
Chapter 65 : Fake Karakura War (Part 2).

\AN: Its me again. This time I'm here to tell you all that this week will have 2 chapters per day. But only for this week. Bye. :)/

After the battle for the pillars end, the results were with Lieutenant Yumichika won his opponent, same with Lieutenant Kira, Lieutenant Hisagi and Captain Komamura ended up having to help Lieutenant Ikkaku by fighting his opponent. All the pillars were defended.

"I will fight this Old Man. As long as their leader is dead, we win as they will fall soon after." A tall, dark skinned Espada named Zommari, said before coming at mine direction.

'I've let these Hollows grow too arrogant, I have been to lenient lately.' I thought.

Then Zommari, opened his legs, made his sword levitate, clasped his hands together and said.

"|Shizumare(Supress): Brujería|." His head turned until it was perpendicular to his body.

Then his Zanpakutou bended many times until it was a spiral and from it smoke came and surrounded him. After a horror show, he appeared in weird clothes that possessed many eyes.

Making my sword return to it's staff form, I decided to fight using my hands. While I was going to fight him, Captain Soi Fon was fighting against a short man, her Lieutenant fought a burly man.

Then at this moment, one of the eyes of his clothes fixed on my right arm, it glowed in a purple light. When I tried to move it, I could not. Looking at my hand, it came to my face and I punched myself.

"Surprised, Old Man? My ability steals the sovereignty of whatever it sees. I just stole your arm and I can do whatever I want with it." He said.

Then his other eyes turned to me and did the same. If what he says is true, he just stole my body control. Making it a potential weapon that he can use again the other Captains.

"Hmm. Will you do this to a frail old man?" I asked.

"Frail? The fire you used, could burn for afar. Even from here, we can feel the heat, imagine what it is to be inside of it. If I can use you body and make that fire attack your friends, we win." He said, then he made my body dash to Captain Soifon and punch her.

But when I was going to attack, I said.

"Enough. I can't let you do this." Then, I sent my Reiatsu down my body, breaking his control.

Then I used {Shunpo} and appeared behind him, took a stance and punched his face. The punch exploded his head.

"Pitiful. Your ability is strong, the problem is that you are too weak to make a good use of it." I said to his falling body.

At this moment another Garganta opened a little far from me. Looking at who came. I saw someone that surprised me.

"Soul Society. Now I will have my vengeance!" Soujirou Kusaka exclaimed, angrily.

Together with him, there was two women, they had red and blue clothes, hairs, eyes and Zanpakutous.

"Soujirou? Hmm. Is my memory failing because of the old age, or he died before? No... I am sure, he died. This means that someone resurrected him somehow." I said, wondering out loud.

'He must have passed a lot of time in Hueco Mundo so that he can freely use the Garganta like this and managed to get two subordinates. Hmm, they are Arrancars, this means that he was raised in Hueco Mundo, but how was he resurrected? I can't understand this. Now it doesn't matter, he returned as an enemy that is against Soul Society, he must perish.' I thought.

Then Soujirou dashed to meet his previous friend, Captain Hitsugaya, and his subordinates met Lieutenant Matsumoto to fight her.

Then another Garganta opened, what is going on with today.

'It can't be Aizen reinforcements as I have four Captains there. But it also cannot be Soul Society's reinforcements as the Captains are still there.'

From the portal, it came a tattered Ichigo Kurosaki, the previous Ryoka, Captain Mayuri, without an arm and his Lieutenant, and Captain Unohana without her Lieutenant, with many injuries, scars and a lot of her veins were black.

'Hmm? Who could hurt her to such an extent? She is the second strongest of all Soul Society. This means two things, they escaped before slaughtering the thing that did this or they killed it then escaped. Either way, this is not a good signal.'

Then, they got near me.

"Report of the situation on Hueco Mundo." I demanded.

"Yes, Captain Yamamoto. On Hueco Mundo there is a huge threat, at least at the same level of Aizen. He has strong subordinates and strong abilities." Unohana said while gritting her teeth, with her eyes closed.

She seems to be focusing on something else as she does her report.

"I can see that he has strong abilities, you are full of scars and Captain Mayuri lost an arm. What about the other Captains?" I asked her.

"The others are still in Hueco Mundo. Defending it. Captain Yamamoto, how much time passed since the invasion started?" She asked, the black veins were diminishing with time.

"Hmm, it has passed an hour since it started, why?"

"It cannot be possible, it must have been more as we passed four or five hours in Hueco Mundo. Maybe they... No it cannot be possible." She said, denying a possibility.

"You mean that they have the capability to stop time?" I asked, surprised.

"That is the only possibility but since it stopped, we don't know how much time passed. This probably means that the Captains in Hueco Mundo were defeated. But this doesn't matter as Aizen locked Hueco Mundo, so he shouldn't be able to get out of it." She said.

"If what you say is true, then we can focus on Aizen and deal with the other threat later. Now, we must defeat Aizen and stop his attempt to make the Ouken." I said to her while caressing my beard.

*Zip* *Zip* *Zip*

Three Gargantas opened. This made Unohana open her eyes widely.

"No, this can't be. How?" She remarked.