
Quest Accomplished.

She'd realized that she'd been dumped by now. It took her minutes of standing on that particular spot to realize it before she began walking around in search of Lucas.

After searching around for minutes without finding him, that's when she became fully sure she'd been dumped.

And what followed after that? Heartbreak, pain upon pain. Yes, the same pain her boyfriend was feeling when she left him to go meet Lucas, that was the same pain she was feeling now.

She became so confused, what was she going to do now? It was just like Lucas's spell around her had been broken, and she'd come to her senses.

She knew that her boyfriend would most likely dump her at this point because of how infuriated he was. He doesn't trust her anymore, and considers her a cheap slut.

She was aware this would most likely be the case but still planned on going back to him to see how things would go. Whatever comes...

So right now, she was heading back to her boyfriend.


There was a little smirk on my face as I was walking on the road heading toward my home. I, Lucas Mitchell, had just dumped a girl on the road since she wasn't of any use to me anymore.

"There's a high chance she'd have realized what had been done to her by now". I muttered to myself while still walking on the road.

I didn't care how she'd have felt after realizing that I dumped her. At least, she didn't care about her boyfriend's feelings when she left him and came to meet me.

As known, all I cared about was accomplishing the quest and receiving the money...

I was still walking on the road when the system's interface appeared in front of me while hearing the system's voice,


[Quest accomplished]

[You got a random girl on the street that was with her boyfriend to become attracted to you]


[2,000 Prosperity points]

[You've leveled up to level 2]

[$35,000 has been credited into your bank account]

[The skill 'Eyes of discernment' has been released]

My heart gladdened immediately seeing that I'd received the system's notification that I accomplished the quest. And not too long after receiving the notification, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

I didn't waste time to bring it out of my pocket, and I saw the credit alert of $35,000. A good $35,000 had been credited into my bank account, I would finally be able to complete the payment of our house rent and handle some other things that also needed money.

I was so glad right now. While still holding my phone in my hand glancing at the credit alert that I'd just received, another interface appeared in front of me,


[Name: Lucas Mitchell]

[Age: 17 years old]

[Level: 2]

[Intellectual: 12]

[Charm: 20]

[Prosperity points: 2,000]

[Number of heroines stolen: 0]

[Financial status: Very poor]

I came to realize that what I just glanced at now was my status, and I shook my head in understanding. I kept my phone back into my pocket after the interface disappeared.

Now, some questions had been raised inside me after glancing at my status interface. And I didn't plan on keeping these questions to myself, I planned on asking the system them...

So I called out to the system, "System".

[Yes host]

"There are some questions I need answers to". I voiced out once again.

[Go on with the questions]

"According to what I saw from my status interface, 'the number of heroines stolen' was reading zero, how come? I mean, I made a girl become attracted to me a few minutes ago though she was with her boyfriend,

And that was the very reason why I accomplished this quest. Since I made her focus all her attention on me though she was with her boyfriend, couldn't it be said I stole her from her boyfriend?

I mean, she approached me and was even ready to get down with me. She became attracted to me completely, I stole her from her hero, then became her hero,

So how come that stat is reading zero? I don't understand".

[You didn't steal her completely, you dumped her at some point and broke her heart. You guys didn't go on any date, you didn't fuck her, and so on,

You'd need to do some of these things, at least, screw her, before it would be considered that you stole her completely]

"But I was doing according to the quest I received. I was told not to screw any girl I made become attracted to me, I should just make the person become attracted to me and focus all her attention on me,

I would have fucked that girl if not for the quest. I was just following its instruction".

[And keep following its instruction like that. A time would come when you'd start stealing heroines completely in the future quests to come. You wouldn't only steal them from their heroes, you'd also get to conquer them]

I nodded my head in understanding...I'd gotten to understand why that stat was reading zero...

I'd gotten the answer to that question, but I wasn't done yet, I needed the answer to one more question that was still related to what I saw on my status interface.

So my voice resounded again, "I have one more question to ask".

[Go on with it host]

"Why was my 'financial status' reading very poor though a good $35,000 had been credited into my bank account in addition to the little dollars that was there before?". I inquired.

[Do you consider $35,000 a lot of money, host?]

"Yes, it is a lot of money to an extent. I've never held that amount of money in my hand before nor has it been credited into my bank account before. I don't think a person with a net worth of $35,000 should be referred to as very poor". I responded to the system's question.

[Well, with a net worth of $35,000 in the world of wealthy people, you're still very poor. And the aim is for you to become very wealthy, so you're being categorized in the world of wealthy people,

$35,000 isn't enough to buy a lot of cars. A lot of watches, necklaces, rings, and so on, can't be purchased with $35,000. That amount of money wouldn't be able to purchase a luxurious house,

So with a net worth of $35,000 in the world of wealthy people, you're still very poor, host]

I nodded my head in understanding, everything the system had just said now made sense, everything she said was true.

You're still very poor with a net worth of $35,000 in the world of wealthy people because there are a lot of luxurious things that amount wouldn't be able to buy.

Even in the world of average people, if you have a net worth of $35,000, and you don't keep earning money consistently to add to that net worth, you'd end up very poor eventually.

I didn't have any more questions to ask the system, all I wanted to do was to keep walking until I reached my home. And that was what I began doing with immediate effect.

I had to stop walking at some point after receiving the system's notification and during the time I was conversing with the system...

But now that I was done conversing with the system, I saw no reason to keep standing on one spot. I was so happy while journeying toward my home because of the $35,000 that was credited into my bank account by the system.

Recalling today's events was just making me shake my head as I was still walking. From searching for a job, to receiving the prosperity system, and so on.

And now, I had a good $35,000 in my bank account...an amount of money that had never been in my bank account before or any of my siblings' bank accounts.

I could say things were going well to an extent, wouldn't lie.

I kept on journeying until I finally arrived home. And upon stepping foot into the house, I set eyes on Julia, she must have finished preparing dinner by now.

"Welcome home again". She said to me after I stepped foot into the house.

I didn't even say anything to her as I just walked past her and the chair she was sitting on. All I wanted to do now was to change up into casual clothes since I was back home and didn't plan on going anywhere again.

Our mum wasn't back home according to what I was seeing, that woman was working way too hard.

..Well, I was just happy that I'd received something that could change my life for the better which my family would benefit from.