
Protocol: Stigmata

Art Cover: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/83397795 In a world on the brink of Honkai domination, the fate of Earth hinges on the formidable Valkyries. These extraordinary warriors are the last line of defense against the impending chaos, and their legacy is preserved at St. Freya High School. Established in 2000 by the visionary Theresa Apocalypse, the school's primary mission is to provide refuge and guidance to those scarred by Honkai experimentation. Here, they can learn to harness their latent powers and, upon graduation, join the ranks of the Valkyries. However, the status quo is shattered when an extraordinary young man is unexpectedly enrolled at St. Freya. Gifted with rare talents and abilities, he is destined to become a Valkyrie and bring about a new chapter in the battle against the Honkai. Disclaimer: I do not own the characters except for my OC, All credit to Mihoyo/Hoyoverse

Yamiru · Videospiele
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85 Chs

The Herrscher of Sexual Desire (1)

"So that's the situation," I explained to Houraiji, detailing our encounter with the Herrscher manifestation and Mei's sudden transformation.

Houraiji nodded, her expression grave as she processed the information. "Understood."

As medics attended to Mei, preparing her for transport back to St. Freya, I couldn't help but feel a pang of concern for her well-being.


Houraiji glanced at me, offering a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, she'll pull through. Valkyries are resilient like that."

"Yeah... I hope you're right."

"Now then..." Houraiji's hand clasped mine firmly, "Lead the way."

I nodded, guiding us towards our target destination with purposeful strides. Houraiji's grip was strong, but I could sense a hint of hesitance in her touch.

"At least try not to drag me too forcefully."

She chuckled softly, releasing my hand. "My apologies. This is my first time working with a male partner, so I'm still adjusting."

"Well, just act natural."

"G-Got it."

As we made our way through the bustling streets, Houraiji maintained a vigilant watch, her sharp eyes scanning our surroundings for any signs of danger.

"So, Watanabe Shin," she began, breaking the silence. "What's your story? What led you to become a Valkyrie?"

I hesitated for a moment, contemplating how much to reveal. "It's a long story... but let's just say I had my reasons. And what about you, Houraiji? What's your background?"

She paused, considering her response. "Let's just say I have my own motivations for joining this line of work. But enough about me... Let's focus on the mission."

But you started the conversation though?

A few minutes later, we arrived at the cafe, only to find it closed.

"Huh? Closed?" I remarked, puzzled. "But there were plenty of customers earlier."

Houraiji frowned, her gaze shifting to the alley adjacent to the cafe.

"What's catching your eye?"

She seemed lost in thought for a moment before shaking her head. 

"Huh? Oh! It's nothing. Let's focus on the task at hand."

"Right," I agreed, though a nagging feeling of unease lingered in the back of my mind. "What's our plan now?"

Houraiji glanced around, "Let's search the area. There might be something of interest nearby, even if the cafe is closed."

"Sounds like a plan."

And so I scoured the area, strained to sense any trace of honkai energy. Despite my efforts, the city remained devoid of any supernatural presence.

After scouring the area for hours, I couldn't sense any trace of the honkai energy I had felt earlier. Frustration gnawed at me as I sighed heavily, feeling defeated.

I can't sense that feeling anymore. I should go back 

"Houraiji... There's nothing around here."

"I know." 

"Huh? Then... why?"

"Because  I anticipated that she would emerge... right... about... now."

just then, a girl in a school uniform emerged from the alleyway, catching both of our attention. My body suddenly sensed an overwhelming surge of honkai energy emanating from her.

"The honkai energy... it's her," I whispered to Houraiji.

"I know," Houraiji murmured, her gaze fixed on the high school girl who had emerged from the alleyway. She then addressed her directly, her voice steady and unwavering. "So? Why would a high school student like you be in an alleyway?"

The girl shot us a defiant glare. "Why do you care? I'm just helping someone."

"Helping someone?" Houraiji's lips curved into a sardonic smile. "Cut the act."

The girl's expression hardened, sensing the tension in the air. "What do you know?"

"We know enough to realize that something suspicious is going on," Houraiji stated firmly. "And we're here to put a stop to it."

A hint of uncertainty crossed the girl's features. "You can't stop me. You don't know what you're dealing with."

"We'll see about that," Houraiji replied, her resolve unyielding. "Now, why don't you come with us peacefully? It'll save us all a lot of trouble."

"I don't know what you're talking about," the girl insisted, attempting to feign innocence. But I sensed something amiss.

Suddenly, a group of girls surrounded us, their presence adding to the tension in the air.

"Houraiji," I murmured, my hand instinctively moving toward the air, preparing to unsheathe the purple katana.

"Tch... They're bringing innocents into this now," Houraiji muttered.

I retrieved my purple katana from the air and assumed a defensive stance. "If you're not prepared for combat, it's best to stay back," I advised Houraiji.

"I'm not a fighter, but..." She glanced at me with a mysterious smile. "From now on, you'll follow my lead!"

"What do you mean by that?!"

"Shin... I can see a path to victory here, so for now, trust me and follow my plan!"

Just then, the girls surrounding us began to charge.

"Enough questions for now... Let's take action!" I declared, thrusting my purple katana into the ground. "Bloom! Sakura!"

The world around us underwent a breathtaking transformation. The dim forest vanished, replaced by a dazzling landscape of sakura trees bathed in radiant light. The girls froze in place, unable to move within my realm.

"Now, sever the Honkai energy from their bodies," Houraiji commanded.

I focused my energy, channeling it into my blade.

This was a technique I had used during Mei-senpai's previous outburst – cutting Honkai energy like one would eliminate a virus.

With a swift strike, I severed the Honkai energy from each girl's body.


At first, It was hard to not hit their real bodies but... I guess my curiosity paid off.

"Well done, Shin. Now, let's address the source," Houraiji said, her gaze fixed on the high school girl who seemed to be the root of the problem.

I nodded and pointed my katana at her.

"So it was you...," the girl muttered, her expression shifting from shock to intense anger as she locked eyes with me. "It was you all along!"

Suddenly, I sensed a surge of intense Honkai energy emanating from the girl as her form contorted into a menacing, demonic figure. Her eyes gleamed with malice as she directed her gaze toward me and Houraiji.

"I'll start with you, I'll rip you to shreds and take your dick off..." she snarled, pointing a finger menacingly at me before turning her attention to Houraiji. "As for you... you're rather cute. I'll spare you... but not in the way you'd expect." A sinister smile twisted her lips as she spoke.

Uwah... That's a creepy proposal...

"Houraiji, stand back," I said positioning myself in front of her.

She nodded slowly stepping back.

"Don't interfere!!!" the girl screamed, her voice filled with rage and desperation.

To Be Continued... It's 2 am lol (GMT+7)

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