

Ren, the most hated student in middle school, finds a pair of Unique Glasses in a river. They transport him to a place called The White Room, a place where his life becomes a Video Game with quests. His new quest is to finish High school, but his initial plans were flipped when he discovered through The white room that his parents death wasn't an accident but a planned murder and to gain more information he must first increase his favourability with the mastermind behind his parents fatal accident, who is linked to his dad's school which is infested with bullies from his middle school. Despite wanting to avoid past bullies, he sets the quest location there. His plan is to seek revenge on the mastermind by increasing his favourability with everyone and that is through becoming the most popular person in the school by using the glasses' abilities, plus he also plans on getting revenge on the entire school for his past traumas. Can he succeed and uncover more powers? Find out in this thrilling story.

SEN_PANDA · sci-fi
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11 Chs

The Prologue

[Ch.1 Prologue]

Two fat boys ran up to a dark haired boy

" hey Ren , where you going" ,

the second one said "come on we are broke, buy lunch for us again".

While walking closer

The dark haired boy replied , "i don't have money on me right now"

While walking faster.

"come on we know you are swimming in cash

Weren't your parents rich , you got all the money when they died didn't you".

He then grabs onto Ren .

Sorry "i can't waste it , he said while trying to step away from them".

" what , you consider us a waste" , he said furiously .

"no that is not what i"

one of bullies punches him before he could finish the sentence.

"lets go we shouldn't waste our time with

Such a loser",

"that is why you have no friends",

"no parents either" the second bully said

They both laughed while they walked away

"that cracked my glasses" ,i picked up my broken glasses and put in my bag

"They should be happy i didn't give them any food, they are a bite away from being the same size as a baby whale" .

I got up quickly and continued walking home, in case they decide to come back

" i just need to endure it , for two more days",

[1 day later]

i hate waking up early,

it's getting cold ,i should have brought a jacket

i suddenly heard a familiar voice " hey Ren ,"

it was the boys from the previous day.

"why are you walking so fast", one of them said while trying to close the gap between us .

Am not walking fast

you are just slow you pig ,Damn it when will these pigs leave me alone ,

i started walking faster .

"we will forgive you for what you did yesterday , if you give us your lunch money"

It's the usual bull crap but i am too tired to care right now.

"are you going to give it to us or not" , he said while, he grabs my shirt

"why should i , don't your parents give you money"

" how dare u, we were kind enough to forgive you " , he said furiously

" maybe he is still half asleep ,this will wake him up"

He pushed me in the river and they both laughed as they ran away .

Is this guy an idiot ,is he actually trying to kill me

it's so cold

Should i just let myself drown ,

I might reincarnate into another world , they might have elves with big -

Wait what is that shiny thing .

I started to swim towards it,

it was a silver glasses case

I quickly took it and swam back up

it's cold , i should go home , and call in sick .

after a long hot shower

i sat on my bed , while drying my hair

and i suddenly remembered

Oh yeah that case

I opened it

" Normal looking glasses , i expected more after seeing the case

Well i needed a replacement anyway

I hope the lens is not too strong"

I put it on and all of a sudden

the room started turning white.

"Wait what is happening "

The room fully turned white.

And out of nowhere, letters start appearing in front of me

# welcome to the white room#

" Am i dreaming

Did i die

is this heaven ?

What a surprise i thought i would end up in hell "

# tap for more information#

a button shows up

i clicked it and

a big screen appears

# The ### glasses

This glasses shows you the true nature of everyone you see through it

.....synchronising with the host ....

Thoughts , feelings , desires,#

"what is going on"

# done synchronising

Simplified for hosts mind,

Searching memories...

Theme found video games,

Current progress

middle school

Redesigning system ,



Restarting, exiting host for reconstruction.

Everything started to change again

I stood up and found myself in my room

"what just happened "

that happened so quick i couldn't even react.

am i turning mad ,

i realised i was still wearing the glasses, so i

Removed them quickly and threw it on my bed.

" this can't be real

This might be a dream".

I slapped myself to confirm

"oww!! that hurts ,

it's not a dream after all

Maybe i should ask someone on the internet , i might be hallucinating".

I went on my computer to find out what was happening.

# what is happening am i going crazy i just picked up a pair of glasses ,and when i wore them

My room turned all white then letters popped up

, the thi..... and that.... . then no more white room , back to my room,

# 1 user responded to your question #

"Oh Good someone answered ",

#Results found#




"It broke , well that didn't help at all"

I guess i have to try it on again to find out ".

I looked at the glasses, knowing it's the only option

" i might as well try it now "

I put in on, and it happened again

The whole room started turning white again

The process was too scary for me so I closed my eyes quickly

" is it done".

I opened my eyes slowly and found myself sitting on a school chair with a school table in front of me .

"Isn't this my school desk , it got the same marks on it

Wait is this my bag".

I picked it up and opened it.

"It has all my stuff ",

How is that possible .

floating letters appeared in front of me again

# current main quest :

Middle School

( 90 % completed)

"Oh yeah , its almost the end of middle school, how did it know that,

Can these glasses do anything else "

"It did mention something about showing the true nature of someone

How do i see it

Hmmm , show abilities"

# Abilities :

True nature

( shows people's level of likability towards you

And their opinion about you, along with their characteristics

Theme: games )



"the theme for this ability is games , well i guess all am good at is playing games

Showing true nature hmm , what like an otome game where you have to conquer heroines , maybe ,

Is there anything else

I clicked on the main menu and the floating window changed

#main menu:



Social Ranking

"what , there is a ranking system ,

out of all the things , it chose social ranking"

i clicked on it

Current Rank : 367/367

"Well no surprises there , i hardly know anyone in this list "

I scrolled through the rank table.

"I am starting to get depressed "

i haven't seen everything yet , but let me leave first , to make sure that i haven't turned crazy,

how do i leave this room

Maybe... Log out"

The white room starts turning back into my bed room

"its a Good thing that worked ,i was probably in there for a while"

I looked at the digital clock , next to my bed .

"What it's still 9:30 am ,

I remember it being the same ,

I could swear that i was there for more than 20 minutes

It should be almost 10 am by now

Does that mean , if am in the white room

Time stops

I removed and stared at the glasses.

"What the hell are these glasses ,

maybe i should try and search something up again"