
Prototype: DO NOT READ

NickEND · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Chapter 13

None's POV:

Finally, the blankers stood face to face with Hades. Hades clearly wasn't entertained by the number of people coming to visit this late at night. In the front stood Tao Tao with her trident.

"I don't remember inviting you lots to my class." Hades simply stated.

The air was tense. Hades' aura is completely different than to when he's just floating in the sky explaining everything to everyone.

"Who came up with this?" Hades asked the blankers.

No answers. Oh, except one.

"I was dragged into this," Hajime answered.

"I suppose we can postpone it until later," and with that Hades rose up from the split sofa. The air around him got tenser.

"I hope you can at least entertain me."


Kenji's POV:

The real deal really is different when you know you're gonna be fighting it.

"We'll proceed as planned." I confirmed with everyone.

With that, we split into 5 groups each a good distance apart from each other.

We'll commence phase 1.

Four groups surround Hades from each side while the first group observes. The first group consist of Tao Tao and the members of the Eternal Flare.

The plan is to let the four groups soak damage while we observe patterns in Hades' attacks.

This method would normally be inhumane if not for the regenerative ability of a blanker's body.

As long as we protect the core in our chin, we can regenerate our body parts while the others take turns. In short, phase 1 is a battle of attrition.

Group 3 and 5 finally made their advances to Hade's front and back. I've informed them to go as slowly as possible in order to observe the maximum range of Hades' attacks.

Hades doesn't seem to care about the group sneaking up behind him as he raised his hand to prepare an attack. Three black javelins materialized and shot in the direction of group 3.

"Scatter!" The assigned leader of group 3 shouted out and they dispersed.

Even with coordinated execution, Hades' attack was still too fast and injured 3 of group 3's members. One of them losing both their legs.

The rest of group 3 hurried to drag them away but Hades had already started another wave of attack. Hades stopped just before he could throw the javelins.

Everyone in the room froze.

Hades turn back to see a blanker's arm fully stretched. He had just punched him. Realizing he's completely alone, he became filled with fear as he desperately tried to run away.

But it was already too late.

Three javelins struck through his abdomen, chest, and his neck as his body hang motionless as the javelins are properly implanted into the ground.

"Snap out of it! He barely scratched his chin!" One of the men shouted out.

I understand now. The black mist surrounding him lets him materialize weapons. These weapons can travel infinitely for as hard as you throw them. They're essentially permanent.

"Sir, this might be bad" Haruto whispered from behind, "If Hades' javelins can reach that far I believe we won't be safe even at this distance."

I couldn't help but smile at that statement.

"Haruto, look at his mist."

Haruto's eyes widened, at least that's what I'm imagining based on his reaction.

"Sir, it's less concentrated than before." Haruto's caught up.

"And that means there's a limit to how many times he can use it. And it's been a while now but there's no sign of them disappearing."

So if I'm correct…

"USE THE WEAPONS ON THE GROUND!" This is probably the loudest I've ever been.

Everyone quickly caught on as the select few pulled out the javelins from the ground and group 5 finally freed the injured blanker.

Hades also heard it, as he materialize 5 javelins while staring me dead in the eyes.

It was then a javelin struck his chest like a giant arrow.

Hades looked down. It took a moment for him to realize what's happened. The black javelin vanished. There was no wound to be seen anywhere near where the javelin struck.

But one thing is certain. Hades is angry.

The number of javelins became 10, no 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16… At some point I've lost count. It was spread out in all directions as if suggesting our doom.

I stood there frozen at the number of those javelins. There's at least 80 of it.

"EVERYONE TAKE COVER!" I finally snapped out of it.

It didn't take long before all the javelins rained down. It was no exaggeration to say there was no room to dodge.

The air become filled with the crashes of bodies and screams of agony.

Luckily, only two struck my right shoulder. I was able to free myself by tearing apart my limb.

I looked around to find everyone on the ground. Some on the ground, some lost limbs, some got struck through the head, and very few unscathed.

Half of group 3 and 5 were wiped out because they were the closest.

"Grab the weapons!" One of the blankers roared as the room became alive with battlecries.

Retaliation begun to take place as everyone showered the single monster with javelins from all directions.

"You insolent fools!" Hades roared back.

