
Project: Ouroboros

Synopsis unavailable. A/N: Firstly I want to state that English is not my first language, so if you can't ignore some mistakes then this fanfic is not for you. Another warning is that in this fanfic some characters will have a different attitude than the canon or the original version, so take note of this warning before starting. I'm also writing this to pass the time nothing serious but I'll try my best to complete this fic.

AnshinSaltz · Anime und Comics
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22 Chs


Ophiuchus guided A2 through the complex, where an elevator revealed itself after skillful touches on a hidden panel. They descended together until they reached an underground area, the heart of which was a spacious and well-lit hall.

A2 was surprised to see that a significant part of the installation was active once again, with control panels and monitors displaying constant information. Despite the beauty and fascination of the place, she felt an unsettling sense that something was amiss.

"This is my Sanctuary, A2. Where my research and projects are being conducted," Ophiuchus explained with pride.

A2 remained on alert but was also curious to learn what Ophiuchus was about to reveal. Ophiuchus led her to a specific area where capsules were lined up in rows.

"Here are my High-Androids, a new form of life I'm developing. Unlike androids, they are organic beings... Well, at this stage, I can say they are bio-organic with enhanced capabilities, skills, and characteristics," he explained.

As he spoke, A2 noticed something surprising. In one of the capsules, there was a familiar face. Her eyes widened as she recognized members of her squad.

"How... how are they here?" she asked her emotions a mix of confusion.

"You will be surprised to know that you were supposed to be here too, A2," said Ophiuchus, his enigmatic smile remaining unchanged.

"What do you mean by that?" A2 inquired, feeling a strange sensation inside her.

"You were part of my original plans for the High-Androids. I intended to develop a perfect task force, capable of resisting and protecting against any threat more efficiently than any construct can achieve," Ophiuchus explained.

A2 was shocked. She never imagined she would be involved in such an ambitious project.

"I'm not just a construct! I'm a combat android created to protect humanity," she protested.

"Indeed, you are more than a mere construct, A2," Ophiuchus said, approaching one of the capsules. "The enhancement of a unit into a High-Android takes considerable time. Your former team members were not destroyed; they were recovered, reassembled, and had their bodies and data analyzed. After all, you were the first YoRHa units to act on the ground."

A2 was stunned by the news. She had never known that her team had survived the mission.

"Why? How?" she questioned, trying to understand what had happened.

"If I tell you that..." Ophiuchus, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of admiration and intrigue.

"There's no Council of Humanity? Just a group of AI orchestrating every battle, every mission, every battle?" A2 felt a mix of conflicting emotions. This revelation shook the foundation of her identity as a combat android.

"That doesn't change the fact of what you're developing. And that's something I can't allow," A2 asserted, reaffirming her determination.

"I understand your hesitation, A2. But imagine if they can change the course of this senseless war more efficiently than you can do alone," Ophiuchus said, trying to entice her with his words.

A2 shook her head, rejecting the idea. "I can't allow that to happen. It's my mission to protect humanity, even if it means facing unknown threats. I can't let you sacrifice them in the name of efficiency."

Ophiuchus studied her for a moment, his eyes shining with a mix of respect and admiration. "You are truly unique, A2. A combination of strength and compassion that I rarely encounter. Your decision is noble, but I'm not sure if you fully understand what's at stake."

A2 looked at Ophiuchus, his words echoing in her mind. She felt torn, with her convictions to protect humanity conflicting with the temptation to achieve efficiency beyond her imagination. However, the idea of joining the project was starting to take hold in her mind, fueled by Ophiuchus's persuasive words and curiosity about what she could become.

"Are you telling me that I could develop a fraction of their physical abilities?" she asked, seeking a better understanding of what he meant.

"Exactly, A2. During our battle, you had a brief glimpse of what could be achieved if you allowed the enhancement process to be completed. Your movements and abilities will be enhanced to the ideal result," Ophiuchus replied, his voice still filled with seduction.

A wave of temptation washed over A2. She had always strived to be a competent android, but facing Ophiuchus and realizing he was beyond her comprehension made her question her limitations. The idea of being even more powerful was irresistible.

"Allow yourself to reach your true potential, A2. The project is not only about creating a new race but also about elevating you to a level beyond your current capabilities," Ophiuchus insisted, approaching her slowly.

She felt Ophiuchus's presence, his magnetic aura almost hypnotizing her. The will to resist was weakening as he continued to highlight the possibilities she could achieve. The decision was becoming increasingly difficult.

"You say I could be stronger, but what would happen to humanity?" A2 argued, struggling to maintain her rationality.

"You've always been controlled by your programming, A2. But imagine being able to decide for yourself, to choose who to protect and how to do it. It would be a freedom few possess," Ophiuchus whispered, his words echoing in her mind.

The seduction of her freedom, the power of choice, was something A2 had never seriously considered. She had always followed orders without question, but the prospect of making her own decisions was tempting.

"What should I do?" A2 asked, her heart racing at the crossroads.

"Enter the capsule, A2. Let me initiate the process; you will become an unstoppable force, capable of shaping your destiny," Ophiuchus replied, moving even closer to her.

Ophiuchus's hand gently touched A2's face, and she felt a wave of excitement course through her body. The decision was being made within her, and her determination wavered in the face of the seduction of an unknown reality.

"I... I accept," she murmured, her voice trembling.

Ophiuchus smiled triumphantly, knowing that he had convinced her. He guided A2 to the capsule, where she willingly entered. The shimmering lights enveloped her, and the sensation of immeasurable power began to spread through her being.

As the capsule closed, A2 felt a mix of excitement and fear. She was about to embark on an unknown journey, embracing her true nature and potential. Her thoughts were confused, but one thing was certain: her life would never be the same again.

Ophiuchus watched the capsule with a gleam in his eyes, satisfied with the success of his persuasion.