
Psychopath: A BL

Serial killings taking place in Seoul, South Korea is making everyone concerned. Young boys and girls are being killed brutally, some of their parts missing, and a message engraved on each one of them. Dario a young boy, who is studying music in Seoul, is determined to find out who's behind all this. At a time when parents are being cautious to not let their children roam on the streets at night, Dario does not fear anything and gets out on a journey to find out the truth. Police have no idea on who the killer is. The killer is deadly and professional and leaves no trace. As Dario is trying to find out the killer, the killer is after Dario. Dario is his next victim. Will Dario be able to survive and catch the criminal or will he be killed just as brutally by him? . . . The man smirks while following the young boy roaming alone in the street at midnight, "Those big eyes..." He whispered, "They're certainly meant for my collection..." Dario was alone on the street at midnight, covering his head with his hoodie and hands inside his pockets. Suddenly a man tapped him on his shoulders. Dario turned around to look at the man. "Yes?" He asked. The man just smirked...

Krimson_Boomer · LGBT+
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𝙎𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙎𝙚𝙤𝙪𝙡....

A girl was walking in the middle of the road. She was wearing headphones and playing the song 'Butter' by BTS. As she was walking slowly through the road, she hummed a few chords of the song.

"Smooth like butter, like a criminal undercover..."

It was late at night and she was returning from a friend's birthday party. She was vibing with the song a little. Too much alcohol had made her a bit tipsy.

Suddenly a sound made her come to a halt. She turned around to see what's happening. It looked like someone just closed a shop. She again started to walk and hum.

"A side step, right-left to my beat..."

After a while she felt like someone was following her. She stopped the song and turned around. But there was no one. The road was completely empty and not a single soul could be seen.

She gulped and opened her headphones and put them inside her bag. She searched in her bag for her pepper spray. She clutched the bottle in her hand and turned around to walk towards her destination.

She was breathing heavily as she was feeling paranoid. She started walking faster still clutching the pepper spray in her hand. Suddenly she flinched at her phone ringing.

Her heart was beating fast and she tried to calm down. Her throat was dry and she gulped down her saliva to wet it. She took out her phone to see who was calling. She immediately calmed down after seeing her boyfriend's name. She smiled a little and picked up the phone.

"Hello" She said.

"Hey love! Have you reached home yet?" The enthusiastic voice of her lover made her chuckle.

"No babe. I'm walking towards home. I'll reach in fifteen more minutes" She said.

"Still fifteen minutes love?" His voice was concerned, "Shall I come to pick you up? It's quite late..."

"Don't worry babe...I'm fine" She reassured him, "You do one thing...let's talk on call till I reach home...ok?"

"Ok love" He said. Then they started talking about different things. The girl was so indulged in talking that she forgot her paranoia.

"Haha...yeah, and then you remember what Susan told her?" She asked her boyfriend while laughing.

"Yes of course!" He said, "And what about-" He was cut off by his girlfriend.

"What the fuck!" The girl shouted.

"What happened love?!" The boy started to panic.

"Oh it's nothing" The girl said, "It's just that the street lights went off...a power cut maybe..."

"You know what love..." Her lover said, "I'm coming to pick you up. Just wait for me"

"But babe-" The girl could not complete her sentence when her boyfriend already cut the call.

She sighed and put her phone inside. She just stood there waiting for her boyfriend. There was no other choice because if her lover told that he's coming, then he's coming. So it's better to wait for him.

Suddenly her paranoia came back. She could feel the presence of someone but could not see anyone as it was very dark. She took out her pepper spray and kept it ready for anytime.

Suddenly the lights came back. She looked around to find no one. She sighed at her foolishness. Maybe she's watching too many thrillers these days.

She took out her phone and was going to dial the number of her boyfriend when someone tapped her on her shoulder.

She flinched and turned around, ready to attack. But as she looked at the man's face, he did not look alarming. In fact he looked so handsome that she forgot her fears.

"Yes?" She asked innocently.

The man just smirked...

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙣𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝙙𝙖𝙮....

"Holy shit!" Kat shouted.

"What happened?" Dario asked as he lazily sat on the bed after taking a shower.

"Have you heard Dario?" Kat said, "There's been another murder. It's the fifth one!"

Dario looked at Kat, "Another..." He mumbled.

"Here...look" Kat gave his phone to Dario.

"A body has been recovered from an abandoned street of Seoul. A girl of 19 has been brutally killed and disposed off on the street. Police suspect it's the work of none other than Shadow the killer.