A wall of wind completely nullified the javelins and bounced them away.The javelins then reverted back to their gas state and vanished from the room, leaving not a single one behind.

"Did you think I would just sit here and let you use my own power against me?"

Despite the attack failure, I couldn't help clench my fist in excitement. The black mist surrounding him has completely diminished.

Group 3 and 5 gathered together and fused. It's time for group 1 to roll out now.

"Now's the time! He can't use the javelins anymore!" Haruto shouted out in my place.

"Kenji, is it time to fight?" Tao Tao calmly asked.

"Not yet."

The six people closest to the skeleton charged at him intending to inflict as much damage as they can with their fists.

It was then one of the blankers head flew right off. Then it was shredded into pieces.


What just happened?

Another blanker got all his limbs and head dissected.

The other was grabbed by an invisible hand as he struggled in vain.

The remaining three blankers were knocked back by a strong gust of wind.

"If I ran out of dark essence then I can simply replenish them by killing you all."

The guy getting choked by the invisible hand had a cone of black wind drilled into his head as it popped like a balloon.

"Who's next?" Hades reached out his hand as if welcoming any new challengers.

The blankers continued to charge aimlessly at the monstrous skeleton and they each get cut down one by one like paper.

"Sir! You have to tell them to stop!" Riria suddenly appeared behind me.

"NO!" I shouted without realizing

"Kenji, let me fight," Tao Tao joined in


"Almost… we're too close to back off now." My eyes completely fixated on the fight as my comrades fall one after another, never to get up again.


It was then I saw Hades miss for the first time. The wind blade cut through the blanker's shoulder, barely missing his neck. No, that wasn't his first time missing. He's constantly missing, I just wasn't paying enough attention.

Finally I have everything I needed.


As if waiting for this moment, everyone in group 1 roared in excitement.


A loud battlecry could be heard from behind me. Everyone's waiting for the prime moment to finally counterattack.

"Hades' wind has two forms, concentrated and barrier. Concentrated requires focus but can easily be dodged if you anticipate it. Barrier can cover all areas around him but can be broken through with enough force." I explained to Haruto as he nodded.

"The black mist is able to materialize weapons. But that shouldn't be a problem anymore because he's exhausted it all. As for the scythe, there is still too little to be known. To be honest, I didn't want to send our main force so soon when our opponent still has a card up their sleeves, but our casualty is only going to pile up if we stall any longer."

Haruto understood it all and proceeded to relay the information to the rest of the group, then to the other groups.

Now back to the task at hand.

Hades killed about 5 more blankers before we could arrive. The rest is up to Tao Tao. She's someone I have confidence in and her title Queen of spears isn't just for shows either.

"I believe you heard what I told Haruto as well. With your agility, you'll be able to dodge his attacks even at point blank range. If anything out of the ordinary happens, fall back."

"Understood," Tao Tao replied.

And with that, she finally walked up to her opponent. The other blankers stopped charging in. This is now her duel.

"You're not worthy of wielding that weapon." Hades taunted.

"If weapons were to choose their owners, the world would have less fighters."

"Then let's see if you're a worthy fighter."

Tao Tao took her stance, holding her trident like a spear, as supposed to how fantasies would portray trident users to be strong one arm monsters.

Hades reached his hands to the side as if waiting for his weapon to fly to his hand.

A trail of black mist gathered around his palm and worked it's way out forming a long stick. It finished with a sharp curved blade at the very end.

A scythe.

I can't believe he's using it already.

I could feel a sweat drop as they both hold their ground for a few seconds.

Tao Tao made the first move and rushed towards her opponent.

Hades took a side swing but narrowly misses as Tao Tao ducked, spinning her spear around to parry Hades' second attack.

With the momentum she's carried, she begun her counterattack.

It was then she realized something is off and backed away.

"You dodged that?" Hades seemed impressed.

It was swift but I could faintly see the air distortion where she originally was.

Tao Tao didn't hesitate to continue pressuring her opponent with her swift attacks.

With every attack from Hades, she would dodge. And if she can't dodge it, she would parry. When little opportunities arise, she would attack and corner her opponent.

At some point Tao Tao was able to close in the gap and finally was able to prepare a strike that will inevitably connect.

