
Chapter 22: Date night.

That evening Liam drives us to a nice sea food restaurant up the cost.

A few heads turn as the bubbly blind hostess walks us past the bar to our table.

Liam pulls me tighter into him as he stands taller daring any of the men to do something.

Willow: The caveman look is kind of a turn on.

I whisper seductively into his ear while pressing a kiss to his jaw. He returns the kiss as he pulls out my chair at the small table near a window looking out over the harbor.

While we wait for our food he holds out a long velvet jewelry box.

Willow: What is this?

Liam opens the box revealing a beautiful silver bracelet with a willow tree charm and a small blue sapphire heart in the center of the tree.

Willow: It's beautiful Liam.

He smiles while removing it from the box and clasping it on my wrist.

Liam: I am yours and you are mine.

I smile with moist eyes repeating his line back to him.

Willow: I am your and you are mine.

After dinner we stroll around the harbor.

Till we hear the soft sound of Phillip Phillips " Dance with me" playing from a near by club.

Liam stops in front of me holding out a hand.

Liam: Dance with me.

I smile wrapping my hands around his neck. He places his on my hips and we sway to the music beneath the pale moon. Liam pulls me in tighter singing along with the lyrics to the song

Liam: " all I really want is just to hold you for a while and be your man"

He rests his head on mine.

Liam: God I love you.

Willow: I love you so much Liam.

With the heat rising between us we decide it's time to head home. Liam per usual like a gentleman opens my door. I pause before him placing a hand on his jaw line and claim his lips with mine.

I suck on the bottom of his lip while I pull away with a seductive smile.

Liam: The things you do to me women. I could take you here and now.

He growls and closes the door.

He drives us back down the coast with his fingers intertwined with mine lifting my hand to his lips softly repeating lyrics front song we just danced to. Our first song. Our first dance. I feel like I am literally floating on a cloud.

His touch sends my body into a fit of desire. Consumed by love for this man I watch him as my heart melts. Just when I think life is perfect a darkness lumes over me. The dreadful thought of something bad to come hits me like a plunge into a frozen lake. Chilling me deep in bones.

Silence falls as panic rises. Like a calm before the storm. When suddenly out of no where a truck slams into the drivers side of the car sending is into a spin. The sound of tires screeching across wet asphalt, metal bending around us and glass shattering over us pounds through my ear drums before falling dead silent.

Last thing I see before darkness consumes me is Liam unconscious in the drivers seat.