
Protective Custody - The Demon King (EDITING)

(MATURE CONTENT) Diviya just lost everything she holds dear to her in the span of a lunch date with friends and not in a good way. Now with the entity that’s hunting her, she has no choice but to run and go into protective custody. A program run by the Demon King himself. Diviya was not prepared for what she was about to walk into. Join her as she navigates this new world and get to the bottom of who is after her and what happened to her parents, Adopted and Biological all the while dealing with all the responsibilities that comes with being mated to the Demon King. ****************************** The Demon King is a beautiful beast, part human, his human part immortal, also he is part demon, a beast of a Wolf and a Vampire. He transforms beautifully and effortlessly from magical being to magical being each having different abilities and he have mastered them all. With the impending prophesy looming over his head the Demon King had a major problem with love. He knew all too well what love can do to someone, he like so many others thought it made them weak, he always vowed he would never fall in love, he vowed he would never allow himself to be weak again and he would never mate. He paid the price once and he would not do it again. As such he never had any serious relationships or any sort of meaningful courtships since. In the end he certainly was not ready when a gorgeous little fighter who was in need of protection just struts into his life drawing all sorts of foreign emotions out of him. Can he stick to his plans and firm belief in never mating? Dive in and find out… *************************************** Excerpt: He easily captures her lips, kissing her soft and gentle at first, as if savoring every detail and imprint of her sweet lips. Her lips were so soft, she taste amazing and she smells so damn intoxicating. He simply could not get enough and it did not take too long before he got a bit greedy wanting more and demanded entrance which she quickly granted and he dove into the kiss. She was delicious, he ravaged her sweet perky lips and mouth. His hands runs down her sides caressing her body as he touch and feels his way down. Stopping to caress her luscious butt, giving a gentle squeeze and he made a noise of pure pleasure at feeling her and touching her like this. He was feeling the strangest things, emotions that have long since been dead are awakening. Diviya let's out a little noise of her own when he grabbed her butt, she was overcome with need. Her core throbbed, she then lifts a foot wantonly desperately needing friction between her legs and Adonis' hands slid to the back of her thighs just below her butt, cupping her and he lifts her not breaking from their kiss. Diviya instinctively wraps her legs around him as she tightens her hold on his neck while she plays with the hair at the nape and kisses him wholeheartedly following his lead. Tongues gliding and trashing against the other one second, then the next lower lip being bitten and teased, they moved as one. Their tongues danced beautifully tasting their fill of each other. Heat coursing through them. Adonis turns with her in his hand and he leans his butt half way sitting on the edge of a huge high table in the middle of the closet. When suddenly Diviya's lower half of her body took on a life of its own and it started to grind into him, feeling his hardness against her core, reveling in the delicious feeling that act elicited, she did it again. Adonis hissed at the sensations, and the kiss got hungrier, wilder…. #R18

Sherryann_Martinez · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Human Kind

Though it was forced given the circumstances, she was trying her best to be as polite as possible because they were here to help. They weren't the cause of her stresses, but she really couldn't muster up a genuine smile for anyone. The driver is Carlton Jones the Delta and the other occupant's name is Michael Cane the Gamma.

Michael turn around to look at her and says "you can feel free to relax, get some sleep if you need to, it's a long drive to where we are going and Agent Ward explained everything." He pauses to let that sink in, because he knew given the circumstances she might want some peace and quiet.

"When we get to Velia Gizem we can discuss things further." He gave Diviya a small smile but his pointy looking fangs did not make the smile look comforting or reassuring. If anything it looked more intimidating. Then he abruptly turns around to face ahead and Carlton got unto the road and they were on their way.

This was her first time seeing a Vampire because now, in her time 'the different kind' has long since retreated into their little world. Diviya just didn't know how quite literal that statement was 'their own world'.

She wonders what 'kind' was Carlton, maybe a werewolf? Nevertheless she was sure she would find out. "Please tell me everything I need to know. I need to just think about something else before I lose my mind."

Diviya's emotions keeps dancing around and switching partners, one minute she was hurt and crushed the next she is angry at her pursuers. The next she wants their blood and a certain type of rage builds in her. She needed a distraction because this was all consuming and tiring.

A moment after she wondered if he heard her but quickly laughed that thought away instantly because he is a Vampire, all their senses are heightened, which includes hearing.

"Where do I begin", he pause and rubs his chin. "One of the programs we control where we still interact with human kind is our witness protection / protective custody program."

We offer our services to the government as a means for their law enforcement agencies to use our program to house their star witnesses and keep them safe." He doesn't turn to look at Diviya he just continues his explanation.

