
Protocol: Stigmata

Art Cover: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/83397795 In a world on the brink of Honkai domination, the fate of Earth hinges on the formidable Valkyries. These extraordinary warriors are the last line of defense against the impending chaos, and their legacy is preserved at St. Freya High School. Established in 2000 by the visionary Theresa Apocalypse, the school's primary mission is to provide refuge and guidance to those scarred by Honkai experimentation. Here, they can learn to harness their latent powers and, upon graduation, join the ranks of the Valkyries. However, the status quo is shattered when an extraordinary young man is unexpectedly enrolled at St. Freya. Gifted with rare talents and abilities, he is destined to become a Valkyrie and bring about a new chapter in the battle against the Honkai. Disclaimer: I do not own the characters except for my OC, All credit to Mihoyo/Hoyoverse

Yamiru · Videospiele
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85 Chs

A Small Improvement

After a few hours of searching in the forest, fatigue began to set in, As Kiana and I found ourselves taking a break by a tranquil river.

"Ugh... Isn't it lunchtime already?" Kiana complained, plopping down on a tree root.

"Yeah, it is," I replied, feeling the rumblings of hunger in my stomach.

"I'm bored... and hungry... and I miss Mei-senpai," Kiana muttered, echoing my sentiments.

"I miss everyone else back at St. Freya too."

As we sat in silence, the only sound was the gentle flow of the nearby river.

"Hey, you never told me what happened with you and Bronya on your date," Kiana suddenly piped up, breaking the quietude.

"I don't think that's any of your business," I retorted, feeling defensive.

"Well, it is my business since I helped you!" Kiana shot back.

I clicked my tongue in annoyance. "Fine, I'll tell you. But just so you know, I'm disappointed in myself for needing help from someone like you."

 "What! You just called me an idiot!"

"Fine, fine. Let's just say it was... eventful... That's all."

Kiana's eyes widened with curiosity, but before she could press further, a loud growl echoed through the forest, startling us both.

"What was that?!" Kiana exclaimed, reaching for her dual handguns.

Instinctively, I summoned my katana from the air, readying myself, "That sounds like a honkai beast's growl."

Before we could process what was happening, several Seraph-class honkai beasts emerged from the shadows, surrounding us.

"What's all of a sudden?!" Kiana exclaimed, her grip tightening on her weapons.

"It seems they were drawn by the noise," I replied, scanning our surroundings for any sign of escape. "This is because you were too loud, Kiana!"

"Haah!? I'm not loud!"

"Whatever, I'm bored anyway. I'll start obliterating them one by one," Kiana declared, her eyes gleaming with determination as she took a fighting stance, her handguns at the ready and charge.

I watched in awe as Kiana charged head-on toward the honkai beasts, her movements fluid and precise. Her Gun-kata technique was a sight to behold, a testament to the skill and heritage of the Kaslana lineage. With each shot, she expertly targeted the weaknesses of the honkai beasts, exploiting any opening with precision.

As I observed her fighting style, a thought crossed my mind: Is Kiana... stronger than me?

Despite my own training and abilities, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of admiration for Kiana's prowess in battle.

 She moved with a grace and power that was truly impressive, effortlessly dispatching the honkai beasts with each well-aimed shot.

"Hey! What are you doing?! Behind you!" Kiana's voice cut through the chaos, snapping me back to attention. I turned just in time to see several seraph-class beasts charging towards me, but before they could even reach me, they fell in halves.

Kiana's eyes widened in amazement. "Woah~ That's amazing, Shin! Do you practice kendo like Mei-senpai!?"

I shook my head, a wry smile on my face. 

No, it's not kendo. I think it's more because of Tsurugi, who forces me to fight her every time I sleep... 

With the honkai beasts defeated, we took a moment to catch our breath.

"Yeah, I'm good. What about you?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Just a scratch," Kiana replied, brushing off the concern with a casual wave of her hand.

Let me see."

Kiana hesitated for a moment before reluctantly lifting her pant leg to reveal a shallow gash on her calf.

"That's not 'just a scratch'. "

"It's fine, really," Kiana insisted, attempting to downplay the injury.

But I wasn't convinced. "We should clean and bandage it before it gets infected."

"Mhm... Thank you."

