
Psycho X Psychic

Teren Hark - Quiet and ordinary at school. Passive and nothing noteworthy about him. However, one of his classmates thinks otherwise. Iesa Hun - Quiet but extraordinary. Aggressive when provoked. On top of the school's hierarchy because of her brains and beauty. Recently, she learned the secret about Teren Hark. He's a psychopath who had a rich history of murder, massacre, and other atrocities. But she has her fair share of secrets as well - she's a psychic who can read other people's thoughts, except, of course, the psychopath himself. Welcome to Mershen High where these two superhumans collide as they slowly learn each other's pasts and meet the world's hidden supernatural together while still trying to be proper students.

JhiThan_Ser · Urban
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296 Chs

Perfect Day not to Bring an Umbrella

A critical blunder!

Iesa just wanted to flaunt and hit Lina's vulnerable spots.

Not just blunder but the consequences of her own actions!

Seeing her set off, Iesa immediately chased but seeing the incoming students, she could only walk in her usual graceful manner.

Although Iesa didn't like these plastic people, she has an image to protect!

Gritting her teeth, she walked in fast strides and did not run like a weirdo. Entering the room, she already saw Lina taking up her phone and bugging Teren.

"Can I get your number?"


"As class president."

"That didn't answer my question but okay."

'I knew it! Teren doesn't really care!' Iesa hurried and loudly sat beside them, gaining Teren's attention.

Once they met eye to eye, Iesa transmitted a message through her eyes.

[Don't give her your phone number!]

But how could Teren understand it?

[I love lasagna too.]

Teren replied with his eyes, at least that's what Iesa saw. She clenched her fists.

'I do love lasagna!'