

In a city filled with powerful heroes, Alex is an outcast – a "Null" without any superpower. After a tragic accident related to the secretive Project Genesis kills his father, a parasitic black liquid called Void stirs inside Alex.

Zen_and_Soop · sci-fi
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9 Chs

The First Mission

The wind roared fiercely, driving rain against the shiny, glass front of the Genesis headquarters. Alex held onto the side of the building, high above the city, his heart racing fast in sync with the storm. Down below, the city lights flickered and changed colors like a broken kaleidoscope.

Cronus, darkened by the shadows against the city lights, held onto the building with an eerie calmness. "Ready, null boy?" His voice was rough and cold, without any kindness.

Alex clenched his teeth. He disliked the nickname, which always reminded him of his old life. "Just call me Alex," he said quietly, concentrating on using Void's power to make his fingers stick to the smooth wall like a gecko.

Cronus gave a quiet nod and pressed a button on his wrist. A hidden door on the building's wall slid open with a soft sound, showing a dark passageway.

"Remember," Cronus whispered, his voice almost lost in the wind. "stay focused. Don't let the darkness consume you." He disappeared into the passage, leaving Alex standing at the edge.

Alex took a deep breath and went in after him, the dark completely surrounding him. The metal passage was filled with the sound of wind and the steady drop of rain. He turned on a tiny light on his glove, sending a thin ray of light cutting through the dark.

They climbed down for what seemed like forever, the quiet only interrupted by the steady sound of their boots hitting the metal steps. At last, the tunnel led to a dimly lit hallway, where the sharp smell of cleaning chemicals filled Alex's nose.

"Genesis labs," Cronus said softly, pointing down the corridor. The flickering lights above them made long, scary shadows as they walked.

They walked quietly, Alex very aware of everything around him. The importance of his task weighed heavily on him – get into the main labs, uncover their hidden truths, and maybe, just maybe, discover a way to manage the dark power inside him.

Instantly, a red warning light started flashing at the far end of the hallway. A loud, powerful voice came from hidden speakers. "Unauthorized personnel detected. Lockdown initiated."

Alex felt a chill. They had been noticed. Quickly, Cronus tossed a small, shining ball onto the ground. It burst with a bright flash and a loud noise, confusing the security system for a moment.

"Go!" Cronus shouted, pushing Alex toward a side door.

With a rush of excitement, Alex rushed through the door and found himself in a clean lab with many bubbling containers and flashing screens. Tables were scattered with papers showing complicated equations and drawings. In the middle of the room was a large locked box with a spinning dark fog inside.

As Alex got closer, a voice, sounding very calm and not friendly, came from the box. "Welcome, experiment X-13."

Alex stopped breathing for a moment. Experiment X-13. That was his designation before escaped. He felt sick. Was this where his special abilities came from? Was there someone else locked inside, just like him?

Instantly, a bright red warning light filled the room. Loud alarms sounded, and robotic guards appeared from the dark corners, their shiny metal parts looking threatening.