"I then turn around and crouch down, "Here, get on my back."

"E-eh?!" Kiana stuttered, clearly surprised by the unexpected offer.

"Don't worry, I'll carry you. We need to make sure that cut doesn't get worse," I reassured her, trying to sound confident despite the uncertainty gnawing at me.

After a moment's hesitation, Kiana relented, gingerly climbing onto my back. "Alright, but don't drop me!"

I chuckled, adjusting my grip to ensure she was secure. "I won't. Hang on tight."

With Kiana on my back, I continued to walk through the forest, but then Kiana asked me, "Say... I'm not heavy, am I?"

I chuckled at her question. "You're heavy."

"What?! I'll shoot you, you know?" Kiana threatened jokingly.

I laughed, reassuring her, "I'm just kidding! You're as light as a feather!"


"Absolutely, heavy."

Kiana immediately points her handgun on my cheeks, "I'll kill you."

"I'm kidding!"

But really... I didn't know that Kiana could be this light. Her chest is touching my back too.

As we continued through the forest, a comfortable silence settled between us, broken only by the sounds of nature surrounding us. The rustle of leaves in the breeze, the chirping of birds in the trees, and the gentle gurgle of a nearby stream created a serene atmosphere as we traversed the wooded path. 



"You remind me of Mei-senpai."


"Your swordsmanship, your figure, the way you talk."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"You better."

As we walked, Kiana and I noticed some zombies blocking our path, although they didn't seem to notice us.

"Wait here... I'll take care of this," I said, drawing my katana from the air once more.

"Are you sure? I can still help," Kiana insisted.

"No, I'll handle it."

"But aren't those Jun-ninjas?!"

"Hmm... They're strong and skilled with swords..."

"See? We should leave them be and come back!"

"I understand your concern, but I also want to test my strength against them."

And there's that zombie I am also interested in.

"Don't be reckless."

I gently set Kiana down near a tree root and approached the zombies, studying each one carefully.

"Two archers, two Praetorians, one Jun-Ninja, and... a Kunoichi? Interesting."

 This is my first time fighting those types of zombies, I wonder if they're stronger than Jun-ninjas.

And she looked like she wanted to fight me as soon as she saw my katana.

As I shifted into a defensive stance, the zombies began to notice my presence. The two archers raised their bows, the Praetorians tightened their grip on their weapons, and the Jun-Ninja and Joyo-Ninja readied themselves for combat.

With a deep breath, I focused my energy, feeling the familiar hum of power coursing through my veins.

Here they come!

The first to attack was the Jun-Ninja, who lunged forward with speed, aiming a precise strike at my chest.

How naive, It's so obvious!

 I deflected the blow with a swift parry, countering with a calculated slash that sent the zombie reeling backward.

Meanwhile, the two archers unleashed a volley of arrows, their projectiles whistling through the air with deadly accuracy.

With quick reflexes, I dodged and weaved between the incoming arrows, moving with grace and agility.

As the Praetorians charged toward me, their massive forms bearing down with brute force, I stood my ground, meeting their attacks head-on with a series of powerful strikes. With each clash of metal on metal, "And you two are finished."

As the Praetorians charged toward me, their massive forms bearing down with brute force, I stood my ground, meeting their attacks head-on with a series of powerful strikes. With each clash of metal on metal, the sound reverberated through the forest.

"It's useless how they are very slow when it comes to close combat," I said in my thoughts as I confidently and deftly countered their onslaught, delivering precise strikes that sent them crashing to the ground in a flurry of dust.

It's like I can see their movements every time I dodge them and the time seems to slow that too.

Amidst the chaos of battle, I caught a glimpse of Kiana watching from a safe distance, her eyes wide with surprise. 

But there was no time to dwell on her reaction as the remaining enemies closed in. With a focused mind and steady hands, I turned my attention to the archers, "How annoying."

Darting forward with swift movements, I engaged the archers in close combat, the sharp clang of metal filling the air as I swiftly dispatched them with precise slashes. 

As the last archer fell to the forest floor, I turned my attention to the Jun-Ninja, who had been biding its time, waiting for the opportune moment to strike.

With its agility and speed, it proved to be a formidable opponent, but I refused to back down.

