
Prophecy Reality Forbidden Library

Within the confines of the Mathers Family mansion, there exists a room of unique structure, bearing a striking resemblance to a massive library. Indeed, it is a library, but not just any library. This is the "Forbidden Library," one of the most secretive and enigmatic locations within the Dragon Kingdom of Lugnica. For years, mages, high nobility, royalty, and influential figures from across the nation have sought its ancient and mysterious knowledge. Scholars have endeavored to grasp the words of past eras, aiming to record or study them. However, all these efforts have been in vain. To access this unknown knowledge, one must gain the approval of the guardian - the librarian. Beatrice, the librarian, has been sitting calmly, engrossed in a book she has read nearly 199 times. It has been 395 years since she last saw her mother, yet the contract her mother left behind continues to bind her. She has lost hope in the "That Person" her mother mentioned centuries ago. Yet, her overwhelming love for her mother is evident in her unwavering devotion. She remains in the same spot, in the same room, within the same environment, century after century. "Because it's a promise, in fact." Suddenly, a violet spark appeared above her head, startling the young girl to her core. The violet spark eventually formed a small portal, from which slid 17 books and a piece of paper that appeared to be a note. Beatrice stared at it, flabbergasted by what had just... "Happened, in fact..." --- Note : basically 1 to 15 volume of Re:zero and Two edited Tanpenshuu volumes teleported by a violet vertex into, The Forbidden archive 5 years before the Canon begins. the one behind it? I'd don't know. ( -_- )

Loli_Beatrice_II · Anime und Comics
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Chapter 2 The end of a simple desire Part 1

Note:. I'm not skilled at writing; in fact, I'm terrible at it. So, I rely on auto-correction and editing applications for the good of yours and mine brains. I wrote all of the direction of the plot and let the apps polished to what are you reading now, a little credit for my commitment and efforts would be appreciated. ( even a bit )

Credits go to Tappei Natsuki- Oh, I meant Nagasaki. ('-') Nagataki (Googling...) ahhem. All credits go to Tappei Nagatsuki, same goes with the covers."

[ Chapter 3 coming in February stay tuned. C: ]





Beatrice doesn't immediately answer the somewhat annoying question of the jester named Roswaal L Mathers... the current era's 'Roswaal'.

The Clown's somewhat rude disturbance annoyed Beatrice deeply, but remembering the mana pressure she caused earlier, her irritation instantly decreased.

But all of her time of silence gave Roswaal an advantage as he further mused thoughtfully.

"My, my! The beautiffffful archive does look somewhat dddddifferent, isn't it, Beatrice-sama?"

The Mathers mocking smile remained as he sang in his usual creepy voice that always irked the great spirit.

Though his blue and yellow eyes sharpened despite the librarian's cold gaze, adding the disgusted scowl face that is not suitable for her adorable face.

Strange indeed, but this start of communication between the two isn't different than usual. Rather, this was supposedly normal between the Lord and librarian - pleasant and unpleasant expressions, two different emotions, two opposite feelings with each other.

This all started back centuries ago when 'Roswaal B Mathers' became the Mathers family head by succeeding his predecessor, Beatrice's annoying brother figure, 'Roswaal A Mathers'.

The imposter, as what Beatrice would likely describe the 'B', shockingly and disturbingly the fool started talking in a strange manner, not to mention his choice of clothes and the makeup that somewhat resembled your commonly known clown.

As generations passed, it eventually turned into something that Beatrice hated deep within her core or od, but it reminded her of the most horrifying and useless day of her life.

The day she almost lost her reason to exist, the same fateful day she lost something that she considered her best friend and the greatest reason she was in her current circumstances.

It truly reminded her of the day the warlock of Melancholy, Hector, finally impended through the sanctuary, bringing the synonym of Melancholy within him.

Like what the future shima stated, 'a ruin', the day she lost part of herself. With all of that being said, let's get back to the matter at hand.

"Save that sentiment for yourself. Rather, you ought to check the surroundings of the estate for supposed unwelcome guests, I suppose."

Beatrice grumbled in uncontrollable resentment. After composing the sudden surprise, she closed the Re:Zero book with one hand while using the other to clean and organize the scattered mysterious black books. The note folded itself before sliding into one of the bookshelves, all made possible by Beatrice's magical support yet again, of course.

Roswaal's curiosity was raised by hearing Beatrice's words. This day is indeed noteworthy. It's only rarely that Beatrice finds something important worthy of her attention.

