
Project Evolution

Synopsis Project Evolution" is an enthralling journey through a post-apocalyptic world's rebirth, chronicling the intertwined lives of characters bound by fate and a city forged in the crucible of survival. As the fallen world recovers from the cataclysmic "New Evolution," the story navigates the tumultuous landscapes of Zulum City, a sanctuary where the remnants of humanity struggle to rebuild. The narrative unfolds through the perspectives of diverse characters, each grappling with their pasts, forging alliances, and confronting the enigmatic Tower—a shadowy entity that wields power and secrets. In the grim aftermath of societal collapse, Zulum City stands as a bastion of resilience, its fate hanging in the balance. The Outlanders, led by the steadfast Captain Wayde Baxter, grapple with an unprecedented threat – ghouls that were once human, now driven by insatiable chaos. As the line between humanity and monstrosity blurs, the Outlanders face a harrowing decision – show mercy or embrace ruthless survival? Amidst the decaying remnants of civilization, The Five Orders strive to maintain order and hope within Zulum's fallen walls. From the Guardians of Protection to the Architects of Commerce, each order plays a crucial role in the city's survival. Codex 27, a half-human, half-machine creation, unveils layers of mystery within the tower. As she gains mobility and freedom, hidden glitches reveal tantalizing hints about the world beyond. In her quest for knowledge and escape the confine of the tower not knowing what the future holds for her.

CindyQuinn · sci-fi
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12 Chs

Chapter 2

Project Evolution

Chapter Two: The Genesis


Location: Elevation City

Marvin Street

Year: 2144 (18 years ago)

Time: 10:45 AM

Ambiance: A crisp morning with radiant and resplendent weather

The Addams Mason (located on Marvin Street in Elevation City, was a true architectural masterpiece. Constructed in 2144, it stood as a testament to the city's growth and progress. The building's intricate design and grandeur made it a prominent landmark in the area.)

"Greetings, esteemed denizens of Elevation City, and a most cordial welcome to Newsverse. I am your host, Louis Devonsol, and joining me in the studio today is the venerable Dr. Martinez Gomez, the illustrious founder of the Nano Innovations Laboratory and the preeminent scientist behind the globally renowned endeavor known as 'The New Evolution.'

"Dr. Martinez, it is truly an honor of the highest magnitude to have someone of your eminence grace our studio today. Despite your demanding schedule, you have graciously found the time to address the populace, and for that, we are deeply grateful," extolled the interviewer.

"Well, what can I say other than this is purely my pleasure? "I recognized a unique opportunity to connect with people from all over the world about this exciting breakthrough in science. I had the chance, I couldn't pass it up," Dr. Stevie replied.

"Smart and humble people, these are the true blessings of this generation. Now let's get to the agenda of today's conversation. Dr. Martinez, can you tell us about the upcoming Nano Innovations project that is set to take the world by storm? Additionally, we would be intrigued to hear about the trials and tribulations you encountered throughout the arduous creation process and how you adeptly surmounted them," inquired the interviewer.

"In recent years, we have borne witness to the remarkable evolution of technology, marveling at its transformative impact on various domains. From the advent of Space Tourism to the emergence of Electric and Self-driving cars , and even the tantalizing prospect of Flying Cars the landscape of innovation continues to expand.

Accompanying these advancements are the creation of drones, the construction of roads over rivers, the breakthroughs in Nano technology, and the momentous achievement of Human Genome Mapping. As a scientist, I have long been convinced that humanity is destined for extraordinary feats. Therefore, I have dedicated my time, intellect, and resources to accelerate our path toward this wonderful future.

My team and I at the Nano innovation Laboratory are very proud to present to you our ambitious project "New Evolution". Imagine a world where crime is eradicated, the specters of disease and death are banished, and desires are satisfied with the snap of a finger. A world of infinite possibilities and .....

But amidst this impassioned statement, Troy Adams expressed fierce opposition to this grandiose vision, dismissing it as a mere lie. Angry, he knocked over the table and had his wife Nora quickly turn off the TV. Troy Addams, an unremarkable man, had an ordinary face, demeanor, and voice. He was of average height and of typical build, and his eyes, although of a plain blue tint, were cold and icy enough to pierce the sharpness and heaviness of an axe. Moreover, his lips had an ambiguous and subtle expression that gave off a secret feeling. He was just over forty. On the other hand.

His wife, Nora Addams, elegantly showed off her striking figure and slim body reminiscent of an Amazon goddess. Her decanter-shaped waist accentuated her flawless ocher-toned skin. Her pencil-thin eyebrows softly arched over lashes as black as beetle legs. Her angelic ears and pixie nose looked as if they had been created by a master. She was almost thirty years old. Their young son, Jonas Addams, inherited many of his father's physical traits, albeit with the added beauty and shiny silver mane. He had a sincere, lively and honest soul with playful eyes and blue eyes. His smile shone from within, reflecting the innocence of his childhood. He was eight years old.

Troy and Nora were once colleagues at the Nano Innovation Lab, where they worked with the respected founder Dr. Martinez Gomez. Together they spent years developing their impressive skills. But over time, Martinez became consumed by greed and selfishness, which led him to place personal gain above all else.