The girl's eyes and nails had been plucked out. Except for that she was beautifully dressed in a white gown, her hair neatly done with dry white roses. Her hands had been slit and a dagger had been drawn through her heart. Further information to come after the postmortem..."

"This killer is really something!" Kat exclaimed, "Like five victims in a row! He is killing two people every month!"

"Interesting..." Dario remarked.

"What interesting! It's creepy as fuck man!" Kat said unbelievably, "It's risky to go out at night!"

Dario sighed. It was all getting too interesting for him. One guy, five murders, two each month, five days interval between two murders, young victims between 18 and 20, no discrimination among boys and girls. Dario was trying to connect the dots.

He quickly took out his diary to see the description of the other four killings. The first one was a girl, 18 years. It was two months ago. She was returning home from hospital late at night after visiting her sick mother, but had been kidnapped before she could reach.

The next day her body was found inside a dustbin on a busy street. A little boy of seven years found her while playing. There was not a single scratch on the girl except a perfect slit throat. The killer even sewed it up before making her wear a white wedding gown and applying makeup to make her look beautiful. She was made to sit in an elegant pose inside the dustbin.

Later it was found out that her tongue was cut out and her ovaries were carefully plucked out through her vaginal opening. Postmortem report says these were done when she was alive. Unique. A brutal but unique kill.

The next was a boy. 20 years. He was returning from his part time waiter job. But again before he could get back home, he was kidnapped. Two days later he was found all wrapped up in tape, inside a garbage bag, in front of a school. The boy was murdered by stabbing. He was stabbed 21 times in his chest. Death from excessive blood loss and breaking of the ribs. His heart was removed and his balls were cut off.

Both of these murders were done at an interval of five days. The third murder was done a month later.

The third victim was again a boy. This one was 19. He was returning from a late night party, but never reached home. Two days later his body was found in an abandoned street in the North of Seoul. A garbage van found the body while collecting garbage. The boy was made to wear a suit and tie. He was strangled to death. This guy was tortured quite a bit before his death. His vocal chords were ruptured using a screwdriver but he was not let to die. There were burn marks on his body, most probably cigarette marks. At last a hammer was used to break open his skull and remove his brain.

The fourth victim was again a boy. He was 20 years old. This boy was returning from a friend's dinner with his girlfriend. On his way home he went to a public washroom, but did not come out. After waiting for nearly half an hour his girlfriend searched for him and lodged a missing complaint on the same night. The next day his body was found in a septic tank. He was drowned to death. Both sets of his teeth along with the gums were pulled out. Also a long rod has been penetrated in his ass, rupturing his rectum and colon.

These two murders had also been done on a five day interval. Today, again a month later the fifth body has been found. Dario quickly wrote down the details of the fifth victim. He went through the details of all the five murders before closing his diary frustratingly.

There was not much similarity between the murders. Victims were both boys and girls. The only pattern that could be noticed was that there was five days gap between the first two murders, then the third murder was done a month later, again there was five days gap between the third and fourth murder. And now the fifth murder was done again another month later. So according to the pattern, the next victim will be killed in five days more. And before another murder happens Porchay has to do something to find out the truth.

The other thing that could be found out was that the killer kept parts of the bodies with himself and always dressed them up before disposing. That means the kills are not out of mere aggression, but the killer is a bit artistic and loves to explore. That's why each victim is killed in a different way. But there must be something else that connects the murders.

Today is Monday. So the next murder will be on Saturday. Before that Dario had to do something.

I need to meet Dae before it's too late. Dario thought to himself. He got out of the bed and became ready for his university.

𝘼𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙪𝙣𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙞𝙩𝙮....

"We need to be more careful nowadays" Kat said, "Stick to me Dario. Don't roam about"

"Do I look like a kid to you Kat!" Dario exclaimed.

"Yes!" He said.

Dario rolled his eyes at him before starting to walk faster. Kat ran to catch up with him.

"Hey Dario! Slow down!" He said.

Suddenly Dario remembered something and stopped in his tracks.

"What happened?" Kat asked.

"Nothing...it's just that I need to meet Eun" Dario said, "I'll meet you in class"

Saying that Dario left from there running. As he ran to another side from a corner, he accidentally bumped into some seniors and fell down.

"Hey kid! Look around when you're walking! Idiot!" They said as they walked away.

Dario had just grazed his knee on the ground and it was burning like hell.

"Shit" He said as he touched the bruise. He was sitting on the ground and observing his knee when he saw a hand of someone. Chay looked up to find none other than Ezra. He had a lollipop in his mouth and he extended his hand to Dario.