"We have a hundred percent success rate, all our witnesses are protected for the entire period of a trial. Then they are released back into their world and can leave when they are ready and with a new identity."

"You say when they are ready, has anyone ever chosen to stay before, even after their trial?" Diviya asks.

"Yes, actually the majority choose to stay and are still living happily amongst us" Michael says with so much pride. "Now these people would have come here for many reasons and none of them were necessarily good reasons."

Michael turns to look at Diviya with sympathetic eyes as he knew he was going to broach a subject she wanted distraction from. He knew once he went down this path she would immediately be reminded of her reasons for being here.

"Some people are running from a life of abuse, an abusive husband, some are here because they witness a crime and needs to make it to the trial and testify. Some even witness the murder of their entire family and they have to testify and they are left all alone in the world," Michael grimace as he said that last part.

"You know things like that," Michael says then waves dismissively.

"I get it, I can see why people would choose to stay", Diviya finally spoke.

Michael wait a beat before he continues, "we have a range of options for a witness or someone in need of protection to earn a living while under our protection, this way they can be able to provide for themselves and start a fresh.

We also ask for a monthly payment after the first two months of staying with us, plus we also get funding from the Government which goes a long way."

"However with the provision of accommodations, the manpower needed for protection and the options for meals, we use the monthly collection of only one hundred and fifty dollars to assist with food."

Diviya did a quick math in her mind and she thought he must be joking one hundred and fifty dollars a month, for all of this? Nevertheless she was not about to object or complain. "Ok, wow seriously?" She had to ask.

"Yes, seriously and every witness is assigned a body guard, one body guard every time they leave their accommodations and when they are at home the guard is assigned by the entrance."

"Or more guards are assigned to a witness depending on the danger they face and the reach of the entity after them."

Diviya felt so good about that, she will have protection and she will be safe here, judging from Michaels explanations thus far. She started to relax a bit, her shoulders were so tense, she inhales deeply and let's it out. "I have to admit this is more than I expected."

Michael turns to look at her again and just smirks, "I am not finished yet, and in your case Agent Ward told us of your eventful night, as such the decision was made to assign you two guards at the start."

And again Diviya really felt like she would be safe especially after the night she had and she was grateful for the protection allotted to her. "Thank you." Diviya breathes.

Michael was not facing her but Diviya could hear the smile in his voice when he said, "It's my pleasure."

'His pleasure?' Diviya wonders if he would be one of her guards then sized him up a bit. Handsome, clean skin, looks built, sandy blonde hair, ok he can be nice to have around and nice to look at, she allowed herself a small smile then shakes her head at her random thoughts.

"Now depending on the circumstances that led a witness here, we give a grace period of two months for them to grieve and come to terms with his or her loses and their new arrangements".

"Oh that's nice and thoughtful" Diviya says, because the thought of having to jump straight to work tomorrow is terrifying. She shudders only because she really couldn't imagine her being up for anything right now and she certainly cannot answer for tomorrow.

Michael grins "yes we are nice like that also any works to earn your keep to be done during that time will be strictly volunteer purposes only. We will not demand your time during this period."

Michael shakes his head "actually that's the wrong way of putting it we don't demand your time for any type of work. Once you have the means to provide for yourself and by that I mean some would have inheritance, some insurance money, some savings, you get the gist", he glances back at Diviya.

Diviya nods in understanding.

"Nevertheless the grace period is because we believe that it is needed. Humans can be very delicate beings."

Diviya scuffs and sets him straight, "we can be strong and tough," shaking her head and rolling her eyes, "bout delicate beings, I am no delicate being and I am not fragile"

Michael gave Diviya a quizzical look because her scent is not of no human, it is compelling, alluring so much so he has been struggling with his thirst since they pulled into the parking lot. Before she even came over to the transport he was in.

Nevertheless he did not know her story, so he just hoped she didn't pick up on his look of confusion. Maybe she did not know as she was raised by the folks that adopted her. Poor thing he thought. Maybe he can find a way to help her. But for now that can wait so he threw that thought away but not too far.

Deciding to jump right back into explaining because this is exactly what is keeping him and his thoughts occupied from jumping in the back seat and draining her dry and also the fact that the Demon Alpha would have his head if he dare to hurt a witness, he made a note to inform the Demon Alpha of this development as they would need to be certain of who can be trusted to be around her and protect her.

He didn't know how the others would react to her scent, so far it was just him and Carlton, "Now once the grace period has passed we expect that you seek employment and we have a number of opportunities listed for one such as yourself. Also guess what?" Michael turns again to look at Diviya.

"What? She asks, feeling curious.

"You can even enroll in school…