After learning how much he had succumbed to evil, Troy and Nora quit their jobs because they wanted no part in Martinez's evil plans. After retirement, they married and Nora had a son, Jonas.

"Jonas, go to your room." Troy commanded loudly as the young boy quickly ran away.

"What's going on, Troy? You've been acting strange the past few days." Nora asked.

"Don't you know what's going to happen? Martinez will soon launch the " New Evolution." When we were at Nano Innovations, I was involved in this field as one of the senior scientists. But I realized this wasn't about saving lives or improving the world. "It was intended to cause chaos and destruction."

After several years, it's finally finished and scheduled to be released in a few days. But no one seems to care whether it actually works or not. Even the government is not researching these new machines. Humanity has been blinded by its desire for power and immortality, and soon we will all pay the price." Troy said, shaking his head in pity.

"I understand that you care deeply about the safety of everyone in Elevation City. Even when Martinez offered you money and power to join his evil plot, you refused. You tried your best to stay away from this project and even tried to tell people the truth, but no one believed you. Now all we can do is hope for a twist of fate or a last-minute miracle. Let's wait and see how events unfold. "

Ding ding! The doorbell rang. "All right. But for now, try to stay calm." Nora said . She went to open her door and found Dr. Bryan Edison with his tall, slim build and rough, mottled skin. He always had a serious expression on his face. His young daughter, Kendra, was a beautiful young girl with short, dark, curly hair, bright blue eyes, and a heart-shaped face accented by arched eyebrows. Although she was only seven years old, she was surprisingly smart for her slender physique.

Bryan Edison became a widow after his wife died giving birth to his only child. Since then, he never remarried and focused on raising Kendra, becoming one of Nano Innovations' top scientists.

"Good morning, ma'am. Nora." Bryan greeted.

"Good morning, Brian." She answered in a cold voice.

"Hello, Aunt Nora." Kendra greeted.

"Have a good morning, dear Kendra." Nora responded as she kissed the younger girl's forehead before Kendra came into the house. She was just about to close her door when Bryan stopped her. "Bryan, what exactly do you want? You already dropped Kendra off.

"It's time to leave." Nora snapped.

"Please listen to me first. I'm not here to cause trouble. "All I want to do is talk to Troy." Bryan pleaded.

"Well, Troy doesn't want to see or talk to you, so bye." Nora answered as she tried to close the door. But Bryan stopped her again.

"This is important because it's about the lives and survival of our children," Bryan said when he finally broke the news.

Nora's anger slowly began to subside. She sighed heavily before finally letting him into the house.

"Honey, who came to the door?" Troy asked without looking at his wife. He was still focused on the newspaper.

"Hi Troy." Bryan greeted.

"What on earth are you doing in my house, you shameless bastard?" Troy, seething with rage, quickly stood up, grabbed Bryan's shirt and tried to strangle him.

"I warned you never to set foot in my house again, you traitor!" Troy screamed loudly.

"Troy, please calm down. The kids are upstairs so they can hear you. Do you remember? They are smarter than you think. If you both continue this behavior, they will soon realize it and all our efforts to keep them in the dark will be in vain." Nora advised, trying to convince her husband not to do something he would regret.

"I'm going to maks snacks for the kids. "You two should try to get along just this once." Before Nora headed into the kitchen, she looked at the two men and pleaded.

Troy finally let go of Bryan and the two stood looking at each other for a moment before Bryan decided to break the silence.

"I know I ruined everything. I'm so sorry. I admit it, you and Nora treated me like family back then. You helped me become a great scientist and, most importantly, a good father. But I took everything for granted and, like Martinez, I allowed greed and power to rule me. But now I regret it. And I know it's too late to fix the situation, but I want you to know that I'm so sorry for everything I've done," Brian pleaded.

Troy looked at Bryan with a look of surprise written all over his face. He still couldn't believe that Bryan, who was arrogant and selfish at the time, was standing in front of him.

"Then what can I say? It's already over. There's no reason to apologize anymore because it's already too late. The project has already started and no one can stop it." Troy concluded, having already lost hope.

"In fact, there is still something we can do to prevent it....

"Jonas' room"

Nora enters the room carrying a tray of desserts, but she is startled to see the children lying in tears.

"What is going on here?" - Nora asked as she placed the tray of snacks on the table.

"Aunt Nora, is it true that we are all going to die soon?" Kendra was sobbing, her eyes already filled with tears. - No, honey, that's not true. Where did you hear such nonsense? - asked Nora.

"Jonas told me." Kendra answered.

"Jonas…" Nora called in a harsh voice.

" I....i heard you and Dad talking about it yesterday. "Dad said as soon as the project is done, we are all gonna die". Jonas admitted as the children continued to cry.

"Come here, kids." Nora said, hugging them both.

"This will never happen. No matter what happens, you both will survive, Nora thought to herself. "Shh, guys. This will never happen. It'll be okay. But if you don't eat the bread I baked for you, I will be very angry and won't cook for you anymore." She said trying to divert her attention from her main topic.

Fortunately, they believed the whole story and quickly ran to the dessert tray. Even though she didn't know what the future held for her and her family, she couldn't let the children pay for their mistakes. She was willing to fight until her last breath to ensure they survived, no matter what.