
Psychic Passions and Desires

Book 2 in the Pot of Gold series Laura receives an invitation to act in a film in Europe and soon she and her husband Blake lose their daughter to a kidnapper. Jacqueline uses her new-found psychic skills to locate her friend Laura’s abducted baby and tries to heal Enrique, Laura’s wealthy film producer. She and her friends have experiences in haunted houses while they act on a film. Then Jacqueline meets up with a champion dancer who turns out to be a dangerous witch. Victoria, the witch leads Jacqueline into experiencing disturbing episodes of magic. She’s fiercely jealous of Jacqueline and wants to destroy her at all costs because Jacqueline is a clairvoyant as well as a good dancer. Jacqueline and her friends employ all their spiritual skills to ward off Victoria’s vicious magic attacks. When Jacqueline and her friends visit one of Victoria’s former victims, a lover who rejected her, they meet up with Victoria’s grandmother in a forest. Eventually, they discover that Victoria’s grandmother is a doe in the forest by day and a beautiful, young female spy at night. So, Jacqueline and her friends must now develop new skills to conquer Victoria’s grandmother who was thought to be dead years ago. They have difficulty keeping up with her advanced skills in witchcraft though.

Charlotte_PLambert · Fantasie
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20 Chs

Jacqueline takes bolder steps

"Then let me speak to Sheridan tomorrow and we can meet in that therapy centre after work, if she agrees," Jacqueline suggested.

"That would be just great. Let's do it and then maybe I can sense if there's anything fake going on there," Adam agreed with a twinkle in his eyes as he smiled crookedly.

"What do you mean? What could be wrong there? Do you think that there could be tricks involved in what I experienced there?" Jacqueline asked with a frown.

"You never know. It all just sounds so convenient. The fact that you could find the solution so quickly, especially after bumping into Sheridan? Don't you think it's too convenient?"

"I understand what you mean, but, it could be fate. I mean, I've been in touch with the supernatural before, so I should know whether I'm experiencing something for real or not," Jacqueline responded as she studied Adam's face.

"It could all be genuine, yes, but there are so many scammers out there that a person can never really know whether something is real until afterwards, when it's perhaps too late," Adam commented in a calm tone.

"Do you think that Sheridan didn't really just bump into me by accident?"

"Yes, there could be a chance that she was waiting around for you. But then that would imply that she knows everything about the kidnapping," Adam responded.

"I don't know about that, because it would mean that she's somehow collaborating with the kidnapper? That would be seriously troubling.

But then why would she also help me by going against her partner in crime?"

"There can be many reasons for that. Maybe they had a disagreement and she decided to go against him? That happens often," Adam responded with a shrug and a raised eyebrow.

"So, that would mean that those images against the wall were pre-recorded. That's a bit far-fetched, I think.

Anyway, I know that my experience of traveling to France and speaking to that nanny was as real as my transportation experience in Brazil was," Jacqueline commented.

"Yes, well. Just be careful when dealing with Sheridan. You know very little about her. I can also try and check her out when we meet her together."

"I suppose you're right in being sceptical," Jacqueline responded as she tried to think about the situation.

"One should be open minded, but I think that I should go with my gut instinct. I'm supposed to be spiritually enlightened. So, I suppose that I should put fears and insecurities to the side and totally trust my inner voice," Jacqueline explained.

"Then, you stay as you are, I think. Keep your opinion and I will take a look at Sheridan objectively to see if she could be hiding something. Then neither one of us is compromised. Is that alright?" Adam asked.

"Yes, that's okay. Then you can at least satisfy your curiosity," Jacqueline agreed.


The following afternoon Jacqueline and Adam were already in the basement of the university's sociology building.

"Where is she?" Adam asked as he paced up and down in front of the closed door.

"We're a bit early, remember?" Jacqueline commented in a low tone of voice. She was feeling just as anxious as Adam to see Sheridan again, but she tried to keep calm.

Jacqueline and Adam had decided to finish up with work early so that they would have enough time for this expedition. So, they left just before their afternoon tea breaks at their respective jobs.

"Is she usually punctual?" Adam asked.

"I only know her for two days, so I can't say. Yesterday we had our signals crossed and we were impulsive because Monique was unsafe, so we were tense. At least I was," Jacqueline responded as she continued to look up and down the narrow passage.

"Are there no other students in there?" Adam whispered, nodding his head in the direction of the closed room.

"I don't think so because she said that she booked a session for us," Jacqueline replied.

"Okay. So, doesn't she work with a supervisor?" Adam asked with a frown.

"She told me that there is someone that she reports back to, but I think she's advanced enough to do experiments and counselling sessions on her own," Jacqueline responded with a shrug.

"I really still have to get to know her."

Before Adam could respond, they heard footsteps hurrying along the passage.

"Oh, you're already here," they heard. They turned around and saw Sheridan coming towards them. Jacqueline heaved a sigh of relief.

"This is my friend, Adam that I've told you about," she said, nodding in Adam's direction.

"Pleased to meet you," Adam said, stretching his hand out to Sheridan.

"Oh, likewise here," Sheridan responded with a pleasant smile as she shook his hand. She then turned around and opened the door. She swept her hand in front of herself indicating that they her visitors could enter before her.

"Oh, this is amazing! What an awesome place!" Adam exclaimed as soon as he entered the room.

"Yes, it's really beautiful, isn't it?" Jacqueline responded with a slight chuckle.

They then walked around to the other room. Jacqueline entered and immediately walked over to the couch against the wall.

"Oh, this is just as beautiful! Who does the décor around here? Wait until my aunt Priya sees this!" Adam exclaimed again.

"Oh, it's a joint effort put together by various students over the years," Sheridan responded with a bright smile.

"It's really amazing," Adam responded looking around at everything around him.

"Well, I'm happy that the baby was found, just as you hoped it would be and as you saw on the wall. You got all the details right," Sheridan remarked with a bright smile as she looked at Jacqueline.

"Well, Carminda and I had the same cues, so that made every detail about the situation more real. I saw the girl when I was transported and Carminda spoke to her," Jacqueline remarked. She did not want to take all the credit for finding Monique.

"Actually, it's interesting to note that the nanny saw neither one of you. She spoke to you because she heard your voice in a baby nursery and she spoke to Carminda on the phone, yet she was sufficiently convinced to do as the two of you asked her," Sheridan remarked with an amazed look on her face.

"I think it was pretty overwhelming to her. She didn't have much of a chance because she didn't know what could be coming next," Adam remarked with an earnest look on his face.

"I suppose Adam is right, but how do we know that Monique is completely safe from now on? Won't that man or one of his people grab her again?" Jacqueline asked as she sat down on the couch.

"Let's see from the glass jar again," Sheridan responded. She then walked over to the cupboard and took out the jar again.

Adam looked at Jacqueline with his eyebrows raised,

"Oh, it's the image projection that I told you about. Sit down and watch," Jacqueline explained as she gestured for Adam to sit down on the couch next to her.

Adam stared with his mouth open when the rays of light began to stream from the jar. His mouth hung open when he saw images on the wall opposite the desk where Sheridan was sitting with the jar.