Hades realized this and quickly used barrier to push her away.

Tao Tao won't just give her opponents time to recover. It didn't take long before she was able to close the gap again.

Hades cast barrier again and this time it shattered. Or to be specific, the wind dispersed. Tao Tao had already anticipated Hades' moves and prepare a heavy blow just for that moment.

Hades visibly panicked and created a wall of black mist only to be cut down by Tao Tao. This was followed by another wall but that too was cut down.

As Tao Tao advance with every step, Hades can only take a step back. He's completely on the defensive now.

The blankers stared in awe as they witness the Mighty Hades getting cornered by the Queen of spears.

Her swift decision making is what makes her good with spears. A melee weapon with range advantage and swift combos.

Hades grew desperate and tried to regain some distance between her but Tao Tao continue to stick to him like glue.

The deciding point of the battle became obvious when Hades' defensive walls grew weaker with each one getting destroyed by Tao Tao's advances.

During this time, Tao Tao's attacks only became faster and faster to the point she's created afterimages of herself.

Hades now has no choice but to defend with his scythe from the vicious attacks but it's only a matter of time before Tao Tao breaks through it too.

During the whole battle, Hades hadn't used his wind magic once after the initial attack due to him being constantly put in the defensive. Making your opponent unable to attack is also one form of defense.

The battle is nearing it's end as Hades' scythe isn't able to hold on for longer. It was only a matter of time until it finally shattered into black mists that quickly vanished into thin air.

By the time the mists have faded, Hades had lost track of Tao Tao. She appeared behind him and prepared her final attack that would pierce his skull and end this whole nightmare.

With every might she has, she drove her trident straight at the skeleton's skull.

Everyone stared in silence at what they've just witnessed.

The trident couldn't pierce through Hades' skull.

Tao Tao took a jump back.

Hades let out an ominous laugh.

Were we tricked?

I find it hard to believe my eyes.

"You're a remarkable spear user. But in the end, your weapon is not a spear," Hades said, "which is why you are not worthy of the God Killer."

Tao Tao took her stance, ready to try again.

"NOW!" I shouted on instinct.

With Tao Tao able to break through his barrier and his wind magic only being single target. Not to mention his black mist is depleted and scythe is destroyed. It wouldn't take a genius to realize this battle is hugely in our favor.

The crowd shouted with determination as they charged at Hades with the intention of defeating him.

It was then I remember what Mea had told me the day before. I sudden flashback that might've came too late as I heard the words come out of Hades' mouth.


Immediately, a huge scythe with size unfathomable to the average person came out of what seemed like a portal from hell. The scythe's eyeball opened and grossly spun it's iris.

Everyone stopped on their tracks as terror begun to fall upon them.

Tao Tao didn't stop moving forward but it was already too late.

Why am I scared? Move! Move!

It's now do or die.

The next thing I realize, Hades already swung his scythe and my world begun to spin. My upper half fell on the ground as I stare in shock.

Everyone's dead. Dead bodies everywhere. Even Tao Tao's.

I'm slowly losing consciousness. Fuck.

This is my fault. I made them all rush to their deaths.

My mind's getting hazy while my anger's only gotten wilder. But there's nothing I can do. I can't feel a thing in my body, not even pain.

My vision begun to blur out. I can barely make out the dark figure standing in front of me anymore.

If Yamato is here… would he have done it differently?

I guess… I really am… just second in command…


Rye's POV

With one swing, everything and everyone in the vicinity is cut in half.

The blankers numbers went from 120 to 96 throughout the whole battle. And with this single swing, it dropped down to 13.

Everyone's abdomen were cut in half as they all fall unconscious to the ground.

If it weren't for Mea who shouted out duck, I would've ended up the same. Unfortunately the others couldn't react in time.

I wonder if Hajime managed to dodge that.

What do I do now? It fortunate that Tao Tao only her ankles cut off when she jumped too late. We don't have anyone else who could use the God Killer until she heals up.

Hades was ready for another swing. I prepared to duck but realized it way too late.

He aimed his strike at the fallen blankers. A bright line went through a straight line. And not long after, the ground split and everyone's heads in the attack was obliterated.

He kept swinging one after another, in a clockwise fashion, not leaving a single body behind.