Bracing myself for the impending clash, I focused on the Jun-Ninja's movements, analyzing its patterns and anticipating its next move. With reflexes, I dodged its initial strike and retaliated with a series of calculated slashes, aiming for its vulnerable points.

The Jun-Ninja proved to be a worthy adversary, matching my every move with equal skill. But with each exchange, I gained a deeper understanding of its fighting style, using my knowledge to exploit its weaknesses and gain the upper hand.

"I can see you! " seizing the opportunity to deliver a decisive blow that sent the Jun-Ninja crashing to the ground, defeated.

After that I pointed my katana to the last zombie who was waiting for me, She growled before taking a stance and lunged forward with blinding speed, her dual katana flashing in the sunlight, I barely had time to react.

With a swift movement, I raised my katana just in time to block her initial strike, the force of her blow reverberating through my arms.

"She's fast!" I gritted my teeth, struggling to match her agility and precision.

Undeterred by my defense, the Kunoichi unleashed a relentless barrage of slashes, each strike aimed with deadly precision. I found myself on the defensive, desperately trying to keep up with her ferocious assault as our blades clashed in a frenzied exchange.

But I knew I couldn't rely on sheer strength alone to defeat her. With a focused mind and steady hands, I tapped into my hidden power, channeling the essence of the wind itself into my blade.

"Kaze no Kori," I murmured, my katana glowing with an ethereal blue light as a chill wind began to swirl around us. In an instant, the blade transformed into solid ice, its surface shimmering with frost.

The Kunoichi's eyes widened in surprise as she staggered back, momentarily taken aback by my sudden display of power. Sensing an opportunity, I seized the moment, pressing forward with renewed determination.

"I won't let you escape."

My voice firm with resolve as I summoned forth a swirling snowstorm with flawless poise. With each step, I advanced, my movements fluid and controlled as I closed the distance between us.

he Kunoichi's growls of defiance were drowned out by the howling winds, her footing unsteady as she struggled to maintain her balance against the force of my onslaught. With a final, decisive strike, I brought my icy blade down upon her, the frozen edge cutting through her defenses with ease.

With a shudder, the Kunoichi collapsed to the ground, turning to a speck of dust.

"Gah... That was hard to control! I can't believe it! That's my first time using an elemental sword technique! A wind mixed with ice!? YOU HAVE GOT TO BE SHITTING ME!"

"Shin," Kiana called out as she approached me.

"What is it, Kiana?"

"Class Monitor contacted us. We have to go back to the shrine.

"Got it."

I turned around before crouching down, offering her a stable platform to mount. She hesitated for a moment before smiling gratefully and getting onto my back, wrapping her arms around my neck securely.

"Thank you," she said softly, her voice filled with appreciation.

I smiled back at her. "Anytime."

With Kiana settled on my back, we began our journey back to the shrine. The atmosphere between us was calm, the only sound was the rustle of leaves and the occasional chirping of birds.

"By the way... That was impressive," Kiana remarked, breaking the silence.

"Really?" I replied, surprised by her compliment. "It's hard to do it."

Kiana's smile widened. "Well, you made it look easy."

 "It's not as it is but thanks, Kiana."

And so, with Kiana on my back and the sun beginning to dip below the horizon, we made our way back to the shrine, ready to regroup with Fu Hua and continue our mission.

"You two are finally here," Fu Hua remarked, her arms crossed as she observed our arrival. Her gaze then shifted to Kiana, who seemed a bit disheveled.

"Hm? What happened to you, Kiana?" Fu Hua inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"She's just being reckless, that's all," I interjected with a playful smirk.

Kiana shot me a glare. "What?! No, I'm not! Ugh!"

Fu Hua cleared her throat, signaling for us to focus. "Enough banter, both of you. We have important matters to discuss."

We straightened up, adopting more serious expressions as we turned our attention to Fu Hua.

"I have news to deliver, as per orders from the headmaster," Fu Hua began, gesturing towards the door. "Today, we have another member joining us on this mission."

Kiana's curiosity piqued. "Who is it?"

Before Fu Hua could respond, the door slid open, revealing a girl with long black hair and crimson eyes. She introduced herself confidently, "Hello, my name is Mushoku Kika... Looking forward to this mission."

Today... I decided to bring back the dead (From GGZ) then kill them here (JK)

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