
Our little secret

I started walking to my locker as the bell rang. All four boys had gone to my locker.

Sauer: "And just where do you think you are going?"

Cam: "Yeah what's going on?"

They all looked at me with puzzlement. I was gonna tell them the truth but I don't need them calling me a nerd for it so I decided to lie.

Me: "I'm going home"

Garett: "why is there something wrong?"

Me: "No, maybe, kinda...I threw up after leaving the office so they are sending me home."

They all took a step back afraid of being puked on, I actually found it funny. They all had told me to get better and to get some rest. I didn't really plan on going home I planned on going towards the beach.

I took my skateboard out of my locker and started riding it down the street, making sure I didn't hit any pot holes or big rocks.

I finally arrived at the beach, there was always a bridge that everyone could walk on. It was more like a dock I guess.

I walked to the end of the dock and just breathed in the salty ocean smell, it was nice being alone sometimes to get your mind off things. I took my shoes off and put my feet in the water while I grabbed my book and started reading.

* 7 pm *

I checked my phone and realized how late it was and that I should probably head home. It's about an hour skate home. I started to gather my stuff and put my shoes back on. I grabbed my skateboard and started riding home. It was getting darker and darker by the minute, it started to get really windy too. As I'm almost halfway home the wind gets a little to strong and tips me over into a small set of woods.

I roll down the hill tumbling as soon as I reach the bottom my board comes just as fast and knocks me out, I look at my surroundings just before I black out.

* 1 am *

I wake up and have a huge headache and I can feel my heart racing. I start to try and get up but realize I have twisted my ankle. I struggle to get up but eventually make it. My first thought is to call one of the guys to come get me so I look at my phone.

"1% really?! Urg!!" I think to myself.

" well I should really start to try and get home but I think I'm going to rest here for a little bit longer."

With that I lean against my bag and fall asleep.

*10 am*

I wake up leaning on my bag and wondering where I am. Then all the memory comes flooding back. I internally groan knowing I have a whole walk ahead of me and my phones dead so there is no one to call either.

I decide to try and get up, the first time I fall to the ground so I use a near by tree for support. Once I stand and gather my things I start up the hill knowing that this will be a long journey home, especially with a twisted ankle and scratches all over my arms and legs along with a nasty cut on my head.

*3 pm*

I finally arrive home. I put my bag down on the chair and decide to go take a shower and clean up. After my shower I walk into my room and grab a larger hoodie and some grey leggings. As soon as I get dressed I plug in my phone and hear someone knocking on my door.

I start to open the door and the minute I do I'm bombarded with questions.

Sauer: Why aren't you answering your phone?!

Isaac: Yeah I called you three times

Garett: You best have a good explanation for this

Cam: what happened to your head?

The question Cam had asked gathered everyone's attention, they all stared at me wonder what my next words were going to be but instead of talking I hobble to the side and let them in. I didn't really want to talk about what had happened so I shut the door and went up to my room. My room has a bathroom attached so I go into the bathroom and look in the mirror.

I take a deep breath and fully realize how many cuts I truly have after pulling up my sleeves. After I'm done patching up my head I start to leave the bathroom as I find all four of them in my room waiting for an explanation. Sauer was in my gaming chair, Isaac was on a bean bag, Garett decided to stand and Cam sat in the hammock chair I have.

"I fell off my skateboard last night and didn't get home till now, no big deal."

"What do you mean no big deal? And what do you mean you just got home?!" Asked Sauer as he started to stand up and I had gone to lay down on my bed.

"I mean it's not that big of a deal, I fell because the wind pushed me over, went over a hill, went unconscious till 1 AM and then saw my phone was at 1 percent and then decided it would be best to stay there for the night so I did and the it took me a little bit to get home because of my twisted ankle."

Cam: "Wait a minute I thought you were sick so why in the world were you out skateboarding?"

"I needed some fresh air so I went to the beach."

Isaac: "Look the good part is, is that she is safe, I'm gonna go get some ice for your ankle downstairs and I will be right back. No more asking her questions though guys, she needs to rest for a little bit."

They all agreed with Isaac and stopped asking me questions. Soon enough Isaac had gotten back with the ice pack and they all told me that they were going to stay the night at my place and while I was resting they would go play video games in the basement. So they all left and not to long after they left I had fallen asleep.

* 8 PM *

I wake up to my phone vibrating from a notification. I looked at my phone that was plugged in but there was no notification there so I checked my other phone, which was hidden under my mattress so the boys would not find it. I check my other phone and I see that I have a fight scheduled for tonight at 11. I text Daniel and let him know that I will need his help tonight at the fight. I start to get ready very quietly so the boys think I'm still asleep. I get on some black spandex shorts and a black t-shirt and cover up with my jean jacket which has a hood on it. I put my hood up, look at my phone and see that Daniel texted me back letting me know he will be there tonight. I start to walk out of my room but I hear someone coming up the stairs, I quickly go into bed and pretend I'm sleeping.

Cam: "Hey, are you asleep?"

"No, did you get the same text I did?"

Cam: "Yeah, I don't think you should go with your twisted ankle though."

"I will be fine, my ankle feels great and I can walk perfectly fine but I need you to distract the boys so I can go."

Cam: "Fine but you need to grab your skate board and go."

"Thank you," I say as I had Cam forty dollars, "Get you and the guys some pizza and tell them I'm still sleeping and not to bother me."

Cam: "Alright, stay here and I will message you on your second phone on snap."

"Alright I will stay here but hurry I wanna hangout with Daniel for a bit before I have to fight."

Cam: "Alright I'm going."