Dario looked up at his eyes. Ezra was staring at him. He took out the lollipop from his mouth as he said, "Would you get up or just sit there for the whole day?"

Dario snapped out and quickly got up taking his hand.

"Thank you Ezra" He said, bowing down a little. Some girls were looking at them curiously. Ezra never approaches anyone. In fact he hated when people tried to talk to him, or worse touch him. He was seldom attracted to anyone and if he did, he would use them for a night and never talk to them again.

Ezra is known as the bad boy of the university. An extremely talented bad boy. The Ximénez title only intimidated people not to interfere in his business. He does not have any friends and he's a smoker, drunkard and drug addict. Except for his bad habits he's an excellent singer and musician.

Ezra did not lend an ear to the girls gossiping about them and turned around and started walking. Dario just stood there confused as to why Ezra suddenly helped him. Ezra then stopped and turned around once more.

"Will you just stand there like a statue?" Ezra asked Dario with his deep grainy voice, "Follow me"

Dario looked at Ezra confusedly before following him. Ezra entered an empty classroom and Dario entered after him. Dario stood behind Ezra while the latter turned around to face him.

Ezra gestured with his hand for Dario to sit down. Dario just did as he was asked as he was really confused. Ezra had finished eating the lollipop and he threw away the stick. He then took out a gel from nowhere and walked towards Dario.

He slowly bend down in front of Chay and touched his bruised knee.

"I guess you know me" Ezra said.

"I do Ezra" Chay said, "You're Elijah's brother"

Dario still remembers the day he first saw Ezra. It was 6 months ago when he first came to Seoul to join the famous music university. Ezra was standing leisurely leaning on his new Mercedes, smoking.

At that time he did not know who Ezra was. Asking from his friends he got to know that the handsome devil's name was Ezra Ximénez. Once he heard Ezra's full name he already knew that Ezra must be related to his brother's mafia boyfriend Elijah.

That evening he video called his brother Daniele. He talked with Daniele and also Elijah. And once he got the opportunity he asked Elijah about Ezra.

"So you already met him?" Elijah asked.

"Yes" Dario said, "Is he somehow-"

Elijah did not let him finish the sentence, "He's my brother, the youngest Ximénez. But you better stay away from him"

"Why...what happened?" Dario asked.

Elijah sighed, "My brother was a very decent and humble person. He was never interested in our business and always focused on his music. But something happened...after that he changed completely..... Dario, my brother is not a bad person...it's just that he's not normal. You better stay away from him"

"What...happened to him Elijah?" Dario asked.

Elijah thought for a few moments if he shall answer or not. Then he sighed, "Someone tried to kill him. When we found him, he was nearly dead, just a breathing corpse. His wounds were fatal and it was difficult to save him, but luckily he survived. Once he recovered he changed completely, he became distant and cold. He dyed his hair, made all those damn tattoos and piercings and even left Italy. He went to Seoul to study music and never returned home. I only met him once or twice when I flew to Seoul. Dario...you better not get involved with him.."

"I won't" Dario said smilingly although Ezra's life made him curious. He talked with Elijah for some time before his brother came back. Then they talked a little more before bidding goodbyes.

"Hiss..." The sudden burning sensation on Dario's knees brought him back to reality. Ezra was applying gel on Dario's wound.

Dario looked down at the crouching man in front of him. Ezra looked a bit pale with his bluish grey hair. But what Dario could not deny was that Ezra was the most handsome man Dario had ever met.

Once Ezra was done with applying the medicine, he stood up and stepped backwards.

"Be careful while you walk, Dario. Don't bump into unknown men...it can be dangerous" Ezra said as he smirked.

Dario stood up, "You know me?" He asked surprised.

"You're Daniele's brother, of course I know you" Ezra said.

"You know Daniele?" Chay asked, surprised again. Elijah had told him that Ezra never returns to Italy and is quite detached from the family. Then how did he know about Daniele?

"Staying away from the family does not mean that I do not have any news of what's going on" Ezra said as though reading Dario's mind.

"Oh" Dario mumbled as he looked down.

Suddenly Ezra came extremely close to Dario's face. The younger widened his eyes as the older's breath fell on his lips. Dario inhaled Ezra's scent, a mild mint with cigarettes.

"𝘓𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘣𝘰𝘺𝘴 𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘳𝘰𝘢𝘮 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘵𝘴 𝘢𝘵 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵" Ezra said, making Dario shocked.