:

Tier 13 (Human Level):

- Omni-Lingualism

- Aryan Energy stored in every cell

- Supernatural Eye

- 500 years of lifespan

Tier 12 (Building Level):

- Space Element Manipulation

- Regeneration

- 1000 years lifespan

Tier 11 (City Level):

- Earth Element Manipulation

- Telepathy

- 5000 years of lifespan

Tier 10 (State Level):

- Water Element Manipulation

- Telekinesis

- 10000 years of lifespan

Tier 9 (Country Level):

- Fire Element Manipulation

- Dark Element Manipulation

- 25000 years of lifespan

Tier 8 (Continent Level):

- Air Element Manipulation

- Light Element Manipulation

- 50000 years of lifespan

Tier 7 (World/Planet Level):

- Ability to open a meta-physical inner world inside the soul

- Semi-energy physiology (including Disease Immunity, Enhanced Condition, Intangibility, and Supernatural Durability)

- Immortality of age.

Tier 6 (Star Level):

- Understanding of Concepts


- For Royals at Tier 7, concepts will be unlocked, but only those with which they have an affinity, such as Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Space, Time, Gravity, Creation, Destruction, Infinity, Dream, Eternity, Life, Death, etc.

- Users can further enhance their powers by using elemental mixture and elemental recombination to create new elements.

- To advance in cultivation stages, users must meditate and absorb energy. Through meditation, they increase their own energy production, and storage capacity and refine their body and soul.

- Supernatural Eyes have three stages: 1. Basic powers like X-ray, microscopic vision, telescopic vision, etc. 2. 360 Degree vision, and 3. Attack Vision (Heat Rays, Magic attack with eyes, etc). All of these can be unlocked with practice, and cultivation stages will improve powers, as well as regeneration.

- Aryan Energy can also be used to do magic.


Progenitor Powers:

- All the powers mentioned above.

- At Tier 7, Progenitors unlock all available concepts in the world.

- The state of being and mind can be divided into the following tiers:

a) Mortal: Users can conceal all their powers and become mortals.

b) Self-Realization: Users can utilize some of their powers while still appearing mortal.

c) True Self: Users can access 100% of their powers at any time.

d) Nature Unity: Users can become one with nature.

e) Transcendence: Users transcend beyond all limitations.

· Powers at Mortal state of being and mind: 

- Absorption: The power to absorb anything and utilize it in some way. 

- Alpha Physiology:

a) Indomitable Emotions: The user has indomitably strong emotions; an instinctive and intuitive state of mind that derives from the sensations of the heart that are variously associated with thoughts, feelings, behavioural responses, and a degree of pleasure or displeasure enabling them to be immune to all forms of emotional tampering such as Emotion Negation, Emotion Removal, Apathy, even Emotion Manipulation. (Indomitable Will, Indomitable Libido, Indomitable Love Indomitable Lust, Indomitable Pride, etc). Emotional Trigger - Emotions can trigger something inside yourself. Power Activation - Emotions can activate an inner power within your heart.

b) Cosmic Awareness: The user is aware of and knows absolutely everything that happens on a universal scale including planets being destroyed, mortal threats and dangers, knowledge about the cosmos, changes to the timeline and reality, and/or anything that would affect them in any way. Depending on the scale of the user's power, how much of the cosmos can be perceived will change, for example, planetary perception, galaxy perception, whole cosmos perception, etc.

c) Absolute Authority: The power to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience in their dominions even at supernatural levels. Bloodline (manipulation, inheritance, telepathy, etc). Kin Manipulation.

d) Endless Development: The user can endlessly develop in whatever field of expertise, meaning they can continue to develop themselves well and become stronger, faster, more durable, etc. without end.

e) Esoteric Physiology: The user is an "Esoteric Version" of their race/species; a unique version of their kind that not only has their qualities, but special powers and unique qualities, traits, abilities and physiology that are uncommon to their race/species. They are one of a kind as they can never be replicated or emulated by others because of their uniqueness, and even if someone did try to copy them or their powers it isn't equal to the original, making them by comparison superior to the majority of their kind.

f) Superpower Manipulation: Towards one's kind. Like: Enhanced Power Sharing, Meta/Ability Creation, Potential Creation, Power Inheritance, and Power Anchoring.

g) Consequence Creation: The ability to create a consequence for any course of action.

h) Biological Manipulation: Users can manipulate the biology of living organisms, including but not limited to genetic alterations and physical distortion and/or augmentations of biological functions. They can cause cells to augment to induce advanced or declined biological healing, induce and cure diseases like cancer, induce appearance alteration, manipulate pheromones, and even increase physiological maturity. (shapeshift, DNA, body, anything biologically possible).

i) Extinction Inducement: The ability to instantly end and eradicate an entire species of creatures from a world/universe limited only to their race.