
Chapter 13: Truth

The sound of his words and the look of desire across his face sends me into a fit of ecstasy.

I wanted him more than I ever wanted anyone.

And just like that David's words abruptly come pounding back into my head again.

The longing desire is replaced by pain and tears.

I try to push my self off the couch.

Liam grabs hold of my hand pulling me back down to him.

Liam: Willow there is nothing that man could ever say or do to make me think different of you.

Looking at him curiously I question what he really knew?

Willow: when I asked you how much you knew about my past you were pretty vague, but when David started to say something you stopped him. Why?

Liam: most of the hospital records were blacked out. So what I knew was very vague.

He ran his hand through his hair.

Liam: In all honestly I should have shut him up a lot sooner! it wasn't his place.

He places the palm of my hand to his lips.

Liam: I want to here it from you when your ready.

If he's feeling as strongly about me as I am him he deserves to know the truth so he can move on before things get serious.

I swallow hard looking down at my hands still in his.

Willow: I can't have children!

I search his eyes for shame or pity but instead I find compassion.

Willow: I know we've only known each other for literally a day but? Does that not bother you that I can never have children?

Liam: No! Why would that bother me?

I open my mouth to speak then quickly shit it feeling shy and unsure of my self or Liam's intent. Biting my lip I look away.

Liam's hand runs up along my neck to my cheek turning me back to him.

Liam: I have always lived a life of uncertainty. Working jobs that put you on the line of not knowing if you'll make it home after. But right now I have never been more certain about anything.

He kisses my lips softly.

Liam: I want you in a way I have never wanted anyone and I want this with you for as long as you'll have me.