

I wake up in the cold and dark alley. I look at my phone to see what time it is. It's three in the morning. I see so many missed text messages from Cam.

Cam: Where are you?! 12:00 am

Cam: Astrid where the heck are you?!?!? 1:00 am

Cam: You better answer me now! 1:17 am

Cam: That's it I'm coming to find you! 1:33 am

Cam: Please be okay… 2:13 am

Cam: If you aren't back by 10:00 pm tomorrow I'm getting the guys and we are searching for you 2:44 am

He must be worried sick. He knew I had a fight tonight too. My head hurts so bad and where is my skateboard? I start to look at my surroundings and I see that they broke my skateboard. I start to get up, I feel a little nauseous and my ribs are killing me. I feel my ribs and and can feel blood which means I am probably bleeding in other places too. I need to get home and fast. I start to grab my skateboard and start my walk home. If I needed a ride I would call Cam but I don't feel like being yelled at right now. I start walking knowing I'm going to get yelled at by Cam when I get home.

I'm about halfway home and I'm starting to feel super dizzy from the blood loss and I realize I'm going to pass out again and I need to call cam. I grab out my phone, press on his contact and press the call button. It only rings twice and he picks it up.

"Where the hell are you?!"

"C-Cam….I...need…...you…..to…..-" I fall down and my eyes start to get heavy. All I can hear is Cam shouting my name.

*The next day, Friday*

I wake up in a lot of pain, I try to move but I'm stopped.

"Don't move." Cam had said in a firm voice

"Where am I..?"

"You're at home Astrid." Cam had said in a tone I had never heard before, it seemed like a worried tone yet an angry tone.

"How did you find me?"

"Seen your snap map location. Didn't think you had it on, that's why I was worried before you called me."

"I called you? When?"

"Last night….? Astrid what is the last thing you remember?"

"Um..Saying goodbye to Daniel and then texting you."

"You don't remember anything after that?"


"Get some rest." Cam said with a big sigh.

"What time is it?"

"Ten in the morning."

I quickly sit up hissing in pain and letting a tear roll down my cheek."We have school!"

"I said to not move Astrid!" Cam quickly came to my side to help me lay back down. "I already called you in sick. Here take some pain meds." He said as he handed me a water bottle and 2 advils.

I took the pills and asked "What about the guys?"

"Don't worry they don't know."

I let out a sigh of relief that I didn't even know I was holding in.

"But you're not fighting anymore and that's final."

"What? Why?!"

"Do you not see the condition you are in?! You can't even sit up on your own!"

"This time is different. I won that fight fair and square and I'm not losing my place, you know I'm the best one there."

"Then how did this happen?!"

"I don't remember! I will try my best to remember but I can't right now….."

Cam gets up to grab my fitbit, he puts it on my wrist to see my heart rate, it's up to 180.

"Go to bed."


"Because your heart rate is up. Go to bed."

"Whatever…" I say as I close my eyes and I fall asleep shortly after.

*2 hours later, 12 pm*

I start to wake up again and I hear a light snoring. I look over to the side to see Cam asleep. My stomach starts to rumble telling me I'm hungry. I try to get up without making a lot of noise. I get up slowly, biting my lip to make sure I don't make any noise. Once I am up I grab onto the wall for support. I look to see if I have woken Cam up at all, but I still hear a light snoring so I know I haven't woken him up yet. I start to make my way towards the stairs and I grab onto the railing for dear life. I slowly walk down making sure I do not slip. When I get down the stairs I start to move towards the kitchen. I see that we have pancake mix and decide to make pancakes. I get a bowl to mix it with as well as milk. I start to mix and the batter is ready. Once the batter is ready I start to pour it onto the non-stick pan. I'm about halfway through the batter when I hear Cam start to come down the stairs.

"Why are you out of bed?" Cam says firmly.

"I was hungry and I didn't want to wake you up because I know you were up all night worrying about me."

"So you are making pancakes while you are still supposed to be in bed?"

"Yup, you know I don't listen to you."

"Yea I know I know. As soon as you are done eating it's back to bed okay?"

"I don't wanna stay in bed all day. That's boring and you know that."

"Yea well I told The nurse who took care of you last night that I would make sure you stayed in bed and got some rest."

"Well I'm all rested soooo."

"You are going back to bed no buts."

"Fine party pooper."

I continued to make pancakes for Cam and I. It was the least I could do for him since he was taking care of me. He really was a good person. Most people are intimidated by him but that is because he is very overprotective of the ones he loves.