So, the Mathers' shock is justifiable and worthless.

"I gladlyyyyy do so. Have a comfortable night, Beatrice-sammmma."

Roswaal bowed slightly, his unending creepy smiling face followed as he turned around at the archive's door. It's unknown what the clown was thinking, but surely we might learn it someday. (Spoiler)

Beatrice just snorted at the show of flattery while moving towards her seat. She didn't notice Roswaal's narrowed blue eye staring at her from behind as he exited the archive.

Although if she knew, she wouldn't care slightly. Now that she had dumped the mystifying phenomenon onto someone, Beatrice's troubles eased greatly. Finally, one of the reasons that agitated and disturbed her had been passed on to someone else.

As the sound of the archive door closing echoed, Beatrice took her seat in her chair. The librarian's eyes narrowed as she looked around the library, vigilant and still extremely worried about the possibility of any annoying apprehension at any point. To say it was just overthinking or paranoia would be an understatement in this situation.

She knew better, which is why she acknowledged the mysterious phenomenon as a very high-standardized threat that could spark at any moment. From the perspective of someone knowledgeable and proficient in parallel dimensions, teleportation, portal materializing incantations, and space manipulation, she absolutely knew better. Any threat that might happen inside the Mathers mansion, Beatrice, the Great Spirit of Yin, would instantly know, like a dashing light consuming the abyss of darkness.

Now imagine her extreme and powerful senses being broken by something oddly paradoxical enough to swallow most of the knowledge she holds. Thankfully, it didn't turn into something physically problematic, but mentally, that's surely a different case.

But thanks (not really) to the House's Lord, her anxieties lost half of their fragments. Clearing Beatrice in her state of...

"'Troublesome.' Why must Betty deal with this exchanging incident... Betty's hope was once again ruined, I suppose."

Beatrice uttered softly, her expression a sign of extreme desperation. A single tear dripped unnoticed from her face, descending onto the cover of the Re:Zero book.

Beatrice looked at it with lifeless eyes, although her feelings inside were very complicated. There was a long length of curiosity, so the Great Being hesitated briefly before continuing the doubtful and mysterious storybook called "Re:Zero - Starting Life in Another World."

[Chapter 1: The End of the Beginning]

After controlling her sorrowful small display, she took a neutral expression while narrowing her eyes suspiciously, she continued.

[--This is really going to be a problem.--]

[--with no money and no idea what to do,--]

[--"Yeah, but the currency system here is completely different, isn't it?"--]

[--he had short black hair and average height, being neither short nor tall. He was a bit muscular.--]

"Hmm, this description of this penniless human is quite favorable, I suppose."

Commented Beatrice, approving from her standard of nobility, though her behavior and attitude are a bit concerning.

[--but that was to be expected, after all, among all those onlookers--]

[--As he stood before the waves of open stares,--]

[--"this has got to be one of those... "--]

[--"One of those so-called 'I've been summoned to another world' deals, right?"--]

Beatrice's attention had been quickly snatched by that bold term. Surely, this supposed tale is leading in an interesting direction.

"Summoned to another world... What a ridiculously proclamation, in fact."

Exclaimed Beatrice, doubtful in her red dress. She flipped the current page as she finished reading all of its worth.

[--Subaru Natsuki was an extremely ordinary boy born on Earth, the third planet in the solar system, to a middle-class family in the nation of Japan.--]

The foreign information was instantly absorbed into Beatrice's potential theories based on the character's circumstances. It finally puzzled her by mentioning unknown sentences that didn't meet the standard understanding norm in this world. This led to her possibility that this strange info came from the Great Waterfall, which is also regarded as the very end of this world.

To average minds, the possibility that they might mistake the identity of the weird book as a fantastical and illogical tale is highly likely, nothing more, nothing less.

On the other hand, Beatrice knew that there's more than meets the eye.

[--"And to top it all off, now I've been summoned to a different world. I guess that seals the deal. I'm a high school dropout now. But seriously, what the hell is going on?"--]

Pitiful, that was the first thought that came to the mind of the cute librarian after reading the complaints or whining of the clueless Japanese protagonist, though it quickly vanished as she remembered her own situation.

An endless promise and a blank book that supposedly guides someone's desires, talking about problematic, in fact.

[--"Assuming I have really been summoned to a fantasy world... The state of civilization appears to be usual, a medieval-like setting. So far, I haven't seen anything mechanical, but the roads are pretty well paved... And of course, I can't use any of my cash."--]

Only half of those words she understood for certain, and the other half is still processing, trying to grasp the meaning behind them.