If we don't do something about it, everyone really will die. Dang, I wonder if Hajime has a plan.

Before I realize it, the only people left in the room is 7 including me and Tao Tao. Fucking cowards. They ran away after dodging the initial attack from Hades.

Hades' series of attacks is getting closer and closer to Tao Tao, who is desperately crawling away from him. We can't have her die.

Before I could go in to help her, another blanker swooped in and picked her up with one hand between her belly and ran to safety.

He… he picked up the Queen of Spears like she's baggage. I can't believe it…

I quickly went over with Mea. It's best we stay together now especially now that we're only 7. Her feet seems to have started healing but it's going to take a while.

"Who in the world picks up a woman like that?!" Tao Tao complained.

"I thought it would be better than becoming minced meat."

That's Hajime's voice.

"Would you like me to put you back there so I can do it properly this time?"

"You're the worst."

"Thank you?"

Tao Tao was speechless. Even she knows that getting carried like a log is a small price to pay for living.

"Did you at least take the God Killer with you?" Tao Tao asked. "Now that I think of it, you'll need an empty hand in order to hold the weapon. I apologize for lashing out on you," Tao Tao added.

"No I didn't grab the weapon."



I couldn't help but chuckle.

Tao Tao gently face palmed, "I can't believe this guy…"

"We can grab it later. I believe we should meet up with the other 3 first and discuss our strategy." Mea suggested.

"Yeah, Hajime and I have fought Hades before, he's not the type of villain to give you a weapon only to destroy it." I added.

A hypersonic blade flew by and sliced a horn off the God Killer. It was a clean cut, almost as if it's intentional design. The sliced off horn bounced a bit on the ground leaving the trident with only two tips now.



A moment of silence ensued despite the dire situation we're in.

Tao Tao begun banging her head gently on the floor to depict loss of hope.

"Shabi… Shabi…," she muttered in Chinese.

Hajime kept a straight face. Not like I can see his expressions but it sounds like something Hajime would definitely react in situations like this.

Hajime calmly walked towards the broken trident. The next wave of the scythe's attack barely missed him.

"Shabi Ah…" Tao Tao is still at it in the background.

Mea and I watched him, curious on what's on his mind.

Hajime picked up the God Killer and the broken piece. He then walked a few steps toward us. He stopped and set the broken trident down.

"..?" Mea's head tilted a little.

Another one of Hades' signature blade of absolute destruction ran through the other horn of the scythe. That too came off like as easily as knife on butter. The trident now has only one tip. Is it still even a trident at this point? The sound of the severed horn dropping marked the start of insanity for Tao Tao.

"Please no more, don't break the God Killer anymore," Tao Tao might as well be crying at this point.

Hajime picked up the other severed piece of the trident along with the one tipped God Killer. He then casually walked back to us while dodging another line of the scythe's attack.

"Isn't this more like a spear now?" came from Hajime.

Tao Tao raised her head in confusion and stared at it for a good moment.

"Eh?" she couldn't sound more surprised, "now that you say that…"

I have to agree with Hajime though. The God Killer looked as if it's completely reforged by a skill blacksmith. There's not a trace of mark nor scratch left from Hades' scythe. The shape is also perfectly symmetrical.

Hajime handed the "spear" to Tao Tao.

"It's so much lighter!" Tao Tao exclaimed in excitement, "are you actually a genius?"

"I don't think so" came the humble reply.

"Does that mean we have a chance at beating Hades still?" Mea asked.

"We can use the severed pieces of the God Killer too. Hades did say it's the only weapon that can kill him." I suggested.

Hajime threw me one of the pieces.

"Thing is… my feet…"

"We'll stall some time." I looked at Hajime, "this was originally our fight anyway."

Hades had completely minced about 30% of the blankers in the circumference already. We can't have more casualties.

Hajime and I walked up to him. It appears that Hades recognized us due to the fact that he's stopped his rampage.

For some reason, the anger from last night is completely nonexistent. I was merely being selfish. Never thought I'd say this but getting beat up has it's perks too. Hold on, it's still his fault for dragging us into this in the first place. Is he even the one pulling the strings? He did mention 15 other Game Master and… the superior ones? Either way…

"Thanks for yesterday. I'm a lot calmer now. That doesn't excuse you from taking people's lives, though. To be honest, I don't really care about anyone else other than Mia. But you're still the bad guy, so we're going to take you down." I let a bit of my honesty slip out.

