

In a universe which exists at an atemporal time, filled with infinite realms and dimensions. With an astral abyss comes the struggle for supremacy.    Races conquer the weaker species, lording over them like demigods, the quest for more resources turned the astral seas into a burial ground full with tales of wars.    In a universe filled with colossal beasts, monsters and mysteries, lies the foundation of the age in which Project Kied is based.    With the more powerful empires always thirsting and battling for more territories, they merge into leagues, orders and confederacies, to mutually channel their resources towards achieving their goals.    But a realm within the midst of this chaos suddenly disappeared as though it had never existed, its tides faded, taking along with it a race called the Nordens.    This set of lifeforms have had one basic characteristic with which they identified themselves, which is their State - Peace and Matter - Light.     Milleniums after, when their existence to the other realms had now become a myth, a child was born with a State and Matter that went against the status quo. By name Project Kied, he was confirmed to be of the State - War and Matter - Dark and Night.    Temporarily sent on exile after destroying his pillars of light, Kied finds his higher form - Equivax - while sailing the astral seas and he is trained by Equivax into becoming a cosmic pirate, who are the only form of resistance capable of challenging the feudal orders.    But Kied is fated to be more than a cosmic pirate, just as Norx Hade Zex had said, "... THE DARK CHILD OF WAR".     Will he be brave enough to pursue his destiny regardless of the trails and challenges ? Can he fearlessly grin at the death of day ? For in the beginning it was night.

Sigma Yaty · sci-fi
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56 Chs

Chapter 37

"What else Is there relating Kied to Norden sir."

"Kied feels pain", Tergon revealed, "even I don't feel pain but Kied does and in the city of Norden their people don't feel pain as well."

"That only emphasizes that Kied is in no way a native of Norden, apart from the already established theory that he somehow knows how to get there. Imagine sir, he's of Matter Dark and Night, of the State War and feels pain, so taking him as a native is equivocal."

"Yes it is debatable", Tergon postulated, "because he is of darkness, night and war while those of Norden are of light and peace. But think deeper Garvey ", Tergon pushed, "He's the complete opposite of what it means to be a native of Norden and possessing opposing traits makes him unworthy of being one. What if Kied had left Norden because of his odd nature ?"

"You mean he ran away ?" Garvey opined.

"Yes, he must have been sent on exile", Tergon concluded, "as an outcast."

*** *** ***

The clang of armour and steel echoed across this cosmic expanse and those mountainous flares of flames rose in a never ending spree of destruction as both armies of battleships clashed into the ranks of the other, resulting in a heated combat as shops sank, space wrecked.

The halos came from Tergon's fleet in their savage intensity, taking down scores of battleships and battlecarpets belonging to the enemy's fleet. Their rugged armour, bladed at every corner, goring down the vessels belonging to the foe. His interstellar chariots swarmed the battlefield as well as his cosmic beasts which attacked the foe's army of beasts, enacting that monstrous struggle, resulting in those steel shattering screeches and howls which sent this cosmic expanse quaking in thunderous reverberations. They had begun and the prize lay ahead of them, across the strongholds of the enemy, across this battlefield and across this conflict, was their desired objective, the gateway to the realm holding the first boulder of Er.

Unsheathing his sword, Tergon climbed onto his battleboard which sent him sailing through the distance, launching him into the enemy's assaulting ranks. His being frayed and raved unleashing that condensed wall of scarlet flames, which fell upon the battlecarpets that stood in his way. Rasing his rhombic shield, Tergon deflected the halos coming from the mobile cannons of the opposition. Slashing at them with his sword, one by one, Tergon sent them blowing into flames behind him.

Time froze and those dense eruptions arose, shattering its way through the distance, that parallax was the beginning of this cosmic insanity. Tergon's sword flared and his being ignited itself, resonating the spark in his soul, it flowed, the rise of that chaotic ocean, making him flow to infinity.

Tergon's blade clashed with thousands and it devoured thousands, sending the battlefield rippling with titanic waves, a grand show of lightning and flames at helm of quivering worlds. Those cosmic beasts screeched as the blade of his sword dug into their being, impaling them, it burnt them to ash. And in their hundreds they fell upon him but he was fire and lightning, the apex of destruction. They came in waves and he sent them falling as a storm. Unleashing halos upon him, his shield ever ready, took him through the storm and they howled as he unleashed his attack. A mighty sea of lightning infested waves fell upon them, wiping them away, it transformed them into drifting dust.

The astral battlements of this empire lay ahead and he, Tergon, could see their charged rayguns, ready to fire and they did, unleashing that storm upon his fleet. Charging like an enflamed halo upon his combat board towards the impending storm, Tergon raised that colossal shield of a burning read which received the impact of the storm. Pushing forward, Tergon's field sent that sea of fire backfiring, it raged, falling upon the enemy, burning its way through their battlements it wiped out everything that stood in its way.

Rising from his knees, still soaring upon his battleboard, Tergon took in the air. That livening sensation went into his lungs, welcoming the heat of battle, running down his spine, it awakened the dormant depths of his powers. His eyes falling upon the enemy's resurfacing fleet, they raved, his being now ready to battle to its fullest, all it wanted was to take this fight to infinite heights.

His army of cosmic beasts charged ahead of him, falling like meteors upon the enemy's battleships and battlecarpets who launched a counter assault, unleashing those volleys of halos which weren't just enough to take down Tergon's army of cosmic beasts which stretched far and wide, concealing this cosmic plain's horizons.

Their flaring scales deflected the halos as they burnt the injuries away. Enraged, the beasts fell upon the enemy. Their claws cutting through armour and steel, wreaking battleships, carpets and chariots, which went crashing like a cosmic rain of exploding flames. So were their howls of rage which rose high, shaking the distance with their monstrous echoes.

That smile took over Tergon's lips but this was just the beginning, therefore, there was no need to celebrate. Charging forward, his sword blazing, his shield raving and his entire being enflamed, Tergon crashed into the enemy's lines, his army following him behind. That barrage of armour and steel reverberated as ships crashed into themselves and the cries of soldiers swarming onto the ships of the foe rose, as their anchors tore through the targeted ships' armour.

Tergon's blade cut through armour, sending scores of soldiers falling with a single blow. Parrying blows with his shield, he spun around unleashing a halo which swept away all the soldiers on the deck of this battleship. Leaping onto another battleship, a new wave of destruction began and it was savage. Tergon's blade was sonic and invisible, taking down scores of soldiers from every possible angle imaginable, sending swords flying into the air in halves and dwindling the numbers of the enemys attacking ranks, he was a whirlwind of flames. His being igniting again, he began ascending his cosmic peak and that evolution created those cracks that etched themselves all over his being. Unleashing those destructive waves, it made his body fray, Tergon became a tsunami on rampage, burning his way through the enemy's ranks, destroying every obstacle impeding his progression and with each second that passed, the enemy's fleet was gradually getting destroyed.

Consumed within his frenzy of cosmic pulses, Tergon's being quaked when he crashed into that emerald shield that had enacted itself before him. The collision was intense as both forces battled for supremacy over the other. The battle dragged on and Tergon unyielding, pushed forward, but no progress could be made. Now evenly matched with another cosmic force of its own, Tergon's being felt like tearing apart, and within this haze of chaos, that explosion of red and green flames rose to the astral skies.