

In a city filled with powerful heroes, Alex is an outcast – a "Null" without any superpower. After a tragic accident related to the secretive Project Genesis kills his father, a parasitic black liquid called Void stirs inside Alex.

Zen_and_Soop · sci-fi
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14 Chs

Uncertain Escape

Alex was completely worn out. Every part of his body hurt, and he was breathing heavily. The struggle had left him hurt and mentally exhausted. He was lying on the hard floor of the destroyed lab, and the smell of burned metal was bothering him.

He looked around and saw the mess. The lab, which used to be clean, was now a disaster. The containment chamber was broken open, and its contents were all over the floor. His fight with the shadowy monster had caused a lot of damage, just like the chaos inside him.

He let out a soft moan as he tried to get up. His side hurt a lot because of the monster's attack. He carefully reached for his glove. The device, which usually felt cool and smooth, was now warm and wet, looking like it was covered in oil.

Fear surged in his heart. Could the glove be broken? Was it the cause of the weird liquid? He moved his fingers, feeling a sharp pain travel up his arm. The glove appeared to work, but he felt uneasy. Something wasn't right.

All at once, a voice came through the lab's speakers, unclear and filled with noise. "Attention unauthorized personnel. Genesis Security is en route to your location. Surrender immediately or be terminated with extreme prejudice."

Alex's body went cold. The security team. He had forgotten about them during the fight. He couldn't take them on in his condition. He needed to get out of there, and fast.

Getting up with difficulty, he made his way to the hole in the containment room. It was his only way out. When he got to the opening, he looked back at the lab one more time. He saw the black smoke left from the shadow creature, which reminded him of the fight.

Taking a deep breath, Alex squeezed through the hole, feeling the metal hurt his sore skin. He ended up in a narrow maintenance tunnel, dimly lit and with the sound of machines.

With a grunt, he moved forward, the adrenaline hiding the pain in his body. He didn't know where the tunnel went, but it was better than dealing with Genesis Security. The blinding lights made long, scary shadows that moved along the walls, making his already tense nerves even worse.

Every noise from the metal structure sounded like someone was following him. The air became heavy and hard to breathe. He kept moving, but his eyesight was getting worse. How long had he been moving? It felt like forever.

Just when he thought he couldn't go on, a small light appeared far away. It gave him hope, like a light in the dark. He moved faster and faster.

As he got closer, the light became stronger, showing a metal grate at the end of the tunnel. Alex pushed against the grate. It opened with a loud, rusty sound, revealing a dark alleyway lit by a streetlamp.

Freedom. The word repeated in his thoughts like a comforting tune after the oppressive darkkness of the tunnel. Dragging himself out of the hole, Alex fell onto the hard, wet ground. He stayed there, struggling to breathe, the noises of the city—far-off car horns, emergency sirens in the night—were like a beautiful music compared to the quiet of the lab.

He had gotten away. But what had it cost him? He was hurt, with cuts and bruises, and his link to the Void seemed... off. Not steady. A chill went through his body. He had a sense that this was only the start.

As he lay there, feeling the burden of his decisions, Alex was sure of one thing: he couldn't remain in the city. He needed answers and a way to manage the darkness inside him. He needed to find Cronus. Cronus was his only chance, the only person who could help him learn, understand the power of the Void, and live with the darkness that was inside him. The city lights became blurry as tiredness took over, and Alex fell asleep, feeling the heaviness of his uncertain future on his chest.

As he lay there, feeling the weight of his decisions, Alex was sure of one thing for sure: he couldn't stay in the city. He needed answers and a way to manage the darkness inside him. He needed to find Cronus. Cronus was his only chance, the only person who could help him learn, understand the power of the Void, and teach him how to live with the darkness that was inside him. The city lights became blurry as tiredness took over, and Alex fell asleep, feeling the heaviness of his uncertain future on his chest.