Hajime is doing push ups.

"Without the God Killer?" Hades let out a villainous laugh.

Hajime's done with his push ups.

He's doing sit ups down?!

Hades and I stared at him. Hades then acted like it's normal and proceeded with his dialogue.

"Unlike before, I won't be holding back this time. This will be a battle to the death.

"You're the only one dying today, Hades." I've always wanted to say something cool.

"I hope you can entertain me." And with that Hades formed another scythe with his black mist.

Hajime's already done with his preparation before I realize it.

Hajime rushed at Hades without warning and I followed by his side.

The greatest power we have is the element of surprise. Hades doesn't seem to notice the broken shards we're carrying. We can end this right away if we play our cards right.

Hades called upon a barrage of spinning scythes and shot it at us. Despite the high amount of projectiles, we were able to dodge them easily and close the gap.

My instinct told me he's going to set up the barrier again so I performed my strongest attack and stabbed the air with the God Killer fragment.

Sure enough the wind barrier shattered leaving Hajime in a perfect position to attack.

We were immediately pushed back by a new barrier.

Hades saw the God Killer fragments in our hands.

"How foolish. You two are as threatening as an archer with an arrow without bow."

"Three threats are better than one," Hajime said out loud

Tao Tao rushed past me in lightning speed, breaking Hades' barrier and the next.

There was no room for assistance. Hajime and I waited for an opportunity. Charging in now would only backfire on us.

It was then a giant hand of black mist grabbed Tao Tao by surprised and trapped her in it's palms.

"To think the proclaimed Queen of Spears has yet to awaken Eagle. This is truly laughable."

"Save the small talk for later," Tao Tao tore through the hand and lunges at him.

Hades combined his wind barrier with his black mist blades to create a stronger version. Tao Tao was unable to break it this time.

This time, Hajime and I performed a synchronized attack as we both smash our God Killer fragments each into one eye socket of Hades.

A crack appeared around his eyes but that still wasn't enough to completely destroy.

Hades let out an angry roar as he pushed us aside and shredded our skins with his upgraded barrier.

"Did we make him mad?" I asked out loud.

"At least now we know the God Killer is capable of hurting him." Tao Tao tried to make the best out of the situation.

"Ohh the berserk phase is here," Hajime uttered.

"Beserk phase?"

"Yeah it's when the boss-"

A hypersonic blade flew past us splitting the floor in half as it barely scratched the three of us.

"About time you take some risks."

Hades' arm was pointed towards us. The glow in his eye socket shone red.

One of the survivors from the earlier rampage charge at him in desperation while Hades' attention was completely on us.

Without batting an eye, a whirlwind of black mist appeared from beneath his feet and shredded him like paper.

There was nothing left of him in tact. Unlike the others who have been decapitated or split in half, this person is dead without doubt.

It was only now I've realized Hades hasn't killed anyone yet until this point. This instantly put me on edge.

Tao Tao felt it too. An intense pressure emitting from our opponent.

Hades materialize a hundred javelins without sweat as they circle around a specific focal point. They speed at which they move only increased.

"Quick, now's our chance while he's preparing for a huge attack!" Tao Tao shouted and rushed at him.

My legs froze. Despite the already overwhelming amount of power from preparing this single attack alone, Hades effortlessly send more earth shattering strikes towards us.


I decided to fuck everything and follow Tao Tao. This is do or die. I knew this from the start.

But I couldn't.

I backed off at the last moment and still got shredded anyways. My lower body completely torn off as my upper half fling across the room until I landed my back on a wall and fell to the ground.

I looked at my hand to see me still holding the crystal like shard. What's the point of having this if I won't even risk my life to save everyone?

I then used my remaining energy to lift my head to get a glimpse of the battle with my remaining consciousness still intact.

Tao Tao was barely able to block that last attack with the God Killer. I doubt I could do that with the size of mine. No, I doubt I'll even have the courage to fight that monster even I had the God Killer. Ah, this sucks.

My vision is fading… I wonder where's Mea…

"Give me that," a figure stood in front of me.

