
The promise


I'm afraid of losing them... they are all older brothers to me. Maybe a promise will be made so we hopefully won't be apart...

Me: Hey I have a question...

Sauer: Yea lil sis, what's up?

Me: would you ever leave me.....?

Sauer: No, why are you asking? Is there something wrong?!

Me: There is nothing wrong but you promise?

Sauer: Of course I promise

Me: Thank you that's all I needed, I have to go do something so I will talk to you later

Sauer: okay, I love you lil sis

Me: I love you too big bro

*a couple minutes later*

Me: Hey big bro can I ask you a question?

Garett: Sure what's up?

Me: Would you ever leave me?

Garett: No of course not

Me: promise?

Garett: I promise

Two down, two to go

I think you get the idea, all four best friends ,who are like brothers, promised to never leave me. Now that was back in freshman year. It's now Junior year. You are probably wondering who I am and what all the names of the four brothers are well....

Hi, I'm Astrid, my favorite thing to do is skateboard and listen to music. I'm also a drawer too, I usually draw people at the skate park. I also like reading when I'm alone or have some free time and am intrigued by a good book.

Sauer, he is well he's the funny goofy one. He can always make you laugh by saying the stupidest thing ever but it's not the dumb type of stupid it's the funny type of stupid. Sauer is also a skater like me and Cam. Now don't mistake Sauer as a soft person, he is only a soft person when it comes to the people he loves and trust me if you mess with the people he loves, let's just say you better run or watch your back.

Cam, he is..well he is the serious one but also the funny. Usually he is the one to be busy but always make time here and there to hangout. He and Sauer are very close. They met back in 7th grade and have been friends ever since, sometimes I feel like they know eachother more than themselves.

Garett, he is the worrier but only about the people he loves. He is the one who gets his homework done all the time and get good grades but that doesn't mean he is a goody goody. He has had his fair share of getting in trouble. Garett doesn't skate sadly, he prefers to walk and watch people do tricks.

Isaac, he is the smart one, like smart as in we go to him for help on homework smart but also strategy smart. Isaac prefers to play video games rather than go to the skate park but when we all wanna hangout we all agree to go to the skate park for an hour and then go and play video games.

You see all four of these boy's have a soft spot but only for the ones they love most.

Now that you know everyone, I have to get back to class before I am marked tardy.

I get back to class and as I'm about to take my seat Mrs.C says I am needed in the office. I gather my things and down to the office I go.

"Hi! Take a seat the principal will be with you shortly."

"Okay...am I in trouble or do you know what this is about?"

"I have no clue."

I sit down and wait to be called into her office. While I'm waiting I sit on my phone and just play Call of Duty, I know not a wise choice for school but I don't really care.

"Astrid, you may come in now."

I walk in and take a seat while asking "Am I in trouble?"

She sits down and tells me "No dear, I just wanted to talk to you about your grades."

"Look I know I was failing Chemistry but I have been trying harder and I'm even ahead of my class right now"

She listens to me without interruption and just nods her head.

"That's what I wants to talk about. It seems you are ahead in all your classes and some of your classmates have seen that you have been very stressed and worried so I wanted to give you tomorrow off."

"Wait, you're kidding right?!"

"No. I want you to go enjoy yourself tomorrow and I will talk to you on Friday."

"Um...okay, do you want me to leave now or finish today?"

"That's up to you, I don't mind what you do."

"Okay, um thank you so much it means a lot."

Hello reader,

I want to thank you very much for taking your time to read this. You might be wondering what I imagined the characters to look like. Well, as a creator I know how important imagination is, so I want you to imagine what the characters look like. I feel letting you imagine your own point of veiw helps you enjoy the story more. Let's take Astrid for instance, I think of her and a badass with dark brown hair but you may think of her as a nice person with blonde hair and that just makes your experiance better I hope, So please continue the story and imagine your way of what the characters look like.

I hope you enjoy.

Lexiloujamcreators' thoughts