[--As for whether he could communicate with the people here--]

[--he had no problem communicating,--]

[--the fact that he was poisoned by 'anime' and games had something to do with it,--]

Realizing that it was just a figure of speech, Beatrice's interest in this word 'Anime' plummeted, but there was still a stain of vexation at some point.

For whatever reason, the librarian had a good and bad feeling about it. There may be gains, surely, but consequences would follow. Otherwise, it's just her distrust of the book's contents, or maybe it's either way.

In short, 'Anime' is a yes and no. In an amateuristic sense, hopefully, it makes sense in any case.

[--"Without a little bit more of a welfare safety-net thing going on, a laid-back guy like myself isn't going to be able to deal, you know."--]

Pathetic and selfish, those were the two thoughts of an annoyed Beatrice.

[--"I don't even get a single Excalibur? I'm done. What am I supposed to do in this getup?"--]

"Contemptible fool... If this is the way of thinking by those from other worlds, it's not ordinary. They quickly meet their demise, in fact."

"No wonder they haven't bloomed prosperously... Their ignorance is highly the reason, I suppose."

(Somewhere in the Vollachia Empire, or wherever Al is currently, that supposed unknown individual was suddenly struck by a judgmental element, freezing them in place.)

Critiqued extremely by Beatrice's harsh logic, she was really irritated at something that she clearly couldn't point out, but she didn't acknowledge that feeling. Instead, she turned it down.

[--It had happened in the blink of an eye--]

[--But worrying about it wasn't going to help him now.--]

[--"The fact that no one seems to be paying attention to them means that they're probably normal...--]

So there are no other races, especially related to demi-humans, on the other side of the Waterfall? Beatrice thought after reading Subaru's statement and reaction towards people with cat ears or dog ears, and the giant lizard mentioned in the book.

Judging by his expression of bewilderment towards them, he seems to have no knowledge concerning different races. But there's an impression that this seems to be the first time he saw those 'species'.

[--"So this is a world with half-humans... and probably wars and adventures, too. As for whether there are any animals I'm used to around... I'm not too sure, but given that lizard car--]

Beatrice's face twisted slightly, eventually transforming into something you could call disdainful. There was already the fact that the Japanese boy described this world as medieval-level compared to 'modern-level' as he put it.

She honestly couldn't care even slightly, but to describe them as inferior would surely seem biased, especially for someone who has no knowledge of this world.

She could already tell that this Subaru Natsuki person is naive and hopeless after reading the boy's thoughts about his current circumstances. Even she, who is blinded by a never-ending contract, could certainly predict that the boy will stumble into trouble at any moment.

Unbeknownst to her, that bet will surely, no... definitely come true later on.

[--"The truth is, I have no idea what to do next, and I still have no idea how or why I was summoned. I don't remember stepping into a mirror or falling into a pond, and if I'm to believe this is the otherworldly summoning format I'm used to, where is the beautiful girl who summoned me?"--]

Speechless, yes, Beatrice was astonished by Subaru's complaining speech, and here she was a little fearful about the fact that there's some formidable summoning technique on the other side. (Reference of Truck-kun)

Though she isn't worried about them, the one she finds troublesome is if those people have characteristics that are stupid and ignorant, similar to this 'Subaru Natsuki' boy in the book.

If she sympathizes with the otherworldly offenders, I suppose it is a waste of energy or even mana. (Cruel)

(Elsewhere, a person with a weird helmet felt a chill run down his spine.)

[--"I guess if I keep this up, it's no different from locking myself up in my room back home."--]

The librarian's expression diminished at that statement, though it quickly vanished as the girl's motivations by thinking about it instantly ceased to exist.

[--Just as Subaru was about to walk out onto the main road, he almost bumped into someone who moved out in front of him.--]

[--"Oh, sorry 'bout that."--]

[--"Hold up."--]

Beatrice's face turned into commiseration, although slightly, but still commiseration, already knowing how the situation would turn out, a bit of sympathy toward the Japanese boy's misfortune.

[--he was grabbed firmly by the shoulder--]

[--looked up to see that the person who had thrown him back--]

[--behind that man were two of his buddies--]

[--the way they moved, it didn't appear this was the first time these men had done this--]

"Hooligans, I guess," uttered Beatrice in a disgusted tone. It seemed like those kinds of savages are always everywhere. That judgment was absolutely accurate, as she had numerous occasions dealing with bandits long ago when she was still in the sanctuary.