I've heard his voice before… I can't remember…

None's POV:

Kasai bent down to grab the fragment of the God Killer from an already unconcious blanker.


He heard a girl's voice but didn't pay much attention as he walked towards the monster in the center of the room.

Tao Tao has been holding Hades back. But unlike before, she's completely on the defensive. There was no openings for her to take.

Time is only running thin as the javelins midair begun to show hints of fusing together.

'Will the God Killer be able to hold against that?' Tao Tao's grip grew tighter.

With one command from Hades and the lift of a finger. He rained down the giant javelin. He calls it the Fallen Angel.

Tao Tao knew there's no surviving this. Even if the God Killer remains in one piece, she will without a doubt be obliterated without a trace left.

"Move," Kasai put her hand on Tao Tao's shoulder and walked forward, into the battlefield.

"Wait!" Tao Tao could only reach her hand out and nothing else. The outcome would be the same regardless. Both of them would die anyway.

"Title change: Survivor," Kasai muttered.

The Beta-Tester title that had been hovering over everyone's head suddenly changed on Kasai's. New letters are shown reading the word Survivor.

Kasai pushed the giant javelin back but his hands quickly incinerated along with his arms. Then the rest of his body. Kasai has disappeared without a trace.

Tao Tao ran to the opposite end with all her might.

'Not now! I can't fall yet! We still have a chance!'

The giant javelin made contact on the ground. An explosion soon followed after engulfing everything it touches.

Tao Tao was pushed away from the impact.

The explosion left a large burning bright orb in the center that slowly starts to dissipate.

Hades admired one out of four of his ultimate abilities. He's always envied the humans' Sun. The way it shone so brightly knowing it'll never be extinguished looked beautiful to him.

Kasai came running out and stabbed Hades between his eyes. Kasai could feel something crack, like glass shattering.

Hades' skull reached it's limit and his forehead started crumbling. Inside reveals a dark purple orb with a bright nucleus. The orb's cracks show signs of damage from Kasai's last attack.

But ultimately it still wasn't enough

Hades' picked Kasai up with a black mist hand. Despite Kasai's struggles, he's completely overpowered.

Hades started by pulling out one of his arm. The air filled with an agonizing scream.

Next, Hades crushed Kasai's other hand and twisted his arm around. The God Killer fragment fell to the floor as Kasai lost grip.

Then that arm too was pulled out brutally by Hades.

Tao Tao took a deep breath.

Hades panicked for a millisecond before summing 5 black shieds. Kasai was dropped.

The God Killer flew through the air piercing the black shields. The force from that toss was enough to send Kasai flying away. The black shields shattered like glass.

Except one. The God Killer couldn't fully penetrate the 5th shield and is now stuck.

"No way…" Tao Tao's face filled with despair. Her body gave in and she fell on her knees. She's used every ounce of her strength on that last attack.

Hades began to laugh ominously.

Hades had used all his black mist into forming those shields. He enhanced them with wind magic to slow down the spear with every hit. He also casted a spell that repel anything it touches.

Hajime appeared beside him and swung his shard sideways directly into Hades' temple.

The force shattered the side of his skull. The shard continued on and pierced the orb breaking it like an egg.

"I read in an osteology book that the temple is the skull's weakest part," Hajime said as fragments of Hades' skull scatter in the air.

Hades' red eyes grew faint until there was no more glow.

The extreme aura surrounding him and the strong gusts of winds disappeared.

Hajime pulled his hand out of Hades' skull. Immediate after, Hades' skull completely crumbles. His tattered robes and soulless body vanished into black mist.

Kasai and everyone else laid there unconscious.

Tao Tao slowly limped towards Hajime.

"Is he dead?"

"Not sure."

"Did you just… defeat him in one blow?"

"He was already weakened by everyone. I only got the last hit,"

Mea ran over to them.

"Is it finally over?" Mea asked.

"Yes," Tao Tao replied without hesitation.

Mea's legs finally gave in as the sense of relief overwhelmed her body.

Tao Tao's body tensed up. Her hands shook. She tried to point at something.

"Be- behind you, Hajime!" She shouted.

Hajime turned around confused.

There stood Hades. The stitches on his face gone. He has a much larger figure. His eyes shone crimson red.