
Pursuit of Beauty Chronicles

Tragically, he died from alcohol intoxication at the wedding of the girl he secretly loved. Through an unexpected twist, he found himself back in the past, gaining not only the ability to foresee the future but also extraordinary superpowers. Determined not to miss out on the love he lost in his previous life, he embarks on a journey to establish a technological empire, seeking out extraterrestrial technology, and forging a deep bond with the King of the Underworld, becoming sworn brothers in the process.

ProphecyX · Urban
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136 Chs

Teasing the Cashier

"Seeing how attentive he is towards you, who wouldn't notice?" Julie said with a mischievous smile. "Come on, tell us, what's the deal with this Li Boliang?"

"What are you talking about, Julie? Don't make things up. I have no relationship with him," Kris retorted. "He's the president of the New Jiang City Computer Association, and I'm just a member."

"But why do we feel like there's something special between you and that Li Boliang?" Julie raised an eyebrow, teasingly.

"It's not like that at all. I... I..." Kris shook her head anxiously.

"Hehe, don't be in a rush, Kris. I know, you must have someone else you're interested in," Julie continued to tease her.

"No, no, how could I... Ah!" Kris's face turned red. "Alright, you two. Let's hurry up and eat the lobster, or it'll all be gone soon." I pointed to the lobster on the table that I had already devoured a third of. This lobster was truly delicious, and I couldn't help but take a few more bites.

Julie and Kris picked up their chopsticks and began to feast on the lobster upon hearing my words.

After finishing our meal, I stood up and waved towards Li Boliang and his table. Li Boliang immediately lowered his head. I chuckled inwardly. Was this guy afraid that I would make him pay for the bill?

I took out an Industrial and Commercial Bank card from my pocket and handed it to the cashier at the counter.

"Sir, didn't the gentleman at Table 23 say he would pay for your meal?" the cashier waved her hand and said.

"Look at how scared he is, not even daring to lift his head. Do you think he would actually pay for me?" I pointed in Li Boliang's direction.

"Heh," the cashier couldn't help but burst into laughter upon seeing the situation. When she looked up at Li Boliang, he was also staring in our direction. Their eyes met, and Li Boliang immediately lowered his head, pretending as if nothing had happened.

"You see, I came here voluntarily to pay for our meal, so shouldn't you give us a discount?" I smiled and said. Actually, whether they gave me a discount or not didn't matter to me. It was mainly because I found the cashier girl quite attractive and wanted to tease her.

"Oh, I see. Sir, let me consult the manager," the girl smiled professionally and said, "Alright." I replied.

"Hey, you can afford a 10,000 yuan lobster, why do you care about this small amount of money?" Kris pouted and said.

"Hehe, I think he's probably attracted to the cashier girl and wants to talk to her a bit more," Julie said, gazing at me with a half-smile.

"I... It's just being frugal!" I said awkwardly. How did Julie understand me so well? She even saw through such a trivial matter.

"Sir, we can give you a 10% discount," the cashier girl returned and said.

"Can't you give an 80% discount?" I asked.

"Sir, a 10% discount is already a member benefit," the cashier girl explained.

"How about 85%?" I continued to ask.

"That's not possible either," the cashier girl continued to explain.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Wu Yingying," the cashier girl instinctively replied.

"Hehe, okay, 10% it is!" I handed over the card, grinning mischievously.

Wu Yingying blushed, realizing that she had accidentally told her name to a stranger.

"Here's your card?" I looked at Wu Yingying, who seemed a bit flustered.

"Oh," Wu Yingying replied, taking the bank card, "We can't process this card at our hotel since we don't have a network connection."

Only then did I remember that it was 1996, and UnionPay hadn't been introduced yet. Only a few banks with contracts with the hotel could use their cards here. I took out another Bank of China card and handed it over, not knowing if this one would work. If it couldn't be swiped either, that would be frustrating. However, I still couldn't understand why someone would carry tens of thousands of cash with them when dining here.

"Bank of China is accepted. Please wait a moment," Wu Yingying said, taking the card and swiping it on the machine. She handed the card back to me and said, "Please enter your PIN."

After entering my PIN and signing on the receipt, I said, "Goodbye!" I waved to Wu Yingying and left the Imperial Seafood Restaurant.

"Back to school?" I asked the two beautiful girls.

"It's already past two o'clock. How can we go back?" Kris glanced at her watch and said, "Julie, how about we skip class this afternoon and go shopping?"

"Sounds good. I wanted to buy something anyway," Julie said, looking at me with an adorable expression.

I quickly turned my head, humming a tune. Last time, when we went to the cultural park, I almost got exhausted. I couldn't accompany these two girls to wander around aimlessly again.

"Honey," Julie leaned against me, acting coquettish.

"Let's... just go back to class," Julie's fragrance wafted over, making me feel suffocated.

"Hmph, just because you were flirting with that Wu Yingying, don't think I didn't notice. I've decided. You're not allowed to pursue Chen Weier or Xia Jing anymore," Julie immediately frowned and said.

"Cough... Cough! Skipping class occasionally is no big deal," I changed my statement.

"It seems like you've skipped quite a few!" Sunshine returned to Julie's face, and she kissed my cheek softly, whispering, "I've canceled that decision."

The three of us got into a taxi that was waiting by the roadside. "To the department store," Julie told the driver.

In the afternoon, Julie and Kris shopped for a while, and my legs were numb. They seemed carefree, like nothing bothered them. They say men are afraid of accompanying women to go shopping because it hurts their wallets, but I actually hoped Julie would buy more things. However, she just kept looking without buying anything, going from one store to another.

"Buy whatever you like. It's not like we don't have the money, Miss Julie," I couldn't bear the torment and said.

"But there's nothing good!" Julie pouted.

"I think they all look good?!" I said.

"That's just your taste. Look at how you dress, like a country bumpkin," Julie sarcastically replied.

"Yes, only with my taste can I appreciate you," I smirked. Julie had dug a hole for herself to jump into.

"You're so annoying!" Julie said, giving me a random punch. That's the advantage women have, they can resort to violence when they can't win an argument.

Finally, while Kris was away in the restroom, Julie secretly bought a small bra. After paying, she whispered to me, "It seems like my... you know, has grown again. The old ones are a bit small."

I was ecstatic. After this little girl became a woman, her chest indeed started growing


"Is it because of the massages I've been giving you?" I asked mischievously.

"What massages?" Kris happened to come out of the restroom and asked after hearing my words.

"Nothing, nothing. I just said I'm exhausted and really want someone to give me a massage," I smirked and said.


That person was quite interesting, Wu Yingying thought, her face turning red. He could have just left without paying and eaten a free meal. Unexpectedly, he actually came over voluntarily to settle the bill. However, he was quite annoying, having tricked her into revealing her name. What annoyed her even more was how he could bring two beautiful girls to dine with him. Thinking this, Wu Yingying spat in her heart, why should I care if he's eating with a few beautiful girls? But whenever Wu Yingying thought of his mischievous smile, her heart couldn't help but skip a beat.