

"So, wanna know, how we found out about all these?" Yamamoto asked again. And this time he said this while rubbing his forehead in pain.

Xin didn't know what to tell anymore, since his lie was completely exposed. After mustering some courage, only two words came out of his mouth, "Please, start."

"Mhm, it will be better if Nen starts the narration. I will be the one ending it, anyway. What do you say, Nen?" asked Yamamoto.

"Oh, sure, sure." And with that, Nen continued his narration from the day before.

After dropping Xin before the convi store Nen started to turn back his car for returning and Xin entered inside the store to buy himself an obento for dinner.

After turning back his car Nen remembered he hadn't given his card to Nen. He was gonna get out of his car and went near Xin for exchanging their cards when he saw something in Xin's hand. Something that no ordinary student can have on their hand.

At the counter of the convi shop Xin was using a Premium Black Diamond VIP card for paying his bills. The thing that intrigued Nen was not the Premium Black Diamond VIP card but the small logo embedded on it.

Sometimes ago Xin told everyone that his father works in a trading company, and using a Black Card was not a big thing in his case, since anyone could say that it must be an add on (additional card) that comes with the main Premium Black Diamond VIP cad owned by Xin's dad. But the small logo on his card was something that attracted Nen's attention the most.

The Premium Black Diamond VIP card had a WTO logo on it. Something that the WTO issues only to its employee, after five years of service.

At first Nen doubted his eyes, so he took out his smartphone and used the zoom feature of his camera to have a closer view on the card. And as seen before, it really had a small logo of WTO on it.

Nen took a pic of it in Xin's hand and drove back to Nen enterprises building as fast as possible. After reaching there, he observed Ryuu and Natasha have become friends, followed by Ryuu apologizing to him for his misbehaviour.

After Yamamoto completed eating his traditional soba noodles, he showed them the pic that he had taken some time ago and asked them to observe the small logo on it.

Just like Nen, Natasha thought it must be an add-on Black Card of Xin's father, and they must have given him for his daily necessities. But when Nen pointed out the small logo on it everyone's eyes widened and they saw the logo of WTO on it.

The WTO (World Trading Organisation) is the only international organisation dealing with global rules of trade between two nations. Its main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably, and freely as possible.

And getting a Premium Black Diamond VIP card with a logo of WTO is not as simple as getting a normal Black Diamond Card.

Everyone was flabbergasted when they found out Xin had some connections in WTO. Be it a direct connection or an indirect connection through his parents or relatives, it was not something they mustn't underestimate.

While everyone was thinking about his identity, Ryuu proposed the idea it could be one of those fake logos. Like the cheap stickers available in markets.

Everyone agreed upon it and started to think he must have pasted a cheap sticker on the card. Only two people in the room didn't get convinced about it and dug further into the matter.

The first one was Natasha, and the second one was Nen. He knew very well that all the company funds of his and his fathers were deposited in different banks.

And since Natasha was the one handling money-related matters in the company, she has connections and friends in many banks.

Some hours ago Ryuu had transferred 1 million USD to Xin through a scan. So Nen asked Ryuu to login to his bank account and print out the bank details about Xin's bank.

Ryuu logged in to his bank account and printed his recent transaction history. On top of which was the transaction of 1 million USD, to account number CBJ147911121416.

Nen took the slip and asked Natasha to use her connection to check out Xin's account. Natasha had a close friend in CBJ (Central Bank of Japan) so she asked her friend to get info on the account number CBJ147911121416.

Now usually it's a violation of laws to leak information of one customer to another customer, but Natasha and the bank manager were good friends, so she leaked the information, and sent them a PDF copy of Xin's bank details.

Natasha received the PDF and without even opening it, she forwarded the file to his older brother sitting beside him.

Nen clicked on the PDF file and opened its content for a read. And this was the thing that he saw inside.


Name: Xin Karlos

Age: 18


Bank name: Central bank of Japan

Account type: Savings

Card: 1

Type: Premium, black diamond

Current Balance: 200 million USD


Natasha's expression darkened, and Nen's eyes widened.

For Natasha, she was more shocked by Xin's bank balance. An hour ago when he was leaving she asked him what he would do with that money?

And Xin's answer at that time was, "Just an addition to my pocket money."

Natasha was somewhat confused about his statement at that time. But now she was clear about it and understood the meaning of "an addition to pocket money."

For someone like Xin who has a bank balance of more than 180 Million USD, a small 1 Million USD doesn't mean much.

For Nen, he became sure that Xin is not from normal family background, and the matter wasn't as simple as they were thinking.

A high schooler refused a 75 Million per annum salary package that comes with other perks and benefits in addition to the salary. Later they found out that same kid has a bank balance of 200 Million USD.

Xin stopped the narration at that, and asked, "Mr. Nen tell me one thing, how did you find out about my parent's jobs and biodata?"