

In a city filled with powerful heroes, Alex is an outcast – a "Null" without any superpower. After a tragic accident related to the secretive Project Genesis kills his father, a parasitic black liquid called Void stirs inside Alex.

Zen_and_Soop · sci-fi
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14 Chs


The intense white light faded, showing someone who was no longer Alex. His human shape had disappeared, replaced by a creature made entirely of darkness. His skin, which used to be a normal color, was now a deep black, without any texture or detail. The only light came from a single, glowing white spot that acted as his right eye. The left eye socket was empty, ressembling a dark hole reflecting the darkness that had taken over.

The shadowy creature stepped back, its red eyes showing a mix of fear and hate. It let out a loud scream that seemed to shake the walls of the laboratory.

This new shape gave Alex a feeling of exciting power. He felt light and free from the limits of his human body. His senses were stronger, and the lab's environment was like a complex mix of information. But even with the excitement, a small feeling of worry crept in. This wasn't just power; it was a craving and a gnawing emptiness that could cause trouble.

A sharp pain spread across his changed body, which showed his resistance against his unnatural condition. The unstable darkness around him seemed ready to engulf him.

He clenched his non-existent teeth, remembering what he used to be. He had to finish this battle quickly. He couldn't keep this shape for much longer without being consumed by the darkness inside him.

With a surge of dark power, similar to his earlier white energy, he launched himself at the monster. It attacked with its tentacles, but Alex easily avoided them, moving smoothly and without effort. He retaliated with a series of strong hits, as the dark energy piercing deeply into the monster's dark body.

The creature cried out in agony, moving slower and more erratically. It appeared that Alex's strikes were making it weaker, just as the creature's attacks were wearing him down.

A risky strategy came to his mind. He concentrated his power again, but this time, he aimed for accuracy rather than raw strength. He directed the dark energy into his hand, forming it into a long, pointed extension.

With a last burst of energy, he charged at the creature, stabbing its dark body with the energy spike. A black glow burst forth from the spot where they collided, enveloping both the creature and Alex in a suffocating black light.

For a moment, there was only the loud silence caused by the explosion. Then, the light dimmed, showing a scene of complete destruction. The containment chamber was destroyed, with burnt and cracked walls.

The shadow creature was gone. Instead, there was a thin trail of black smoke disappearing into the air. Alex stood among the ruins, with his changed body shifting with instability. The pain had grown stronger, and the darkness around him was filled with dangerous unsteadiness.

He knew he had to change back to his human form before he lost control. Taking a deep breath, he concentrated his remaining energy, trying to make the transformation stop.

The process was agonizing. His dark form contorted and warped, and the absence of a body screaming in a way screams couldn't. Finally, with a final burst of dark energy, he was human again, collapsing onto the cold floor of the lab, utterly spent.

He lay there, panting, and his body was battered and bruised. But he was alive. He had won. A wave of relief washed over him, so intense it almost masked the growing sense of dread.

The creature was gone, but the questions remained. Where had it come from? Was it truly destroyed, or would it return in a different form? And most importantly, what did its existence mean for him, for the darkness that pounded within him?

As he lay there, looking at the blinking lights, Alex realized that his journey was just starting. He had discovered a new ability, but it also brought a big and scary duty. He needed to learn how to manage the darkness, both inside him and in the special energy called Void. Only then could he hope to figure out why he was here and maybe find a way to make up for his mistakes in the past.