
Pubg Nightmare Player System

Ye Lang traveled to the parallel world and obtained the PUBG Nightmare Player System, which made him a nightmare for all players in the PUBG game.And eliminate other players in the game and complete system tasks can also get nightmare points and other special rewards.“Ding, get nightmare value +555”“Ding, get sniper rifle mastery skills”“Ding, get a Lamborghini sports car”….In addition to the game field, the entertainment circle, martial arts circle, and financial circle all have the legend of Ye Lang.Ye Lang: “Although I can do everything, the biggest advantage is that I am handsome!” .... Note : nothing here belongs to me, all the credits go to their respective owners.

EternalDragonO0 · Spiele
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36 Chs

Chapter 2: 98k Is Proficient In Advanced Skills

The two of them stared at each other with big eyes, their eyes on the S686 shotgun in unison.

There is only this gun on the top of the building, and whoever gets it wins.

For a while, the two moved at the same time, Ye Lang was a little closer, and took the gun first.

"Hey, brother, you are too slow."

Ye Lang smiled triumphantly and fired directly at the opponent after loading the bullet.

At such a close distance, even if Ye Lang's strength is not strong, he still hits with one blow.

Blood spurted violently on the opponent's body and was directly eliminated.

"You used the s686 shotgun to kill the player who landed into a box brother"

"Ding Dong, get nightmare value +5"

"Ding Dong, get 98K advanced skills!"

Nightmare value?

"System, what's the use of this nightmare value?"

98K is proficient in advanced skills, just listen to the name Ye Lang, but the nightmare value is really unknown.

"Answer the host, the nightmare value can be used to exchange money and draw a lottery."

One hundred nightmare points can be used for the primary draw.

One thousand nightmare points can be used for intermediate draws.

Ten thousand nightmare points can be used for advanced lottery.

With the system explained in this way, Ye Lang understood the role of the nightmare value.

Only one hundred nightmare values can be used for the lottery draw. For the time being, there is no need to consider this. Ye Lang is more concerned about the exchange of money.

"System, what does this money exchange say?"

"Answer the host, the exchange ratio of RMB (renminbi) to nightmare value is 100:1"

So cheating?

"100 nightmare value can be exchanged for a dollar, then I have to earn the year of the monkey to get rid of poverty."

After hearing the system's answer, Ye Lang subconsciously complained.

"Host, your understanding seems to be a bit poor."

The system answered like this, with a tone of contempt.


"Is it a nightmare worth 100RMB?" Ye Lang asked.

The system answered: "Indeed!"

Sure enough, poverty limits my thinking.

"Then what are you waiting for, exchange it now."

Ye Lang ordered the system.

The system replied: "The host can open the system panel and choose to redeem or draw by himself."

System panel?

Ye Lang tried it in his mind, and as expected, a light blue light curtain appeared in front of him.

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Nightmare Player System

Host: Ye Lang

Age: 22

Game skills: 98K advanced skills

Realistic skills: No

Item: None

Nightmare value: 5 [Redeem] [Raffle]

The system panel is very simple, and Ye Lang knows the functions at a glance.

There are two buttons for redemption and lottery behind the nightmare value. Ye Lang presses the redemption button.

Then choose to redeem all.

"Ding Dong, the nightmare value exchange succeeded!"

The system prompt sounds.

Ye Lang's Shandong Pear cell phone rang on the table suddenly, which was a reminder tone from a text message.

Picking up the phone and looking at it, it turned out to be the news that the bank card arrived.

"Your bank card with the ending number 1314 is 500RMB and the balance is 525RMB! (Hua Xia Bank

Really arrived!


Just killing a person and earning 500 yuan, Ye Lang felt that making money is so easy for the first time.

At this time, a burst of gunfire suddenly sounded, and the two players who landed on the opposite floor had already begun to do it. One of them was quickly eliminated, and the other was also residual blood.

Ye Lang didn't rush to shoot, first pick up a reliable gun.

The s686 shotgun has a nickname in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds called Equality of All Living Beings, because it is so powerful that anyone can be killed with one shot under his gun.

But the Achilles' heel of this kind of gun is also very obvious, that is, it can't hit at all at a long distance.

Ye Lang entered from the top of the building to the second floor, and when he came down the stairs, his eyes were bright, and a plain gun attracted his attention.

There is a handful of 98K, so if you really want to sleep, someone will give you a pillow.

Rare materials like 98K generally only have a higher probability of appearance in large places like airports and P City, and they can be found in the wild.

Ye Lang quickly picked it up and quickly loaded the bullet, and then found a red dot sight in this building.

The moment Ye Lang got the 98K, a strange feeling appeared in Ye Lang's body, as if a warm current was flowing.

The skills of using various 98K sniper rifles were integrated into his mind!

At this moment, he turned into a 98K gun god!

After getting 98K, Ye Lang immediately ran up to the roof, and the players on the opposite side of the roof kept firing bullets at him.

A bullet hit Ye Lang's body, instantly causing Ye Lang to lose half of his health.

He quickly calmed down, raised the 98K in his hand, opened the scope, instantly locked the opponent's head and pulled the trigger.


With the sound of 98K gunfire, a 7.62mm bullet erupted instantly.

The person on the top of the building opposite, the second-level head on his head was instantly shattered by the blow, and fell directly on the ground into a box essence.

"You used a 98K sniper rifle to hit the head and kill the player with soy sauce!"

"Ding Dong, nightmare value +8"

System prompts also sounded in my mind.

Not bad, the nightmare value is a bit more than the previous one, but there is no explosive skill.

The probability of wanting to explode skills should not be high.

After solving the person, Ye Lang immediately ran over to lick the box, which contained an M16 assault rifle, bullets and ammunition, and a 4x mirror.

Ye Lang replaced the original shotgun with an M16 assault rifle, and then installed a 98K with a 4x lens.

98K without a magnifier has no soul.

The biggest charm of 98K is that it is so powerful that it can be killed in one shot, but as long as it is below the third level, as long as it is hit in the head, it will be eliminated directly.

It is for this reason that 98K is very popular in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

Imagine that when your teammates and enemies are fighting to death and life, you calmly raise the 98K in your hand, shoot the enemy head and turn around and leave calmly. Is it a masterful demeanor?

After licking the box, Ye Lang searched two nearby buildings and put away some useful items.

At this time, Yelang's equipment had already taken shape. Although he was still wearing a green hat on his head, he was wearing a Class III armor and a Class II backpack on his back. The ammunition and medicine in the backpack were also extremely sufficient.

The M16 assault rifle and 98K sniper rifle are also quite good rifles and sniper rifles, which are enough to support him to complete the entire game.

After leaving the small house area, Ye Lang found a jeep on the side of the road and drove the jeep towards the nearby large resource point.

I looked at the map and found that the nearest city was P City. Ye Lang drove straight away.

The Ono district, which was previously chosen to avoid falling into a box, now has 98K proficient skills, plus there are still 98K in his hand, now he is not just a counselor!

Real man, can't counsel!

What Ye Lang didn't notice was that there was a player in the kill prompt area in the upper right corner of the screen constantly refreshing.