

In a city filled with powerful heroes, Alex is an outcast – a "Null" without any superpower. After a tragic accident related to the secretive Project Genesis kills his father, a parasitic black liquid called Void stirs inside Alex.

Zen_and_Soop · sci-fi
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14 Chs


The steady sound of rain hitting the metal roof was the only thing that helped Alex fall asleep, even though he didn't sleep well. He was lying on a worn-out mattress in a small attic room, with dusty air and a little bit of moonlight coming through a dirty window. The safehouse, an old townhouse hidden in the city's forgotten streets, was very different from his old life. But for now, it was a place of safety, a temporary shelter from the problems outside and the ones inside him.

Days and nights passed quickly with lots of things to do. Cronus, an experienced person who knew many people in the city's hidden parts, had gotten them fake names and a small amount of money. Learning to live without being noticed was tough, with many hours spent looking for leftovers and avoiding people who might see them.

The nights were dedicated to training. Under Cronus's guidance, Alex started a tough physical training program meant to improve his quickness and build his strength. He practiced fighting with makeshift weapons, turning found pipes and pieces of wood into defensive tools. However, the most difficult part was the Void.

Cronus, even though he knew a lot about the shadows, acknowledged his lack of understanding when it came to the Void. They were exploring new ground, learning by trying things out and making mistakes, through a series of tiring workouts that left Alex exhausted in body and mind.

He concentrated on imagining the Void, not as a shapeless disorder, but as a turbulent sea of power. He tried to direct this energy in short bursts, making things move around the room or creating a tiny white flame at his fingertips. It was like a careful dance, always fighting to maintain control. If he made a mistake or lost focus, the darkness could take over, turning him into the terrifying creature he dreaded.

Every night brought nightmares, constantly reminding him of the immense power inside him. He dreamed of devastation, of releasing the Void and destroying everything in its way. He would wake up soaked in sweat, his heart pounding, with a bitter taste of fear in his mouth.

One evening, while they were gathered close to a candle that was flickering, Cronus saw the scared look in Alex's eyes. He put his old hand on Alex's shoulder, speaking in a rough but caring voice. "It's not easy, Alex. The Void... it's a double-edged sword. It can be a source of immense power, but it can also be your undoing. You have to learn to coexist with it, to find a balance."

Alex nodded, feeling the importance of Cronus' words. He looked at his hands, which were tightly clenched in his lap. "But what if I can't? What if I become the monster again?"

Cronus looked at him, his dark eyes unwavering. "Then you fight. You fight with every fiber of your being. You don't let the darkness control you, you control it."

A feeling of resistance sparked in Alex's heart. He wouldn't give in to the darkness. He would learn to use the Void, not as a weapon to destroy, but as a tool to stay alive, to fight against the Order and the forces that threatened to take over the world.