Those cowards would only raid her mother's village if she wasn't present. Calling it brave to loot a Witch's domain is indeed correct, but only fools with mental disabilities or insane will do such a suicidal act.

[--"Umm... May I ask what you three fine fellows plan on doing with me?"--]

[--"Oh, it looks like this one here's the smart one! Well, nothing to worry about. Just give us everything you've got on you, and there's no need for anyone to get hurt."--]

[--"So that's the deal, huh? Yeah, I guess it would be. Ha-ha... This really sucks."--]

"I suppose."

Beatrice murmured, a little bored with the current events.

[--The men's gazes were filled with scorn and ridicule.--]

[--You couldn't call it an unusual plot development.--]

[--"Damn, I've triggered a compulsory event."--]

The cute librarian's expression briefly weakened, the grip on the book loosened as she refrained from further commenting on the ongoing events.

Though for some reason, instead of feeling guilty, the Great Spirit felt rather proud of her instincts.

[--"I'm starting to get the feeling that this world's gravity is, like, only a tenth of my world's. I can do this. I can do this! I'm going to mow--]

Beatrice's butterfly eyes glowed in wonder at that unknown but unsure factor, although it was instantly crumpled by the following pathetic supposedly confidential roaring isekai protagonist.

[--"What the hell is he going on about?"--]

[--"I don't know, but I'm pretty sure he's making fun of us. Let's kill 'im."--]

[--"Took the words right out of my mouth... You're going to regret this!!!"--]

The cute spirit ignored all of those lame actions, clearly unsatisfied with the direction the situation was going, but her patience was overwhelming compared to this brief annoying circumstance.

[--I hit someone for the 'first time in my life!' Wow! It hurts way more than I expected.--]

"What a simple miserable achievement for a low human being, it seems suitable for his position, in fact."

(God) read it while mumbling seriously but ridiculously, although her mind was pondering what it meant by "first time." Is this boy seriously of nobility or a member of the aristocracy in his home country? If so, the boy's education is possibly pointless given his personality.

A lot of pondering and conclusions were ongoing when Beatrice started reading the mysterious book, to find out if all of this was legitimate and not just a fairytale.

She already had that thought earlier, and she would believe it until she found something unusual to assume that all of this was a scam.

Although the possibility of such a situation happening was extremely low, considering this stuff came from something she hadn't figured out yet.

Because that space manipulation spell or magic was one of the rarest scenarios to witness by herself.

To lose its trace of mana and cancel the noise, adding the very overwhelming pressure just by looking at it, sent chills to someone, but definitely not her, in fact... Okay, maybe a little.

[--"I guess in this world my stats are pretty good! What a rush! Now to finish this!"--]

[--When his eyes centered on what that man was holding in his hand: a glinting knife.--]

[--Immediately, Subaru dropped to his knee.--]

[--"I'm sorry, that was absolutely terrible of me. I ask that you forgive me and please find it in your generous hearts to spare my life!"--]

"It's too late for forgiveness, idiot."

Beatrice face-palmed emotionally, slightly amused and embarrassed by the boy's actions. Throwing one's pride to save one's skin was a cowardly act in their world's standard, in her knowledge.

Although, seriously thinking about it, it turned out to be practical and defensible, considering the last hooligan had a dangerous weapon for idiots' targets.

[--"What! You mean to tell me that my one-hit knockout punch only did that much damage? What about my superpowers!"--]

Beatrice frowned at the boy's ridiculously wailing, extremely irritated by the boy's perception despite the situation turning very serious. The boy further handled it with his bizarre personality or antics.

[--"I don't know what you're talking about, but be quiet! You've really messed up now!"--]

[--One of the men stepped on the back of Subaru's head, scraping his forehead against the ground and causing him to bleed.--]

[--Crap, this really, really hurts, like, it could kill me. No, seriously.--]

And these are the consequences of your stupidity, Beatrice thought disappointingly without any sympathy, although all of this is still uncertain for now, so expressing any deep impression about the book is pointless.

[--"Stop moving, you brat!"--]

[--"Ow! No, don't... Ow! Ow! Ow!"--]

[--"After we make sure you can't move, we're going to take everything you've got. That's what you get for acting tough, you punk..."--]

[--"If you're looking for money or valuables, I'm sorry, but you're out of luck. After all, I don't have a cent on me...!"--]

[--"Then those strange-looking clothes and shoes will do just fine. You can just stay down and be food for the alley rats!"--]

Her eyebrows twisted twice, either from the hooligans' arrogance or the meaningless display of the situation. Nevertheless, the librarian continued reading with a feeling of slight bitterness.

