
A New Start to Life

A village surrounded by thick forest, giant buildings with fumes flowing out of chimneys, kids running, playing and laughing. As the children played around the village center. One child was running away towards the forest, his name is Wilson Kask. Wilson was a sensitive child, cried real easy and ran away when scared. He ran out into the forest until he couldn't see the buildings, hear the kids or even smell the aromas from the village. When he finally stopped to sit down and cry, he was well into the forest. After he finished crying, Wilson got up and looked around at some of the trees near by. He noticed that tress became brighter as if a second sun has appeared in the middle of the forest. Awed by this new light, he walked into a clearing that was warm, bright and some magical feeling he couldn't put into words. He slowly walked to the center of the radiant light and spun around admiring the color of the trees. After he spun around a couple of times he got dizzy and stopped to catch his breath. Then he noticed a ladder coming from a tree. Struck with new curiosity, Wilson started walking to it, wondering where it went. When he put his hands on the ladder, he heard giggling above him and as he looked up to see what was laughing.


Something had fallen down on top of him. The pain of the collision and the weight of being sat upon caused Wilson to cry. Hearing the wails coming from below it, the creature jumped up and picked up Wilson and started to sing to him and trying to sway his upper body back and forth. When he heard the singing, Wilson started to feel better but before he stopped crying he fell asleep in the gentle creatures arms to its soothing voice. After a couple of hours of sleeping, he woke up and felt lively and full of energy. As he stood up he felt weird and started to notice that he wasn't in his house. Wilson, getting scared after waking up somewhere new, started to cry again, scared and alone. Before he could start crying he heard a feminine voice call out to him, "No no no no don't start crying again it breaks my heart". He stood up, looking down with his hands together speaking with a small voice, " Sorry i didn't mean to make you upset i just like crying to make myself feel better." "But why make yourself all snotty and wet and ugly to make yourself feel better"? While he was still looking down, the creature sat down behind him and pulled him down to sit on its lap. "Do you have a name beautiful child?" it whispered into his ear and hugging him like a big teddy bear. "UHH... UHH... Wilson, Wilson Kask." he replied while wiping away the snot and tears, " How about you, what is your name"? The creature got up pulled him up to stand on his feet, " My name is Roux, a local forest angel nice to meet you Wilson." she said swinging her's and Wilson's arms together. After a few seconds, Wilson noticed her body, she had leaves covering her legs and arms layered from top down but her feet and hands were bare like a normal person. He was more puzzled by her hair, it was long down to her stomach but she had a helmet like bush on top of her head, he was was in true amazement to the beautiful creature in front of him

Hello my name is Daniel and this is my first jump into writing and hopefully the story i have planned out will be enjoyable

Bigboydan96creators' thoughts