

In a city filled with powerful heroes, Alex is an outcast – a "Null" without any superpower. After a tragic accident related to the secretive Project Genesis kills his father, a parasitic black liquid called Void stirs inside Alex.

Zen_and_Soop · sci-fi
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14 Chs


Rain pounded hard on the dirty window, making the bright city lights outside look fuzzy. Alex curled up in the dark with his heart beating wildly. Cronus, or the mysterious person hidden in shadows, walked back and forth in front of him.

"Tonight," Cronus said in a deep, rough voice, "you claim your power. Project Genesis will shake when it hears about its own making."

Alex felt a chill. The idea of going back to that cold, clinical place where they tested on him, turning him into a weapon, made him feel both angry and scared. He tightened his fists, and the dark marks on his skin seemed to move under his fingers.

The past week was incredibly busy. Cronus, who didn't really want to, became his teacher and taught him about Void. Alex learned how to use dark energy, turning it into powerful attacks or strong shields. This new strength was exciting and very different from the feeling of being powerless he always had.

But using this dark energy had a downside. There was a quiet voice in his head that kept telling him it could give him great power if he just gave in. Cronus called this the 'Void's hunger,' a never-ending desire that made him question his sanity.

"Remember, Alex," Cronus said, sounding a bit cautious, "control is paramount. Let the Void consume you, and you become the monster they created."

Alex took a deep breath, feeling the sharp taste of fear in his mouth. He was determined not to give in. He didn't want to lose himself and become just another tool for them. He wanted to get back at them, sure, but not if it meant losing who he was.

Cronus showed a holographic map, with the well-known, intimidating shape of the Genesis headquarters right in the middle. "Tonight, we infiltrate their most secure facility – the core labs. They hold the secrets to Project Genesis, the formula that birthed your power and countless others."

A small worry appeared in Alex's thoughts. "What if there are others like me? People they've experimented on and discarded?"

Cronus's expression stayed hard to read. "Perhaps. But tonight, we focus on the source. We cripple Genesis, and expose their atrocities to the world."

Alex felt sick. This wasn't only about getting back at them now. It was about helping others who could be stuck in the same horrible situation he had been in. He made up his mind and gave a quick nod.

"Then let's go," he said with his voice rough but strong.

Cronus gave him a tight-fitting suit that made him more agile and provided some protection. He also got a peculiar glove that glowed faintly blue, which was said to help him use his abilities without being affected by the Void.

When they went out into the stormy night, Alex looked back at the dimly lit room. There was one question he couldn't answer: Was Cronus a helper or just another person controlling him for his own reasons? Alex felt a sudden fear that the answer might be hidden in the heart of Project Genesis.