
Chapter 11: confrontation

David's face turns blood red.

David: Who the fuck is this Willow?

Snarling like a rabid dog. David balls his hands into fists till his knuckles turn white.

Liam: You don't talk to my girl like that.

Liam puts him self between David and me.

David: That is my wife you fucking asshole.

David lunges forward but Liam with little effort floors him with one punch.

Liam: Ex wife asshole.

Bleeding from his lip David jumps up to retaliate then stops when he sees Nick and Tom walking up.

Liam: you have one of two choices David. 1 you walk out of here on your own and go back to New York. Or 2 these gentle men will drag your sorry ass out of here and personally escort you back to New York.

David wipes the blood from his mouth with his hand and slowly walks past shifting his eyes from Liam to me.

David: I am the only man that will ever accept you the way you are. You think a prick like this will stay knowing you can't have his....?

Before David can finish Liam throws him against the wall.

Liam: you so much as even look her way again it will be the last thing you do.

Liam shoves David towards Nick who takes him by the arm and leads him away.

Liam: Tom I want eyes on that S.O.B till his ass is back in New York.

Tom nods and takes leave. Liam watches from the railing until they David completely out of sight before he turns to face me. Catching me run in gym arm he quickly yet gently grabs my hand inspecting my arm.

Willow: It's nothing.

I pull my sleeve back down and look away. He grabs my chin forcing me to look at him as he looks me over better before wrapping me in his arms.

Liam: I am so sorry Willow. I should have never left your side.

I tighten my grip on his collar and burry my face into his jacket pushing back the tears. He places a gentle kiss to the top of my head while lightly stroking my lower back.

Willow: It's not your fault.

I close my eyes feeling safe in his arms while becoming intoxicated from his amazing smell. The heat of his breath warms my ear as he whispers.

Liam: I said I wouldn't take my eyes off of you but I broke my promise. He should have never made inside this building let alone this city with out my knowledge.

I pull back looking up at Liam.

Willow: You can not possibly hold your self to the impossible. Eyes on me or not he got in but it doesn't matter because nothing happened.

I place the palm of my hand along the side of his face.

Willow: You still protected me as promised and your here now. That's all that matters.

He smiles faintly rubbing his thumb over my brow and touching his forehead to mine. We stand in our comfortable silence for sometime before the clearing of a throat interrupts our moment.

Tom stands a few feet away with a smirk as he looks us over. Liam's soft chuckle vibrates down my neck.

Liam: Status

He speaks with out looking at Tom.

Tom: Nick and Erik are back at the marks hotel now and should be at the airport in less than 20.

Liam: Thank you.

Tom begins to walk away when Liam calls back to him.

Liam: I'll be taking Miss Grayson home now.

Tom nods and disappears down the stairs.