
Luo Rin

She quickly made a decision to save one of the pups and put him in the natural underground bunker nearby. It was big enough that only one of the pups would have fitted there.

She didn't take much time and picked the weakest pups out of them. The one who had been sleeping near her all this time.

Members of the team Alpha were astonished upon discovering an alive pup, and that too totally unscratched. Simon, the leader of the group, asked one of the members to bring the pup with them and not to harm it in any way.

On the other side of the camp, Luo Rin, team Alpha's official medic, was giving treatment to their wounded member Jia. If spoken truly, she wasn't an official member of the group, she was just a poor medical student who had to drop from her university, and the reason was none other than money.