[--"Hey! Get out of the way! I'm talking to you! Move!"--]

Finding something different, her eyes read a little faster, although instead of finding anything interesting, it turned out to be pointless and without purpose.

[--"Whoa! You look like you're in quite a pinch there, but sorry! I've got my hands full right now! Good luck! Live life to the fullest!"--]

[--"Wait, what? Are you serious?!"--]

Once she finished reading the current page's contents, Beatrice flipped to its continuation and found something a little surprising.

The page had an illustration depicting the Japanese boy's problematic condition.

The illustration presented the three bandits and the vulnerable thief based on the girl's unusual behavior.


Beatrice stared at the three bandits, finding their discretion and appearance fitting for the scam of society.

As for the thief, Beatrice doesn't have a generally positive opinion. A rat in the streets, nothing more.

[--However, this doesn't mean that Subaru's situation has improved at all.--]

"Hmm, agreed. I suppose."

[--"Doesn't what just happened make your anger just sort of melt away and make you want to change your minds about all of this?!"--]

[--"More like it killed the mood and now I'm even angrier. Don't think you'll get to die a pleasant death!"--]

[--"No, I mean, you've got to be kidding. I can't die this easily, can I?"--]

Beatrice doubts that memorizing the first page of the book and the uncertain sentence written on it, 'via death', will have any impact on her. Hopefully, it doesn't turn out to be what she's expecting, because if it is correct, then it will surely become horrifying.

[--A twitching smile formed on Subaru's face as he looked around desperately for someone to deny the death that was coming his way.--]

[--A feeling of resignation came over Subaru, and he felt tears welling up in his eyes.--]

[--In the midst of this overwhelming despair, feeling as if he had been abandoned by everyone and everything...--]

[--"Hold it right there, you evildoers!"--]

Amusingly, the roles have been reversed, though the one being saved isn't a gorgeous helpless maiden but an artless buffoon, in fact.

Beatrice thought after the turning point of the ongoing miserable event, but her interest lifted concerning the same elf girl who was pictured on the book's cover and her supposed companion, her brother.

So she quickly skips anything unrelated or worthless exchanged between the two parties, looking for any mention of her brother because that was the reason why she even bothered reading it formally and organized.

To say that she doesn't have anything to say regarding the supposed lookalike of the great calamity is atrocious and unnatural.

[--There was a girl standing at the entrance to the alley.--]

[--The girl was about one head shorter than Subaru.--]

[--Adding to her impression of majesty.--]

[--"I will not stand by and watch any more of your wrongdoing. That is enough!"--]

[--"Wha... Who do you think you are...?"--]

[--"If you stop right now, I'll let you go. In a way, this is my fault for not being cautious. So do the right thing and give back what you stole."--]

[--"What do you mean?"--]

[--"You didn't come here to rescue this guy... Did you?"--]

[--"Those are some weird clothes that boy is wearing. Did you all have a fight amongst yourselves? I don't think three against one is really fair, but... If you're asking me if I know this person, I haven't ever seen him before in my life."--]

[--"Wait a second! If you're not after this guy, then we're not involved! I bet it was that girl from before!"--]

[--"You said you had something stolen from you, right?"--]

[--"She's farther back! Back past that wall!"--]

[--"Hmm... It doesn't look like you're lying."--]

[--"Still, this situation is one I can't just ignore."--]

[--"I don't care if you're a magic user or nobility or whatever! I've had enough. We're gonna kill you! Do you really think you can win a two-on-one fight!?"--]

[--"In that case, would two on two be a bit more fair?"--]

As Beatrice quickly read those futile exchanges between the elf and the bandits, which she found really unworthy and useless even for her shelf of knowledge, it might even be beneficial to forget reading it. But sadly, she needs to be observant even for pointless details like this.

Because she really didn't think of it as just a sudden coincidence for a special foreign but idiotic person to experience all of these impenetrable circumstances. Though hard to accept, even for her, this is really baffling despite the book having clarified.

But the fact that her lost brother has been pictured, even detailed his appearance, as Beatrice remembered centuries ago, clearly gave it the benefit of doubt sensibly.

Her eyes glowed with great interest at the following words.

[--"When you all stare at me like that, full of expectation, it's, uh... kind of embarrassing."--]

[--Using its paw to clean its face was a small, palm-sized cat that stood upright on its two hind legs.--]

[--It had gray hair and floppy ears.--]

It's none other than Puck, Beatrice's lost brother. Though it might just be some words describing its look, she can confidently say it's definitely him.

Although that all depends on the supposed attitude by the cat in the book.

Ignoring the context of the bandits running away like arrogant cowards, when her brother showed up scaring them, Beatrice flipped the current page as all of its worth had been detected.

[--"Don't move."--]

[--"See? I knew I was onto something. If he had nothing to hide, he wouldn't look away like that."--]


Her eyes were instantly seized by another illustration picturing the elf and her brother, Puck.


Beatrice softly uttered as her butterfly-shaped eyes started to water, as intense and different kinds of emotions boiled deep within her.

Memories of their adventures came crawling into her mind, the times they guarded her mother's floating mansion, crossing around her head, memories of happy moments reminding her core.

Times that she had forgotten, forsaken, buried, bygone, overlooked, disregarded, gone, lost, came rushing at her in the speed of light, in another but simple words, an emotional flashback of one's self-experiences.

A great turbulence clouded her state just by the picture of her brother, a clear sign that the pitiful being endured great torture. It might not be physical but simply an never-ending loneliness, judging it by the look in her empty eyes.

She continued reading after controlling herself, despite the complicated thoughts ringing in her head.

Though if you think about it, it's really justifiable considering Beatrice last saw her spirit brother 10 generations of human lifespan ago, but truthfully, it is coincidental because of how time flies.

[--"I'm not so sure about that, that seems like a very natural reaction for a boy like him. I'm sensing zero evil intentions."--]

[--"Be quiet, Puck. ...You know the girl who stole my badge, don't you?"--]

Beatrice blinked for a moment, feeling a brief bitterness, though her reading continued without delay.

[--" I'm sorry to let you down like this, but I totally don't know her, like. Completely not at all."--]

[--"Wait-- What? Seriously?"--]

[--"What are we going to do? Was this really all just a waste of my time?"--]

[--"A waste that's still in progress... I really think you should hurry. She was really fast when she ran away, so there's a good chance the culprit has some kind of strange protection on her side."--]

[--"Ugh... How can you be so unconcerned about all of this, Puck?"--]

[--"You're the one who told me not to get too involved, you know? Anyway, what are we going to do about him?"--]

[-- "Oh--"--]

So she's her contractor...

Beatrice recognized immediately the doubt. First, it will surely be strange to be able to order what an enormous being can do. The only judicious explanation is if the two are in a great relationship between one another or a very reasonable explanation if the two are in a contract.

To say she isn't jealous of that connection between them would be enigmatic, a tough discussion indeed.

[--"Don't worry about me. Thanks to your help, I'll be fine. You're in a hurry, right? You should go..."--]

[-- "Huh?"--]

[--"Wait. You shouldn't try to stand up just yet--"--]

[--"He has... nothing to do with us. That's not enough to kill him. We're going to leave him."--]

[--" Are you sure? "--]

[--" There's no way! No way that I'm going to save him, okay!! "--]

[--" Man, even when she's angry she's really cute. Go otherworldly fantasies--"]

After reading the Buffon's last thought before falling into consciousness, Beatrice flipped to the current page.

A gut feeling that this event, despite being described in words only, will be the foundation of how this story unfolds.

Her eyes reflected Part 5 of Chapter 1, reminding her that there is a lot more to come (and for the author to write).

To be continued... (Hopefully)




Re: Prophecy: Beatrice Knowing the future from zero.


Special Note: I'm just sharing my thoughts about a Re:Zero fanfiction. It's more challenging to try writing it than imagining it in my head.

Note 1: To those who have the physical volume version, I know there's some character's short bio info and color illustrations of the original. Let's just say those were removed, though I bet you guys won't care about it in the slightest.

Note 2: The illustrations Beatrice finds in the book are colored versions, giving her great insight into what the characters look like or the places she is currently seeing.

Note 3: Once again, I apologize for any mistakes in sentences or grammar. I finally understand why there are so few writers out there. Many people are eager for well-crafted paragraphs similar to those in British literature.

Useless Note: Go check out my second (third) story on my profile. I plan to update two more chapters before November 10. Hopefully, that comes true, unlike in the past. :v ( sadly is repeated again. )

Loli_beatrice_II out